Hogwarts’ John Wick

71: Brewing ‘Luck’ and Malfoy’s Apology

Many thanks to BombMarley and DetectiveJones for becoming patrons! ♥♥


After the pureblood theory, another doctrine began to prevail in Slytherin.

Power supremacy!

The smart wizards could sense the changing atmosphere in Slytherin. John was like a drop of ink falling into white paint.

No matter how pure it was, it would change.

Dumbledore learned about this and muttered to himself, "Trying to attract the heir's attention, John, this is too risky."

He understood that this was John's ploy to draw hatred. Standing on the podium by stepping on pureblood ideology, if the heir remained indifferent, the opening of the Chamber of Secrets would become a joke.

If the heir did act, and John's not the target, it would mean he was afraid of John.

Either way, it would dispel the school's panic.

John Wick!

He had already established his prestige in the school, even instilling his own theories into the students.

"It too ambitious, John, I hope you won't be like that."

Dumbledore sighed. He didn't know if what he was doing was right. John really reminded him too much of someone else.


Despite John's strong words in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, he was already brewing Felix Felicis.

This extremely complex potion required even him to be very careful.

Watching the brewing Felix Felicis, this was a life-saving potion prepared for himself.

He might talk big, but he didn't want to gamble with his own life.

The ingredients for Felix Felicis had cost him a fortune.

Now that Johnny Silverhand's shop was on track, John wasn't lacking in money, but getting the ingredients for Felix Felicis was still very difficult.

If the market had ready-made Felix Felicis, John wouldn't have to brew it himself.

"I hope that snake doesn't come out again during this period."

While brewing Felix Felicis, John didn't forget to continue strengthening his abilities.

This time, he didn't point his wand forward but directed it toward the ground.


Closing his eyes, John's wand emitted waves similar to sonar, spreading outward.

Everything it touched fed back into John's mind, constructing a visual map.

It was just a rough flat map, but John was delighted.

"Although it's just a prototype, the ultra-sensory spell is indeed effective."

This was a spell he created himself, based on the magical theories from the *Book of Spells* and *Moste Potente Potions*.

John created his first spell.

This spell could enhance sensory perception, allowing him to sense his surroundings through the magic dispersed in the area.

John named it the Ultra-Sensory Spell.

With this spell, John no longer needed to use his eyes to monitor the movements of that thing.

"As long as its deadly eyes are neutralized, it's just a toothless tiger."

Drawing the Sword of Gryffindor, John touched the bloodstains on it.

In his first encounter with it, he had suffered a significant loss.


After the incident of single-handedly challenging Slytherin, John had become authoritative in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Even Lockhart felt that he might be a bit redundant. Under John's help, the students quickly caught up on the knowledge they had missed in the previous school year.

Harry couldn't help but remark, "If only John were the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Ron wholeheartedly agreed, though Hermione seemed a bit downcast.

Noticing something was wrong, Harry comforted her, "What's wrong, Hermione? Don't worry, with John around, the Slytherin heir wouldn't dare harm you."

In their History of Magic class, they had learned about the story of the Chamber of Secrets, where the heir would open it to cleanse Hogwarts.

But with John's prior actions, the students were much less fearful.

Harry and the others thought Hermione was upset because of the Chamber of Secrets.

Hermione shook her head and said, "It's not because of that. John is just too smart, and I feel like an idiot."

"Oh Merlin! Hermione, what does that make Harry and me?" Ron exclaimed in despair. If she was calling herself an idiot, then they must be two brainless idiots.

Only Hermione knew that she succeeded by sheer rote memorization. She wasn't as naturally smart as everyone thought. She simply put in three to ten times more effort than others.

But even such efforts paled in comparison to John's abilities. While she was still trying to catch up, John could already assist professors.

Her hard-won confidence was once again shattered by John, leaving her disheartened.

To cheer Hermione up, the trio headed to the corridor where Mrs. Norris had been attacked.

