Hogwarts’ John Wick

40: The Dragon Language Speaker

It chased, they ran, and he had no way to escape.

John sped up.

Someone once said that when you encounter a grizzly bear, you don't need to run faster than the bear; you just need to run faster than your companions.

Clearly, among the three wizards, John was the youngest but also the fittest.

He easily overtook the wizard in blood-red robes.

The wizard in the blood-red robe, now at the back, gritted his teeth as the Hungarian Horntail closed in, claws flailing.

With its mouth open, a massive fireball shot out from the Hungarian Horntail's jaws.


The wizard in the blood-red robe waved his wand, summoning a tree stump to block the fireball before it could hit him.

The fireball struck the stump, instantly turning it to charcoal, but the narrow escape allowed him to get away.

He turned around and stopped, a fierce expression on his face.


Stones from the ground flew up and hurled towards the Hungarian Horntail. The dragon became even more enraged; the attacks didn't hurt it but greatly annoyed it.

Seeing his attack had no effect, the wizard in the blood-red robe stubbornly attacked again.

But this time, before he could cast his spell, a giant rock hit by the Hungarian Horntail's tail was hurled towards him.

John turned his head to see the wizard in the blood-red robe still standing his ground.

"Ugh!" While running, Fleur tripped and fell. She felt the ground shake and turned to see a rolling boulder coming towards her.


A white light hit the boulder, shattering it. The flying debris grazed Fleur's cheek.

After casting the spell, John's expression changed. The Hungarian Horntail had already swooped down.

The wizard in the blood-red robe continued attacking, but the dragon's scales were too tough to break.

Seeing the Hungarian Horntail dive down, the wizard could only avoid its direct attack.


John stood in front of Fleur, a shield emitting white light appearing before him.

The Hungarian Horntail swept its spiked tail, easily cutting down the trees in its path.

Splinters and stones shot towards the shield, causing John's feet to sink into the ground.

It wasn't over yet; the Hungarian Horntail howled at the moonlight.

Its black scales gleamed with an iron-like luster under the moon, giving it a lizard-like appearance.

With yellow eyes and bronze-colored horns, its tail also had spikes of a similar bronze hue.

This fifty-foot behemoth was rampaging, spewing dragon fire that engulfed the three of them.

||Die... die... die!||

John continuously cast the Shield Charm to defend against the attack. Fleur, having gotten up, quickly adjusted and waved her wand.


Coldness shot toward the blazing fire and the flames covering them became less intense,

The three of them were struggling to hold out within the fire.


A fierce light flashed in John's eyes, and he didn't even realize that his pupils had momentarily contracted into vertical slits.

As he spoke, the Hungarian Horntail froze.

Then the constant stream of dragon fire stopped, and the Hungarian Horntail extended its neck, looking around in confusion.

Fleur, still shaken, gasped and asked, "What did you say just now?"

John had used the dragon language, which to others sounded like a mimicry of a dragon's roar.

The wizard in the blood-red robe also stopped his attack and turned to look at John.

John walked forward step by step, and the Hungarian Horntail didn't associate the small figure before it with the voice it had heard earlier.

||We mean no harm,|| John said again in dragon language.

This time, the Hungarian Horntail finally noticed him, its large yellow eyes filled with curiosity.

||You... how... do you speak the dragon language?||

The Hungarian Horntail looked down at John from its great height. John took a deep breath, his eyes transforming into the vertical slits of a dragon's, and an aura of dread radiated from him.

||My name is John Wick. We accidentally entered this place and meant no offense to you.||

John communicated with the Hungarian Horntail, lowering his wand to show his sincerity.

||You are... a Dragonmouth.|| The hostility in the Hungarian Horntail's demeanor gradually dissipated.

This scene was too amazing! The two others present were so stunned they barely dared to breathe.

||Yes|| John nodded and said, ||I don't know where this is. The Portkey I took broke down and fell here.||

||Dragontongue speaker, this is Scandinavia, the Valley of No Breath, commonly known as the Valley of Death.||

The Valley of Death?

John hadn't heard of this place before, but seeing the blood-robed wizard, it was clear that there was human activity nearby.

This brought John a sense of relief.

He was worried about not knowing where he had been sent. He bowed to the Hungarian Horntail, ||Respected Fire dragon, I offer my apologies and hope you can forgive our recklessness.||

It was more accurate to say it was the blood-robed wizard's recklessness.

However, given that the three of them were now in the same predicament, John chose not to dwell on it for the moment.

The Hungarian Horntail withdrew its hostility and lowered its proud head to John, ||Respected dragontongue speaker, Amerhan accepts your apology.||

The exchange between John and the dragon left Fleur in disbelief, her beautiful face reflecting her shock.

This was dragon language.

Legend had it that the great wizard Merlin could speak dragon language and communicate with dragons, and no one had been known to possess this ability since him.

Fleur had initially thought John was just an ordinary Hogwarts student, but now she wondered if he might be a descendant of Merlin.

After all, Merlin had attended Hogwarts, so it was a possibility.

The blood-robed wizard also had a peculiar look in his eyes. He watched John closely, his hand unconsciously gripping his wand tightly.

Dragon speakers seemed to hold a special status among dragons, and upon learning that John could speak dragon language, Amerhan ceased its attacks.

With much effort, John managed to get Amerhan to forgive the attack on its rear.

At the same time, John also learned the full story.

Originally, Amerhan had been resting peacefully in the Valley of Death when the blood-robed wizard, who looked like a vampire, suddenly appeared and attacked without warning.

Even dragons have basic physiological needs, and in this vulnerable state, whether human or dragon, they are relatively defenseless.

This sudden attack fully roused Amerhan, who had been chasing the wizard for several hours.


Amerhan left, and the three were no longer in danger.

The blood-robed little wizard hesitated for a moment before approaching the two of them. In a low voice, he said, "Thank you for your help."

"Hmph, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been involved," Fleur snorted coldly.

The little wizard glanced at her and sneered, "I didn't ask you to get involved."

"You!" Fleur was infuriated by his attitude.

"Alright, meeting another human is a good thing, regardless," John intervened, calming Fleur. He then approached the blood-robed wizard and extended his hand. "John Wick, student of Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts? Here?" The blood-robed wizard was somewhat surprised but reached out and shook John's hand.

"Heinrich Edgar, student of Durmstrang."


John was taken aback; he hadn't expected to end up here.

He had heard that Durmstrang had a bad reputation for being unfriendly to Muggle-borns and was one of the few schools that accepted the teaching of dark magic.

Moreover, the first generation of the notorious Dark Lord, Gellert Grindelwald, had attended this school.

John recalled Malfoy once bragging that he was supposed to go to Durmstrang, but Mrs. Malfoy didn't want her son to be so far away.

'I can't believe I've almost crossed out of Europe,' John thought, feeling exasperated. The person who sold them the Portkey might as well have sent them to Asia, might as well taste what the dumplings are like for all the trouble it caused.

Fleur, upon hearing the name Edgar, was shocked and exclaimed, "Edgar, the dark magic family."

Not many families would openly use dark magic as a label, but the Edgar family did so.

Each member of the Edgar family was extremely fanatical and loved to challenge the strong.

Once, an Edgar had sent a challenge letter to Grindelwald. After being defeated, he became a loyal follower of Grindelwald.

Thus, the Edgars were known as the aides of the strong. Only those powerful enough could conquer the Edgars and use them to their advantage.


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