Hogwarts’ John Wick

96: You don’t mess with Silverhand

Many Thanks to WangLong and Zhandos Kauzhanov for becoming new Patrons!♥♥


An ear flew to the ground, and Fenrir covered it.

Meanwhile, the culprit, John, held a dagger in his right hand that gleamed with a cold light.

"Ugh! I want you dead!" 

Fenrir, enraged, lunged at Johnny Silverhand with an angry roar.

"Oh, how inelegant" John sidestepped.

Slash! Stab! Slash!

And in a flash, his dagger left seven bloody holes on Fenrir's body.

"Ack! You.. you.."

Fenrir fell to his knees, and John casually wiped the dirty blood from his dagger.

He coldly ordered Fenrir, "Pick up your ear! Your filthy blood is staining my floor."


Fenrir raised himself and let out a wolf's howl, which was answered by the four subordinates who had come with him.

They charged at John. Lupin raised his wand to take action, but Tommy stopped him.

Lupin saw the confidence on Tommy's face and couldn't understand it—those were werewolves.

"It seems the guests are incapable of perfectly hearing" John glanced briefly at the werewolves and calmly said, "What I said was, don't dirty my floor!"

With the grace of drawing a conductor's baton, he took out his wand. Transfiguration turned the benches near the door into two large dogs that bit two werewolves. 

The Levitation Charm caused one werewolf to float towards the ceiling, while the Banishing Charm sent another flying.

Fenrir's teeth were about to reach John when his body was ignited by a burning fireball.

One of the werewolves struggled to get up, but John pointed his wand at him.



A searing, excruciating pain caused the werewolf to convulse uncontrollably.

The Cruciatus Curse!

Lupin's heart tightened, but the wizards around seemed unfazed.

In Knockturn Alley, what kind of dark wizard hasn't been seen?

Besides, who says using an Unforgivable Curse automatically leads to capture?

John twisted his wand, and the purpleheart wood wand he crafted himself made the werewolf writhe on the ground.

Even though Fenrir's fur was burned off by the flames, he didn't die, showing just how resilient he was.

"You see, gentlemen. I like an unruly dog to know its place.." 

Single-handedly subduing five werewolves, one of them being Fenrir, once again demonstrated Johnny Silverhand's power.

"That is—bound in chains and under my control~"

With an elegant flick of his wand, the floor on either side turned into chains that bound Fenrir.

"Now, Mr. Lupin" John walked over to Lupin and calmly said, "He once bit you. Now I'm handing him over to you for judgment."

Lupin found himself in a dilemma. He indeed hated Fenrir, but John's intention was clearly to have Fenrir killed.

But Lupin was thinking about sending Fenrir to Azkaban.

That way, it wouldn't affect his conscience and he could go to Hogwarts with a free spirit.

The hesitation on his face didn't escape John's notice.

John sighed, "Lupin, you're too righteous."

He then turned to Fenrir, raised his wand, and softly uttered, "Redi ad animam tuam~"

A spell that had never been heard before.

"Aa.. Wh... what.. Ugh.. UGGGHHHHHhhhhHhhh..."

Lupin, who was about to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, one of the outstanding students back in the day with James and Sirius, possessed strength and knowledge far beyond ordinary wizards.

But Lupin could swear this was the most terrifying spell he had ever witnessed.

"UrggGGGGGggghhh.... Stop it! StoAArrrGggh....!!"

Fenrir let a crudling scream and struggled to break free, but the chains held him firmly to the floor.

As the screams continued, white smoke began to rise from his body, and a translucent silver version of Fenrir's soul slowly floated out.

After his soul floated out, Fenrir's body immediately became motionless.

Fenrir's soul appeared confused and disoriented. As he floated in front of John, still in a daze, John's wand acted like a knife, slicing across Fenrir's spectral arm.

The soul-wrenching pain made Fenrir howl and scream madly.

The wizards present shuddered at the sound of the screams, feeling a chill down their spines as if they had fallen into an icy pit in the middle of winter.

The screams went on for some time, and Fenrir's two arms were severed.

His soul appeared hollow, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

John waved his hand gently, and Fenrir's soul returned to his body, but the two severed spectral arms never went back.

"Sir Silverhand, you..."

It was a long three minutes. Lupin's lips were dry, and he didn't know what to say.

Even the battle-hardened Tommy Shelby was at a loss. He knew John's true identity but had never imagined that a wizard still in school could possess such a terrifying and powerful spell.

