Hogwarts’ John Wick

50: Dobby and the Wall

A powerful bodyguard was sent to Johnny Silverhand's shop in Knockturn Alley.

Mundungus had no idea about the background of this newcomer, Tommy Shelby, but from the way he showed respect to Johnny Silverhand, it was clear he was a trusted confidant.

This realization was a wake-up call for Mundungus, who had been feeling a bit too self-important. It became clear that he was just another subordinate to Mr. Silverhand. For some reason, Mundungus felt a sense of fear towards Shelby, akin to the feeling of being watched by an Auror while he was stealing.

Having such a watchful presence meant Mundungus had to stay on high alert, which he found extremely annoying.

Tommy Shelby, the new hire, was to be paid 100 Galleons a month, with John also providing him with Wolfsbane Potion each month. Shelby had met many werewolves during his year of wandering, and John planned to have Shelby recruit other werewolves once the shop expanded.

John trusted that anyone who could work with a former Auror would have a decent character.

Johnny Silverhand's shop had opened a few days ago. Although business was not booming yet, making 200 Galleons a day was not a problem. As more people learned about the place, business would only grow.

Especially after Damocles received his Order of Merlin, First Class, the reputation of the Wolfsbane Potion would spread, attracting more werewolves to buy it.

A standard dose of Wolfsbane Potion sold for 30 Galleons, allowing the user to suppress the bloodthirsty urges when transforming into a werewolf.

The premium Wolfsbane Potion was priced at 80 Galleons. It allowed a werewolf to recognize their family members and remain calmly in one place during the transformation.

The top-tier Wolfsbane Potion, costing 150 Galleons, enabled the werewolf to retain their own consciousness entirely, even though they took on the appearance of a wolf and couldn't use magic.

These three versions of the Wolfsbane Potion catered to the basic needs of werewolves and provided a way for them to overcome societal discrimination.

The top-tier potion, in particular, was the most time-consuming to produce. It required significant effort to create a potion that allowed a werewolf to maintain their pre-transformation consciousness completely.

John provided Shelby with this top-tier potion, which earned Shelby's unwavering loyalty.


The start of the new school year was approaching.

With Harry staying at the Burrow, John was feeling rather lonely.

Besides counting his gleaming Galleons, he was constantly spending them as well.

Money was always in short supply since alchemy was such a costly endeavor.

Nevertheless, progress was going smoothly. He inscribed a second runic symbol onto the Ironwick Sword and created a magical circuit for Ironwick.

Once the circuit was activated, the sword's magic could be used without draining John's own magical energy.

Of course, these circuits needed time to recharge after each use, making them more of an emergency measure rather than something of significant utility.

One day, John was practicing magic, frustrated that his Transfiguration skills had not improved. He felt the urge to use some points to level it up instantly.

"Maybe I should read more books on Transfiguration?" he wondered aloud.

He had been longing for a dragon form for a while now, estimating that he would need to reach level four to unlock it. With a sigh, he put the thought aside for now.

Suddenly, John sensed an intruder. He had set up detection devices in the basement, alerting him to any unauthorized entry.

Pointing his wand at a corner of the basement, John said coldly, "Did you think I wouldn't notice you?"

A pair of bulging green eyes, as large as tennis balls, peered out, with bat-like ears flopping back.

John acted quickly, casting a Transfiguration spell that turned the corner desk into strips of cloth, which tightly wrapped around the intruder.

"A house-elf?" John was taken aback upon seeing what he had caught.

"Ah—!" The house-elf screamed, "Dobby has come to see John Wick, friend of Harry Potter."

Dobby struggled to free himself, but the cloth strips held him tightly, muffling his screams.

"Dobby? The house-elf?" John asked in surprise.

John recalled Harry's complaints and said sternly, "Who sent you? Are you trying to find out Harry's whereabouts through me?"

"No, no, Dobby wants John Wick to protect Harry Potter," Dobby replied.

