Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 104: With The Holy Crossbow In Hand, Constantine Kills Through Hell!

With a heavy punch, the bartender fell to the ground like a bowling pin, and Chas followed Constantine excitedly.

He finally entered the place he had always dreamed of.

As soon as he entered the gate, Constantine said to him:

"Wait outside, I have something to talk about.

Chas sat excitedly at the door, while Constantine walked straight in and rushed directly towards the tavern's office.

This time, he was not here to talk about things, or in other words, he didn't have the patience to talk about things.

The holy crossbow was in hand, which gave Constantine a lot of momentum in his steps. The monsters in the bar left the table one after another after seeing it.

They knew the power of Constantine's holy crossbow, and they knew that Constantine had no patience to listen to their explanations.

The remaining half-angels did not dare to meet Constantine's eyes, let alone look at each other, or even look at him, there was a risk of being hit by an arrow.

In other words, Constantine was killed.

He fired an arrow at the wine cabinet at the bar. The fire dragon evaporated all the alcohol on the wine cabinet, and the evaporated white gas instantly floated into the sky.

The monsters understood what he meant and quickly ran outside.

The bar was emptied within three seconds, and after seeing everyone leaving, Constantine took a crossbow and kicked open the door of the government office.

In the office, Minai's expression was as if he had seen a ghost. The underground emperor who ruled the worlds of Yin and Yang could not say a single harsh word at this time.

Because Constantine's Holy Silver Crossbow was aimed at his throat.

The anger in Constantine's eyes showed everything, he had the courage to shoot.

Moreover, he was already ready to shoot.

Mine said:

"You, you really have no sense at all? This is a neutral zone! Think about how many people you are going to offend today, you are so powerful!"

"Stop it Constantine!"

Constantine clicked and tightened the string of his bow.

"I need to use that chair. If you say one more nonsense, I will kill you."

"Even if God or Satan himself comes, I will use that chair."

At this time, the aura exuded by Constantine was so strong that Minai, who had always liked negotiating, lost all desire to negotiate.

He knew very clearly in his mind that what this big liar who always liked to lie to people was one hundred percent telling the truth.

If he doesn't follow Constantine's request, he will definitely be blasted to pieces by the crossbow, and then his soul will be put into a bottle by Constantine.

Become his spellcasting item.

Minai didn't speak, he was thinking.

He also knew that if he let Constantine sit on that chair, the balance he said would be completely broken.

And the world will be a river of blood.

But he looked at the shining crossbow arrows. After a long time, he said:

"Okay, one last time, Constantine."

"You are going to die anyway, it doesn't matter how you die, it doesn't matter how your soul splits.

"I'll help you."

Constantine put away his crossbow and smiled.

"Minay, my old friend, I know you will not abandon me."

"Moreover, I found a good way. With the souls of thirteen demons, my curse can be broken.

Minai was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Who told you that this madman could do the same thing? Thirteen demon souls! Oh my God!"

"This thing is harder than going to hell."

After laughing, Minai waved to Constantine.

"Okay, since you don't want to live anymore, I won't stop you. Come with me and I'll take you to the chair."

Constantine walked to Minay's side, a door opened instantly, and the entire tavern was instantly distorted.

Apparently, the room and the tavern here are just a clever illusion.

The wizards were confused. Obviously, this black man named Minai was not simple either.

In other words, this guy's power is not simple. He should also be a magician of sufficient weight, and his weight is not low.

It's just that the magic he cast is unfamiliar to wizards, and it looks more like some magic from the Black Continent.

Coupled with Minai's black identity, what did Dumbledore suddenly think of?

[Dumbledore: That Minai is definitely a pseudonym. That guy is probably not the same person. 】

[Grindelwald: I think so. A person can remain neutral between angels and demons, and can chat and laugh with the demon lord in hell. 】

[Grindelwald: Ordinary wizards cannot do this. It requires geniuses among wizards, such as Anton and Merlin. 】

[Grindelwald: But I’m more curious about which god this guy is. 】

[ Harry: God? Anton just threatened a god with a crossbow? 】

[ Harry: But think about it, Anton just beat up the demon lord, and neither gods nor angels were taken seriously by him. 】

[Ronald: This is the peak dream of a wizard, transcending fate and not being controlled by anything, how unrestrained. 】

[Ronald: If Anton didn't need to collect twelve more demon souls, he would be even more handsome. 】

【Harry: Twelve?】

[Ronald: Yes, counting the one in Anton's hand, there are twelve more, three in total. 】

