Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 101: Playing With The Devil! Constantine's Top Trick!

The devil's voice became extremely weak, and he knew that once he told Constantine Menmon's plan, he would no longer be able to stay in hell.

But when he thought about the tragic end of losing everything he had accumulated and losing all his strength, he decided to betray Manmeng.

"Mammon's plan is the blood of God!"

"As long as the Son of God is killed, the Son of the Devil will be able to resurrect from the darkness.

"Okay! Okay! Now I've said it all! You can let me go!"

Constantine stood up from the demon with a smile on his face.

"Well, you can go back to your hell."

"But before I leave, I want to tell you something. Only demons who have been forgiven can be transcended."

"You idiot."

"Now you should think carefully about how to deal with Manmeng's anger. He probably knows that you have revealed his plan and is looking for you all over the world."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to survive in either the human world or the demon world."

"Maybe you should really think about whether you want to repent or go to heaven."

With that said, Anton threw the Bible into his pocket and straightened his collar.

The demon on the table suddenly let out a shrill cry.

"You? You lied to me! You devil!! You will definitely go to hell! Constantine!"

"I curse you!"

The wizards all laughed when they heard the demon lord call Constantine the demon.

However, Constantine's quick, accurate and ruthless method surprised the wizards.

[Sirius: It’s really refreshing to see. If all Aurors in the magical world had this level, the crime rate in the magical world would drop by nine percent. 】

[Sirius: But it’s a pity that Dawson couldn’t see this guy. 】

[Sirius: That girl will definitely be very happy. 】

[Harry: If I remember correctly, isn’t the Son of God dead? 】

【Harry: Why is there still a Son of God?】

[Flitwick: It is the blood of the Son of God. This blood is very crucial. 】

[Flitwick: Blood is different from people. The so-called Spear of Longinus is stained with the blood of the Son of God. 】

[Flitwick: Wait, that means the devil is after the gun in Anton’s hand?]

[Grindelwald: It won’t be that simple. If he is really looking for robbery, that guy is now looking for Anton all over the world. 】

[Grindelwald: I have heard stories about demons. They are not very patient. If there is something they cannot get, they will go crazy collectively. 】

[Ronald: So, the devil lied? But it doesn't seem like it. 】

[Grindelwald: It’s just an intuitive inference, but I don’t think that guy can lie. It’s more that he didn’t say much. 】

[Grindelwald: It is obvious that he is hiding something. 】

Hearing Constantine's words, the devil kept twisting. Now he is alone and helpless. He has become a traitor in hell and has no place in this world.

Many exorcists are willing to practice with him. His only life-saving straw at the moment may actually be Constantine in front of him.

The devil suddenly spoke.

"Constantine, I tell you, there is one more thing, one more secret."

"If you would give me some of your soul, I could tell you more."

Constantine, who was already hesitant about the devil's words, turned his head again.

"Okay, let's talk first and then talk about the soul, otherwise we'll have an interview."

The devil gritted his teeth, but looking at Constantine's determined expression, he knew that if he didn't say anything, there would be absolutely nothing.

This feeling made him extremely painful, but facing Constantine, he had to do this.

"Let me tell you, Menmeng's plan is not just blood, but also life and soul, but that requires a soul with sufficient qualifications and sufficient value."

Constantine knocked on the table, looking impatient.

"The soul can increase the power of demons. I know this, and all the brats in hell know it."

"Wouldn't it be unfair if this is all you need to exchange for your comfort for the rest of your life?"

At this moment, the devil was extremely angry. The culprit beat him half to death, but he couldn't be angry yet, he had to be obedient and cooperative.

But this is also his only goal. He adjusted the expression on his face and said.

"You! Manmeng's target is you!"

"Or another soul! That belongs to a wonderful person."

"Both of your souls are extremely powerful, enough for him to support the use of magic!"

The corners of Constantine's mouth curved, and then he resumed his cold torture posture.

"Well, what else? This thing is not heavy enough."

The devil said:

"What else? Isn't this weighty enough? This is news that only the Lord of Hell knows. Just telling you! Manmeng will make me taste the torture of eternity!"

Constantine said:

"My lung cancer."

The devil laughed, viciously and wantonly.

