Hogwarts’ John Wick

30: Exam Week and Trap Doors

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Exam week is coming.

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick showed his concern for John.

"Mr. Wick, have you recovered?" Flitwick asked.

John smiled. "Thank you for your concern, Professor. I'm much better now."

Flitwick's high-pitched voice still held a note of unease. "You were lucky, very, very lucky. The power of that Killing Curse aimed at you was very low."

Flitwick wished he had been there. He would have shown that despicable person what it meant to face a dueling champion.


 In the Charms exam, Pineapple danced tap dance.

John perfectly and elegantly completed the assessment, making Professor Flitwick very satisfied.


The second exam was Transfiguration class, John again attracted Professor McGonagall's concern.

This child has suffered too much. First, he was insulted by Malfoy at the beginning of the school year, and then he was cast with the Imperius Curse and the killing curse.

However, Merlin blessed this child and let him survive.

"Vera verto!"

John took out his wand and pointed it at the mouse in front of him. The mouse turned into an exquisite snuff bottle after a while of changes.

"Perfect, an extremely outstanding transfiguration spell."

Professor McGonagall did not stint in applause and praise.


Then it was potions class, brewing Forgetfulness Potion.

Professor Quirrell was on sick leave and could not come to the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, so Dumbledore was invigilating in person.

This made John a little uncomfortable, because Dumbledore always liked to greet him with his inquiring eyes and playful winks....(Sus..)


History of Magic is the last subject, and also the simplest for John.

Although Professor Binns' dull and boring lessons could put people to sleep, fortunately this subject is the only one that both Muggles and wizards can grasp quickly.

As long as you have a good memory, the history of goblin rebellions can be easily memorized.

When John finally answered the last question, writing down the name of the old wizard who invented the self-stirring cauldron, he could finally relax.

"W..Wick, is your body okay now?"

After finishing the exam, Malfoy came over.

John still remembered that in the pile of get-well gifts on his sickbed, Draco Malfoy's name appeared very frequently.

This little rich master's attitude towards John has changed a lot now.

"Yeah! Much better, I haven't thanked you yet for sending me so many gifts."

"It was a small amount of money." Malfoy turned his head quite haughtily.

 John thought to himself: you are not a little girl, why are you pretending to be so haughty?

Taking out some of the uneaten candy gifts from his pocket that remained, John asked the other party if he wanted to eat something.

Malfoy reluctantly took one, while Goyle and Crabbe were almost fighting like they had never eaten a candy before.

This made Malfoy angrily scold the two people.

John saw a beautiful girl with blond hair.

Daphne Greengrass.

She came over coquettishly and asked with concern: "I heard you were hit by the Imperius Curse, who would have thought someone would do that."

John rubbed his left hand which was a little sore from writing, thought deeply, and said: "It was probably a fugitive, otherwise he wouldn't have entered the forbidden forest."

This beautiful girl was the flower of Slytherin, and she was accompanied by Pansy Parkinson.

There were more and more Slytherins around John, under Malfoy's unrelenting propaganda, this problem child who fought on the first day of school had changed a lot.

When almost everyone had left, John looked at Malfoy sincerely and said: "Draco, I think we should be friends."

Hearing this appellation, Malfoy paused slightly, he looked left and right at the two companions around him, and calmly said: "Oh? Since you asked, then I will do it with reluctance... John."

Calling each other by name acknowledged the relationship between the two parties.

John smiled slightly.

It seemed he had taken one more step along the path of being a Slytherin leader.


John had also received a letter from Hagrid, who told him that the unicorn had sent a thank-you gift.

"Unicorns are wise magical creatures, it's not that hard to accept that they know gratitude."

John came to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid was sitting in a big chair outside, and hurriedly put down the pea pods in his hands when he saw John coming over.

"Great to see you, John, that you're alright."

Hagrid had heard from Harry about John's recovery, but he was still very concerned about John.

He gave John a bear hug, then put John down and said: "BaiBai sent over her shed horn to thank you."

John was puzzled: "BaiBai?"

"The unicorn's name, unicorns all have their own names, but they won't easily tell others."