Realizing he was almost about to speak ill of his master, Dobby tried to punish himself but was tightly bound. He could only bang his head against the wall, muttering, "Bad Dobby, bad Dobby!"

"Stop that!" John commanded, feeling a headache coming on. He used the cloth strips to bind Dobby's head as well.

Keeping his wand ready, John approached Dobby with a serious expression and asked, "You said Harry is in danger. How do you know that?"

As he asked, he saw Dobby's face filled with fear, struggling to self-harm but unable to. Realizing the house-elf's reaction was too extreme, John rephrased his question, "What kind of danger are you talking about?"

"A plot, a dangerous, terrible plot! Horrible things are going to happen at Hogwarts!" Dobby shrieked.

John released the spell, letting Dobby fall to the ground with a thud.

"Then why come to me to protect Harry?" John lowered his wand but kept a close watch on the house-elf who had broken into his home.

Dobby sniffled and said, "Dobby heard that John Wick is a powerful wizard. He has protected Harry Potter."

"Well... I admit I've protected Harry, but calling me a powerful wizard is an exaggeration," John replied, his lips twitching slightly. Who spread such rumors? He was just a third-level magic novice.

Glancing at Dobby, he sighed, "If you really want to protect Harry, you should tell me the name of the one behind the plot."

With a name and considering it concerned Harry, the Chosen One, John could write to Dumbledore. With the White Wizard around, he couldn't believe anyone could harm Harry.

"Dobby can't say, bad Dobby, bad Dobby!" Dobby started to self-harm again, and John had to bind him once more.

John couldn't fully trust Dobby's words, but if Harry were truly in danger, he would help out. "I will investigate this plot, provided it is real."

Dobby looked immensely grateful, and John waved his hand dismissively.

His gaze fell on Dobby, who was wearing an old pillowcase, looking both pitiful and comical.

"I have some old clothes. If you don't mind, you can take them to wear," John offered.

John's words made Dobby scream, "Dobby is so grateful to John Wick! He is as respectable as Harry Potter. House-elves can only be freed when their masters give them clothes."

John's good intentions were refused, but Dobby elevated him to the same level as the savior Harry, perhaps just a bit lower. With a snap of his fingers, accompanied by a series of popping sounds, Dobby disappeared.

"Capable of wandless magic," John muttered, staring at the spot where Dobby had vanished. Despite the protective spells he had set, Dobby had come and gone freely. It seemed his security measures weren't enough. He decided to install more Foe-Glasses to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Time passed, and while Silverhand Johnny's shop stabilized, it was time for John to return to school. 

September 1st.

Watson had taken the kids to King's Cross Station early, and this time he had even tried running at the pillar to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Predictably, it didn't work. He wasn't a wizard. At least, not until he had a large bump on his head, he had harbored a slight hope that perhaps Hogwarts had simply forgotten to send him a letter when he was younger.

Mrs. Wick was busy entertaining clients at the beauty salon, so John had to watch his father slam into the barrier with some distaste.

"Alright, Dad, I have to go now," John said.

A dejected Watson, nursing the bump on his head, could only watch his son leave. And then...




Two cries of pain left Watson dumbfounded. Two young wizards stood dazed, staring at the barrier they couldn't pass through. They were stunned.

"Why can't we get through?" Harry asked, confused.

"I don't know, but we're going to miss the train," Ron replied, equally perplexed. Time wasn't on their side, and their inability to access the platform meant they couldn't board the train to Hogwarts.

Suddenly, Ron had an idea. "The car! We can fly the car to Hogwarts!"

He remembered the flying car from his family. Harry was hesitant, but the thought of being expelled from Hogwarts for being late was the worst scenario.

Without further delay, they found the Weasley's flying car and were about to start it when a hand rested on the window.

"Hey, I think you guys need some help."

Harry and Ron stared blankly at the man with a hat who suddenly appeared.

Watson Wick smiled confidently, "Hello there, you can call me Uncle Wick, I'm nicknamed the Canary Wharf Car God."



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