"There is no cure for that thing. Mortal medicine can't solve any problem at all. It will only make you more miserable!"

"That's what fate gives you!"

"You know, this thing is not a disease at all, it is an established magic of destiny,"

"Bear it well, Constantine, this is the price for your contempt for heaven and hell."

Constantine whistled carelessly.

"It's okay, at least I have somewhere to go."

"But if someone has no soul, he will really be tortured for eternity."

For a moment, the demon lord's expression changed drastically, and his gloating immediately turned into confusion.

Even the red demon's skin turned black, obviously frightened by Constantine's words.

"Don't! Don't! I know the magic of hell, the magic of demons, those things can break fate."

"But his spell-casting conditions are also extremely expensive, and it's absolutely impossible for a mortal to get them together."

Constantine knocked on the table, his movements were quite elegant, and his momentum was like a big entrepreneur who was about to swallow up his opponent.

"Each of the thirteen demon souls must be a pure demon."

"That's not much, but since you said it's fate magic, there must be some special conditions.

Seeing that he couldn't hide this from Constantine, the devil simply said it in one breath.

"There is another girl, a beautiful, pure girl."

"She will intersect with you on the road to the future, and that girl will become your friend and your medicine to escape the darkness.

"Her name is Zed."

The devil played all his trump cards in one go. Constantine nodded and silently wrote down the name Zed.

"Well, not bad, quite good."

"Are you sure you're telling the truth?"

This rhetorical question made the devil's whole body run cold, and he immediately roared:

"Constantine, I am not you. Every word of my hell lord comes with a price."

"And if the destiny magic fails, anyone involved in your destiny will have trouble, and so will I!"

Constantine smiled.

"Then let's just believe you are true, then goodbye.

"I hope you can go to heaven soon."

The demon was stunned. It watched Constantine walk out of the door, with no intention of giving him his soul.

He asked hurriedly:

"Where's mine? Where's my thank you gift? Where are those souls? Hurry! It's too late!"

Constantine's voice came slowly from the door.

"My soul is very precious, I decided to keep it for myself."

"As for your soul, when I spoke just now, I already cast a tracking spell on you.

"I will take him away after you are completely killed by Manmeng."

After saying that, he left calmly, leaving the demon lord alone in the room, his face gradually turning from white to black, and his expression was full of fear.

In the live broadcast room, the wizards were amazed.

[ Harry: That’s great! That means that Anton only needs to collect twelve demon souls, and he can live! 】

[Ronald: I never imagined that the treatment for lung cancer would be so troublesome! Why don’t St. Mungo’s Hospital introduce it? It can also treat Muggles. 】

[Flitwick: Thirteen demon souls, Mr. Weasley, use your head and think about it, can we get thirteen demon souls? 】

[Flitwick: One demon is enough for us. Think about it, they are not afraid of fire or electricity. We don’t even know if they are afraid of the Death Curse. 】

[Flitwick: The soul of this monster is definitely an extremely rare medicinal material. 】

[Ronald: Well, that’s what I said, but it’s a good thing that Anton is saved. 】

[ Snape: Good things are indeed good things, but they also require the ability to do them. 】

[ Snape: Anton attacked suddenly this time. Other demons are not necessarily so unprepared. 】

[Ronald: Other demons have absolutely no idea of ​​Anton’s methods. 】

[Ronald: Look at his superb deception, the devil's hometown is about to be deceived by him. 】

In the corridor, Hermione bit her lower lip, which was her habit when thinking.

She felt quite good knowing that Anton had a chance to cure his lung cancer, but she wanted to know something else.

That's who the woman named Zed is.

It is now obvious that Dawson, represented by Fleur, has had sparks with Anton.

When she thought of Fleur, that witch with a Veela temperament, Hermione wished she could grow up quickly.

Obviously, senior Cassandra also has the charm of a mature woman, but when she meets that Fleur, Cassandra looks like a little girl wearing adult clothes.

Skilled politeness, elegant manners, and everything he says is clear in every gesture.

Thinking of this, Hermione secretly glanced at Anton, only to see Anton looking at the screen.

At this time, the picture on the screen happened to be paused.

[The question and answer begins. 】

[Question, who is that pure soul other than Constantine? 】

[This is a non-choice question. All wizards are asked to submit their answers after ten minutes. 】

Seeing the question coming, the three witches immediately started brainstorming. After all, the question was related to the reward.