[ Flitwick: Wait, I seem to have seen this image in some witchcraft book in the wild black state, a flamboyant black wizard. 】

[Flitwick: The wizarding world in Black State is different from all other wizarding communities. They don’t participate in the Quidditch League, and they hardly exchange magic with the wizards here. 】

[Flitwick: Compared with those wizards in the East, the wizards in the Black State are more isolated and mysterious. 】

[Ronald: I have an impression. I heard that their wizards don’t need wands at all, they can cast spells with random sticks from trees. 】

[Ronald: It’s a bit too original. 】

[Flitwick: But it is undeniable that their wizard status is higher. In the Black State, those Muggles worship their masters as gods. 】

[Ronald: This makes me a little envious. 】

[Flitwick: Wait, I found it, Papa Midnight?! The God of Voodoo?!]

[Dumbledore: Sure enough, that man is indeed a god. 】

[Ronald: Anton just pointed a crossbow at a god? Cool! If it were me, I would definitely record this in my diary! 】

[Grindelwald: Then you will turn into a frog the next day. Voodoo is a magic that only belongs to the wizards of the Black State. That is the god of voodoo. 】

[Grindelwald: Be careful, he can even read your thoughts from this sentence. 】

[Ronald: Anton! Save me! That’s what I said!!]

[Snape: Boy, if I were you, I would practice Occlumency well. Although that god is very impressive, Occlumency can at least give you some comfort. 】

[Ronald: I will practice right now, just practice. 】

On the screen, the Voodoo God led Anton to turn left and right to the door of a small alley.

He opened a door and called Constantine in.

The room is extremely spacious, like a magnificent palace, which is amazing. The atmosphere of the nouveau riche permeates every corner, from exquisite furniture to gorgeous decorations

All show the wealth and dignity of the owner.

There are countless beautiful pieces of art decorated around the room. Various valuable paintings are hung on the walls, including Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, and even expensive Picasso, Wyeth, and Dali.

The God of Voodoo still looks like a nouveau riche in his paintings. He buys expensive paintings at will and puts them on the wall at will.

In addition, the room is also filled with various rare antiques and jewelry, ivory, gems, diamonds, everything comes from Heizhou, and each one is a treasure that the owner has carefully collected for many years. The jewelry shines brightly, like stars, and these things seem to be for nostalgia.

Constantine walked comfortably behind Minay and complimented him casually.

"The house is nice."

Mine smiled.

"A believer's wallet, my bank."

"Everything is bought with money. Remember, Constantine, money can buy everything."

"Stupid guys like God and the devil don't understand this, but I understand that this is the way to behave in the world.

Minai's words were supported by some wizards.

What this down-to-earth God of Heizhou says really makes sense.

[Cassandra: What he said makes sense. Think about it, some Muggles have even begun to exchange barriers as a business. 】

[Cassandra: There are even wizards who violate the provisions of the Statute of Secrecy and sell magical items to Muggles privately. 】

[Ronald: In other words, without galleons, it’s difficult to move forward. I quite like what he said. 】

[Grindelwald: With supporters, you will not lack galleons. A guy who has received support from many pure-blood families should agree with this, but I think he hasn’t chatted for a long time. Why, I don’t like it. sleep?】

[ Harry: It seems that Voldemort has received some reward, and he is probably studying it now. 】

[Ronald: Isn’t this a wish come true? I thought he was already going to fight outside Hogwarts, but the defensive barrier didn’t move for a long time. 】

[McGonagall: Ronald? Harry? Aren't you two afraid that something will happen at school? 】

[Ronald: There are Anton and Principal Dumbledore in the school, and compared to the crisis Anton has encountered, what is this? 】

[ Harry: Yes, I just blew up a school. It was so easy. You must know that the monster Anton encountered destroyed countless universes and countless timelines. 】

[ Harry: And now this one has caused a war between heaven and hell. Voldemort is too inferior. 】

[McGonagall: You two! Copy the Charms textbook once as a penalty and ask the owl to hand it over to me tomorrow!]

[McGonagall: Disasters are not for you to compare! Anton is not your umbrella either! He is also our student! 】

[ Harry:???, I’m sorry, Professor McGonagall, I will never talk nonsense again! 】

[Ronald: Anton, save me! I don’t have an owl!]

[McGonagall: If you don’t have an owl, learn from Agmanis and become an owl!]

[Dumbledore: Galleons buy everything, how ironic, but it makes some sense. 】

[Dumbledore: Minerva, the children are just talking, spare them...]