"Two arms as a price. I think they won't dare come again."

John snapped his fingers, and Fenrir's two spectral arms dissipated into white smoke.

The werewolves who had followed Fenrir were terrified, groveling on the ground like little dogs.

John walked up to one of the werewolves, his voice low as he said, "So~ Who sent you?"


"I need a name, unless you want to end up like Fenrir."

Before the werewolf could speak, John's wand gently pressed against his forehead.

The werewolf broke out in a cold sweat and stammered in fear, "It was Sean, Sean Shafiq. He sent us here."

"Shafiq? Looks like the purebloods have their eyes on this place."

John put away his wand, giving the werewolf the impression that he had narrowly escaped death.

But John wasn't going to let them off so easily. He turned to Tommy Shelby and said, "Lock them up. I believe someone will find them interesting."

Tommy nodded respectfully, and soon the werewolves were thrown into the dark cells.

Around midnight, Aurors knocked on the door of the Johnny Silverhand shop.

Leading them was Rufus Scrimgeour, the Head of the Auror Office.

He looked like an old lion as he watched his men escort the notorious werewolves to Azkaban one by one.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sir Johnny Silverhand."

Scrimgeour shook hands with John, who wore a mask, and chuckled, "Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour, I hope you're pleased with my gift."

Scrimgeour's smile was hard to hide. He hinted, "This isn't the first time you've helped me out."

"I won't forget, and neither will you."

John smiled lightly and said, "Rufus, perhaps you could tell me where Sean Shafiq is?"

"Sean Shafiq? Seems like he's going to be in some trouble." Scrimgeour frowned and replied, "Sir Silverhand, I hope you won't make things difficult for me."

"Of course, the Sacred Twenty-Eight are quite a rare breed," John's tone was less like he was talking about a prestigious family and more like he was referring to the old Denton clinic on the corner.

A gleam flashed in Scrimgeour's eyes as he said, "Then I'm willing to provide you with the address of the Shafiq family's manor."

Using a pure-blood family as a bargaining chip, the two had truly come to understand each other.

The incident with Hagrid had made Scrimgeour realize just how powerful Johnny Silverhand's connections were. Though not from the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the pure-blood Belby family was not far behind.

To have someone with a First Class Order of Merlin on his side, protecting a half-breed giant—it had to be someone with incredibly powerful connections.

Scrimgeour didn't just want his current position; he wanted to climb even higher.

And Johnny Silverhand was his opportunity.


The Shafiq Manor.

The Shafiqs disdained mingling with Muggles, so their manor was located in a secluded area on the outskirts.

Sean Shafiq, who managed the Shafiq fortune, frowned deeply as he looked at the vault, now significantly lighter in Galleons, and was visibly annoyed.

With thin eyebrows and a gaunt face, his beard drooped over his wizard robes. The head of the Shafiq family didn't appear very strong.

He was better known for his intellect. The Borgin and Burkes antique shop in Knockturn Alley was just one of his profitable ventures.

He had invested a lot of money, but it had all gone to waste because of the appearance of the Johnny Silverhand shop.

This made Sean very angry. He didn't care about Borgin and Burkes; he cared about his Galleons.

He had hoped to recover his losses by buying back the shop, but Mundungus had secretly taken the first step.

A sneaky thief, Mundungus had turned around and spent thousands of Galleons to secure the shop. The price made Sean's heart bleed.

Moreover, that damned Mundungus even handed over the Dark Magic artifacts that belonged to the Shafiq family, which made Sean want to kill the short, fat man.

"The werewolves better rip Mundungus's throat apart. That damned Johnny—even if he knelt down to lick my shoes, I wouldn't forgive him."

Sean Shafiq's face twisted in anger. The house-elf didn't dare come near him and quietly left the room to clean.


The sound of something breaking came from the room, and Sean flew into a rage. He cursed, "Damn clumsy house-elf! I'll shove your hands into the fireplace!"

He stormed out angrily, and the room was shrouded in darkness.

Although Sean was stingy, he wouldn't be so miserly as to refuse to light a candle.

When he realized something was wrong, the candles in the room suddenly lit up.


For those who don't know- I've NOW uploaded the missing ch 94! I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience! You can read that now! Thank you ♥ and SORRY!


Read 12 Chapters ahead of SH at my Patreon!♥

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