There, they found spiders, and Ron's fear of them made Hermione giggle, lifting her spirits.

They then shifted their suspicion to pure-blood students, starting with Malfoy.

In the girls' bathroom, they encountered Moaning Myrtle.

"We just wanted to ask if you've seen anything interesting recently," they said.

Hermione asked Moaning Myrtle, "On Halloween, a cat was attacked right outside your door."

Harry also pressed, "Did you see anyone around that night?"

Moaning Myrtle thought for a moment. She had been pranked by Peeves and, upon returning, had encountered John.

John had mentioned he encountered the giant snake in the corridor, so the trio didn't suspect him.

They were just disappointed they didn't get any useful clues.

Hermione had a plan: to brew Polyjuice Potion. However, this plan was time-consuming and required Harry's help.

At first, Harry didn't understand how he could help until he learned he needed to get a signature from Lockhart.

This made Harry very uncomfortable; he'd rather fight a troll.

Hermione hesitated, saying, "Should we tell John?"

"Tell John?" Harry was surprised.

"I mean, it's Slytherin, and Malfoy is John's friend."

Ron dismissed the idea, saying, "Come on, Malfoy said all Muggle-borns should die. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have seen John teach Slytherin a lesson."

Ron genuinely enjoyed that scene, regretting only that Malfoy hadn't been among those John sent flying.

Hearing this, Hermione stopped hesitating.

They planned to brew the Polyjuice Potion.


John sought out the Bloody Baron.

"Mr. Baron, I'd like to ask you to have the ghosts in the castle keep an eye out."

The Bloody Baron was the most terrifying ghost at Hogwarts. If he took action, the castle's ghosts would comply.

Seeing John find him, the Bloody Baron nodded and agreed, saying, "I can relay the message for you."

John was one of the few who dared to speak to the Bloody Baron, and the Baron respected John's abilities.

After ensuring the castle's ghosts would provide information for him, John didn't forget about the Marauder's Map.

Using the Marauder's Map, John watched the comings and goings of people.

He muttered to himself, "Let's see how long you can keep hiding."

His main focus was on the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

John guessed this was the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, but he didn't know how to open it.


In his dormitory, John was working out.

His magic had now reached level 4, and his body had become more robust.

Tom was chasing Basil, and after John finished his workout, someone knocked on his door.

Opening the door, it was Malfoy.

At this moment, Malfoy had a look of guilt and fear on his face. When he saw John open the door, he was the first to speak, "I-I'm sorry, John."

Malfoy was genuinely scared. Not only because John had shown off his prowess in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, but also because he feared losing John as a friend.

He didn't have many friends. Due to his usual meanness and arrogance, he only had Goyle and Crabbe, who were more like lackeys than friends.

The only real friend he had was John.

The friendliness from his Quidditch teammates was directed more toward Malfoy's name and wealth.

John, however, saw Draco Malfoy for who he was. Knowing this, Draco chose to lower his head and apologize.

After the attack incident, Malfoy noticed more people gradually surrounded him.

This made him feel elated and complacent, leading him to say hurtful things.

Seeing Malfoy apologize, John nodded and said, "I accept your apology."

"You accept it?!"

Malfoy was stunned. John, with a puzzled look, asked, "You apologize, I accept. What's wrong with that?"

"No, it's just... aren't you angry?" Malfoy was confused.

John chuckled, "Draco, what do you want? Do you want me to curse you?"

Malfoy shuddered and awkwardly replied, "No, that's not necessary."

"Strength above all, Draco. You should understand now that whether pure-blooded or from noble families, they are nothing compared to one's own strength. I hope you remember this."

John didn't want Malfoy to align with the Death Eaters. He sincerely said, "Remember what I told you? For eternal glory."

"Yeah! For eternal glory,"

Malfoy sighed in relief, realizing how foolish he had been before.

The two put aside their differences and became friends again.


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