[ McGonagall: The word Hogwarts has a sacred meaning, and I don’t want it to be destroyed. 】

[ Flitwick: But the mysterious man hasn’t spoken for a long time. I’m afraid he’s coming. 】

[ Harry: It seems not. I just felt a headache and nausea. It seemed that he was dizzy, and I was a little dizzy too. 】

[Dumbledore: Wait? Harry, are you dizzy?]

[ Harry: Yes, I don’t seem to know why. I’m very angry and my mind keeps going to someone else’s level. 】

[Voldemort: I am Lucius. Voldemort has fainted. Is it too late for me to surrender now? 】

[ Voldemort: He was stunned by Bellatrix because he said he would give his wish to Bellatrix, but he actually gave it to her. 】

[Voldemort: This idiot! This brainless idiot! Then that idiot Bella said she wanted to get closer to him! As a result, she turned into a Horcrux! 】

【 Harry:?




[Grindelwald: I feel so dizzy. I want to laugh very much now, but there is no laughter in my narrow room. 】

[Dumbledore: This day is worth remembering. I will write to the Ministry of Magic and ask those guys to change you to a larger cell. 】

[ Harry: Hahahahaha, no. 】

[ Harry: Why did he give it to Bella. 】

[Dumbledore: False generosity will be a sharp knife that cuts into the false. Voldemort never understood this in his life. 】

[ McGonagall: Very good, Harry, Ronald, you two don’t need to copy, the crisis is over. 】

[Ronald: Hahahaha, I didn’t mean to laugh. 】

[Voldemort: I am Lucius, is it too late for me to surrender now? 】

[Dumbledore: Go to the Ministry of Magic and surrender, Lucius, while your master is still awake. 】

[ Harry: Hahahahaha. 】

[Ronald: Hahahahaha, I’m the happiest today. 】

[ Harry: No more talking, I want to take a closer look and try to answer a question correctly. 】

On the screen, Inai was complaining to Constantine.

"That guy Manmeng is disgusting. I know him, and many of my followers were killed by that guy."

"He seems bent on surpassing his father, and even got proof from his father."

"Idiot, God doesn't need any proof, he just needs believers."

"But that guy's brain is not much bigger than a walnut. I'm afraid he won't realize this in his life."

The Voodoo God said as he opened the curtain.

Under the curtain, a huge chair made of field leather was revealed.

But what all the wizards didn't expect was that the chair Anton had been looking for was not the all-knowing Metron Chair.

But an electric chair.

The wizards were shocked.

[Ronald: Electric chair, is Anton going to commit suicide? No wonder the Voodoo God has been stopping him!]

[ Harry: Do you still remember that Anton helped Fleur restore her magic power before? Maybe Anton wanted to use extraordinary situations to stimulate himself so that his magic power could become the strongest. 】

[Ronald: It’s too dangerous. I don’t dare. I still remember my dad excitedly getting this thing from the Ministry of Magic. Fred sat on it. 1.4. Fortunately, that thing

West leaked electricity, but Fred didn’t lie in jail for three full days!]

[Ronald: It seems that becoming a wizard like Anton is not easy at all. 】

Minai, the god of voodoo, proudly introduced the chair.

"In Xinxin Prison, he once interrogated three hundred innocent souls."

"The two-meter-tall tough guy's legs trembled when he saw this thing."

"Countless people will cry when they see this thing, and you have spent so much effort just for him."

Mine smiled.

"Constantine, you are such an interesting human being."

"Even among magicians, you are definitely an outlier."

Constantine did not respond, but asked directly:

"Which way is east?"

Minai pointed in a direction.

Constantine immediately turned the chair to the east and sat on it impatiently.

He ordered to Minai:

"power ups.

Seeing Constantine being so decisive, Yin shook his head repeatedly.

"Seriously, we have unlimited life and unlimited power."

"But even I'm scared of this thing."

"You actually want to rush to the electric chair."

"Constantine, even I kind of admire you."

"I wonder, will that girl know about your feat?"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Minai raised her hands, looking embarrassed like a bartender being scolded.

He said:

"Okay, I won't tell you the precautions. It doesn't matter to you anyway."

"However, I admire you very much, Constantine, and I hope you come back alive.

The next second, he poured a glass of wine at Constantine's feet, and then instantly inserted a high-voltage wire into the wine.

Constantine's vision went dark.

When he opened his eyes, he was in hell again. .

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