Hagrid took out the horn from the house, the spiral horn emitted a faint glow, different from what Quirrell sawed off after killing it, this horn gave off a sacred aura.

It was as beautiful as if made with pearl inlays.

John took over the horn, which was far more precious than Billywig stings.

Tom walked out of the small house, with Fang the boarhound following beside him.

The big dog Fang showed a little brother attitude towards Tom, while Tom walked with his head held high, without realizing the big dog next to him could bite his head off with one bite.

"Well done Tom, thanks to you for bringing Professor Kettleburn, of course Fang did a good job too, leading the way."

John patted both dogs, that night in the forbidden forest Tom came and found Fang, letting Fang lead him to find Professor Kettleburn and pass John's letter over.

Professor Kettleburn has always dedicated himself to the research of magical creatures, so his home was near the forbidden forest.

In the manner of speaking about his patrols in the forbidden forest, John told Professor Kettleburn that many magical creatures in the forest had been injured recently. Professor Kettleburn would consciously go to the forbidden forest.

Letters were also sent to several other professors, but without specifying details, just saying outsiders had been discovered intruding in the forbidden forest.

It's unknown why Professor Snape did not come to the forbidden forest, if he was there too, Quirrell would absolutely not have escaped.

Having obtained the horn, John was also inspired to do alchemy, and after asking Hagrid if there were any other materials, he successfully harvested a large basket of various collected magical creature materials.

Even the rarest Acromantula venom was included here, you should know that just a small vial of Acromantula venom was worth 100 Galleons.

Hagrid really was a hidden rich man, finding this money was like picking it up.

Hagrid also wanted to invite John for tea, when the three little ones ran over at this time.

"Hagrid, I have something I want to ask you."

The three little ones ran so fast that their little faces were red.

Harry urgently asked: "Do you still remember the night you won Nobert from playing cards? What did the stranger you played cards with that night look like?"

Hagrid didn't understand, somewhat absent-mindedly said: "I don't know, he wouldn't take off his cloak."

Seeing the three little ones' shocked expressions, he explained: "There are always some strange customers frequenting the Hog's Head Inn, that guy was probably a dragon dealer, I never saw his face clearly, he was wearing a hood."

Harry's heart pounded, his intuition told him he was getting close to the truth.

"What did you talk about with him at the time, did you mention Hogwarts?"

Hagrid frowned and tried hard to remember, "I might have mentioned it, oh right, he asked me what I did, oh that's right, I said I was the gamekeeper here, he kept buying me drinks...he also wanted to find out if I had any ability to deal with a dragon, I told him I even had Fluffy under control, a dragon meant nothing to me."

Remembering the drinks, Hagrid still felt a little unsatisfied.

Harry hearing the words of Hagrid, was even more certain the person was the one trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone.

Hagrid also loudly said that Fluffy liked music, which undoubtedly confirmed the person's identity.

When he finally realized it was too late, the three little ones turned and ran.

Hagrid felt regret and panic. John walked out of the small house, helplessly saying: "Hagrid, you might try controlling your mouth a bit."

"John! It's great that you're here to help."

Looking to John for help, John with difficulty held up a basket of materials and said: "Okay, but I need to put these things away in the dormitory first."

If John's guess was correct, the three little ones were now scheming how to enter the secret passageway.

If entering the secret passageway, they would likely face Voldemort, and John did not want to fight an unprepared battle.

He did not go to the dormitory, but came to the Room of Requirement, and took out a basket of materials to engrave protective charms for himself.

After all, he had the Marauder's Map to monitor the trio's movements at any time.

At nightfall, the three little ones began to move.

John glanced at the half-finished protective charm, and also quickened his pace.

Finally, after some time when the three little ones entered the third floor, John completed the protective charm.

Wearing the protective charm, John stuffed a pocket full of potions.

He was determined, that even if he couldn't beat Voldemort, he would use potions to poison him to death.

He also brought his large sword, ready to set out. Reaching the right side corridor of the fifth floor, it had already been opened.

Fluffy with three heads was staring at him, and John threw out a music box.

Fluffy fell asleep, and John just walked into the trap door.



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