You must know that these rewards are all good things, and they are excellent props that truly take care of the needs of witches.

After such a long period of cooperation, the witches have learned to work together as a group.

With a look, the three people immediately started communicating.

Hermione was the first to raise her hand.

"I think it's that priest. In our Muggle world, priests' souls are relatively peaceful."


Hermione paused.

"Some priests who are close to young boys are not in this category."

Cassandra nodded. She was actually not sure about this issue.

She tapped Luna on the shoulder.

"Luna, these are extraordinary times, and we have to set an example."

"Otherwise everyone will think the three of us are stupid girls."

Luna said:

"Well, if you ask me, the pure soul should be the dead Isabella, but

The guy said no.

#So I guess not, the correct answer to this question should be priest. "

"That's why those demons are madly provoking Anton."


"The result is, you all saw it."

The two nodded repeatedly, and Cassandra suddenly had a flash of inspiration. She quickly ran to Anton's side, wanting to see what the person involved had chosen.

But as soon as she leaned next to Anton, she saw a group of ministers clearly displayed on Anji's screen.

"The answer has been submitted.""

Cassandra suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"So fast, Anton, have you already thought of the answer?"

Anton nodded.

"Pretty much, the answer is actually pretty obvious."

"The demon in front had some hints, and coupled with my remaining memory, I suddenly thought of it.

Cassandra let out a long sigh.

Now that Anton had already chosen, Cassandra was embarrassed to ask the answer.

After all, it would be inappropriate for me to ask for the answers that Anton worked so hard to write.

An idea suddenly flashed into her mind.

"Then, can you tell us who the girl named Zed is?"

"Is it one of the three of us? Or some inexplicable witch?"

When asked this question, Cassandra looked serious, but Anton thought about it and replied calmly:

"I don't know her anymore, but the name Zed is very familiar, and I seem to have seen her face like this somewhere."

Cassandra was greatly surprised and immediately made an innocent expression.

"Is it me?"

"It seems so? And it seems not?"

Cassandra sighed.

"Okay, then I'll take a look."

When she turned around, she found that Hermione and Luna were equally eager to try. It seemed that Zed was more curious to them than the target that Meng Meng was chasing.

The two women crowded around Anton and began to ask questions.

Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Fleur stood in front of the fireplace, with the surprised Madame Maxime behind her.

"Furong! My favorite student! I don't understand! You are the daughter of the Delacour family, and your family owns half of Ouzhou's wealth!"

"They sent you here to receive my education."

(Qian Zhao's) "Why are you stopping all your classes now and going to Hogwarts?"

"I admit that Mr. Dumbledore is probably the greatest wizard alive now, but why?"

"I need a reason."

Fleur's expression was quite serious. It was the first time that this witch known as a lady was so tough.

"Sorry, Madam Maxime, I have to go to that school because of something."

"Something related to my past."

Maxim's stern face smoothed slightly, and she said softly:

"That's fine."

"I have heard about the screen. I heard that the people from the Ministry of Magic are doing their best to investigate his story."

"And that magical little Gryffindor wizard, his name is Anton? Right?"

"I heard that he had invented a method to treat squibs. Fireworks were set off at St. Mungo's Hospital that day. Squibs from three big families were cured on the spot. One of them was even sixty years old!

"Those families said they would send the owl to Hogwarts, and some even said they would put a crown on him personally!"

"That's a really good match."

Fleur's face turned a little red.

"No, that's not all for that."

"But, I just feel that it would be better if I saw him and talked to him."

"That's all."

Maxim also smiled, as if she had penetrated Fleur's heart, and she waved her hand.

"Go ahead, Miss Delacour."

"We'd better not resist fate."

Fleur stepped into the fireplace, flames appeared from the floo powder, and she disappeared immediately.

In the castle, Yin Dili was looking at the question on the screen in a daze.

Although he still wants the reward, he doesn't want it with a flat nose.

While he was thinking about it, Bella next to him timidly approached.



Voldemort said coldly:

"Bella, if you have anything to say, just say it and don't make me feel uncomfortable in bed."

Bella paused and said seriously:

"Nagini, she seems restless."

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