Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 118: Zed’S Present Life Is Exposed! Constantine's Daughter Of Destiny!

On the screen, Constantine was lying on the hammock in the cabin, next to him - bags of money.

None of the witches had experience in calculating Muggle currency, but judging from the size of the banknotes, it would definitely not be a problem for Constantine to use it to open a new Gringotts.

Where did so much money come from? You must know that Constantine did two missions and was not willing to ask for money.

Look at the bags of banknotes piled up into hills~.

The witches were more surprised than the last.

The same is true for Liz on the screen. She originally thought that Constantine should be a poor exorcist, living a life like an ascetic.

But judging from the money here, even if he buys a house in the most luxurious Beverly Hills in New York, it is more than enough.

Liz asked confused.

"Sir, what is this money for?"

"The deposit for my next mission came in a week, but the location and address of the mission were never stated.

Liz was stunned again.

But he was relieved immediately. Constantine is a human being, not an angel, and he also needs to eat and find a place to sleep.

But this is too much money!

Liz hesitated to speak.

"How can I help you? Mr. Constantine."

"Would you like to keep the money for you?"

Constantine shook his head repeatedly.

"Keep it? No, no, no, I need you to help me find the location of the mission."

Liz stared at Constantine blankly.

I have no idea what this man meant by finding the mission location?

But seeing that Constantine had taken out the old map, Liz seemed to understand something instantly.

"Sir, is it true?"

"Yes, stretch out your arm, you only need a little bit of the exorcist's blood to find clues.

Liz first retracted her arms, but then quickly stretched them out.

"All right."

Who makes the other person be his savior?

Constantine was not polite at all. He stretched out his hand and pricked it very quickly. A few drops of blood fell on the map, staining it red.

Liz had seen Constantine's blood magic once, but she had never known the method of blood magic.

Now that I saw it for the second time, I still find it quite strange.

The blood gradually gathered and finally concentrated in a remote small town on the map.

Seeing this small town, Constantine frowned.

"Conyworth State."

"Oh, you really know how to choose a place."

Liz was stunned.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Constantine, Conilworth State? That's not the fateful place that the devil mentioned?!"

"That's right.

Constantine said calmly.

"But for the sake of money, I have to go."

"Whether he curses or not, you can't avoid evil, even if you lie at home, there will be demons coming to your door."

Liz said worriedly.

"Yes, sir.

"I'm worried about your safety."

Constantine patted Liz on the head and snapped his fingers.

A whirlwind took away the money bag on the ground and took it to an unknown place.

A piece of news was playing on the TV in the house.

“Somewhere in Conilworth State, several miners set themselves on fire in mysterious circumstances.

"The FBI is involved in the investigation."

Hearing this, Liz's expression became even more melancholy.

She spoke out to persuade.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Constantine."

"First the devil mentioned Conilworth, and then you have to go there.

"Looks too much like a trap."

Constantine took a puff of cigarette and said calmly.

"This is a trap, but it's a trap with a pie. Seven hundred thousand banknotes will be given next month, and there are also high-quality demon souls."

"The trip was worth it."

With that said, he shook the ticket in his hand and turned to leave.

As if she remembered something, Liz suddenly chased after him. She took off the necklace around her neck and stuffed it into Constantine's hand.

"It's been passed down in my family, Mr. Constantine."

"My father once said that this thing can protect me. Now I don't have to use it. I hope this thing can protect you."

Constantine grabbed the necklace and took a look at it in the sun.

"Moonstone and moonstone are used to enhance the taste."

"It's a good magic weapon, worth two to three hundred thousand."

"Even if I don't use it, I will put it somewhere and sell it. Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

Liz nodded seriously.

"I haven't thanked you yet, Mr. Constantine."

"Whatever my father did to you, that was his business.

"I should thank you."

"Well, she is indeed that Jasper's daughter."

Constantine stopped talking nonsense, put the necklace around his neck and left coolly.

Only the wizards in the live broadcast room are left, you look at me, I look at you.

[Ronald: Trap! This is definitely a trap! 】

[Ronald: The money might have been sent by the owl sent by the devil! Specifically designed to seduce Anton into being deceived!]

[ Snape: Anton must know something that even Weasley knows. 】

[ Snape: But the key is that he is never afraid. 】

[Ronald: Conilworth State, the name of this place is scary, maybe it’s the devil in a town. 】

[Harry: Ronald, don’t you have a little too much imagination?]

[ Harry: Haven't I mentioned before that even if there are demons, they can't escape from their hell. 】

[ Harry: Most of them come out by possessing ghosts. 】

[ Harry: It is absolutely impossible for a demon to appear in a town, otherwise order would be dethroned. 】

[Ronald: What you said makes sense. 】

[ Harry: And don’t worry, those demons will never be able to deceive Anton with his brain. 】

The wizards thought about it carefully.

Compared with Anton, Lucifer, the Lord of Hell, seems a bit innocent.

He is a master who can eat both heaven and hell. If he dares to take the initiative to sneak into the trap, he must have a 100% plan to escape the trap.

When the wizards thought about it, they calmed down.

Ronald suddenly said again as if he remembered something.

[Ronald: Wait wait, Harry. 】

[Ronald: That girl I mentioned earlier, is De here? 】

[Ronald: After all, I have never seen any character who is remotely similar to this girl. 】

【Harry: Ronald!】

[ Harry: What you said seems to make sense. 】

[ Snape: Am I dazzled? Or I saw our classmate Weasley finally said something meaningful. 】

[Ronald: Professor, are you complimenting me?]

[ Snape: That's right, Gryffindor adds 5 points because of Mr. Wesley's wit. 】

[Flitwick: Indeed, we have always ignored that girl. Maybe that girl is the key to determining Constantine's fate. 】

[Flitwick: Think about it, all the monsters and demons have mentioned that girl's name before. 】

[ Flitwick: This girl must be important. 】

As soon as Flitwick finished speaking, the picture on the screen jumped.

But it was not in the coal-mine-filled city of Conilworth, but in a small studio.

The walls of this studio are covered with black stickers and are surrounded by easels.

Only in a place where no one could see, a beautiful black-haired girl was quietly describing something.

The black-haired girl doesn't look like a student, but she still has a childish look between her eyebrows.

The paint on his hand was like charcoal, and he was drawing something carefully in front of the mirror.

The wizards were a little curious. They had never seen a real Muggle painter.

Seeing this girl's appearance was a little refreshing.

But when they took a closer look at the girl's full face, they suddenly became frightened.

Because this girl's eyes are full of traces of magic use, and they are extremely violent.

It's like thunder and lightning in the sky, or like a violent flash flood that suddenly rises by the water's edge.

Only a creature like Obscurus that cannot control itself can have such powerful magical changes.

Recalling the damage done to the city by the Obscurial, the wizards were even more surprised.

[Flitwick: Merlin! How could there be an Obscurus! In a place like this, her existence is no less than a bomb!]

[ Harry: I, I’m not sure, what is the Obscurus? 】

[Ronald: Harry, sometimes I wonder if you are a wizard. Obscurans are those creatures. They are wizards who cannot control their magic. 】

[Ronald: Their magical power will harm many other things, so our Department of Magical Affairs will control their number. 】

[ Harry: That’s right, that’s right, but there are no magical things in the world of security! 】

[Newt: The Obscuras are quite dangerous and pitiful. They were once wizards and should be respected as human beings. 】

[Ronald: I just hope this pretty girl doesn't blow up the house. 】

[Flitwick: No, there is another situation. This girl may be using magic unconsciously. 】

[ Flitwick: Maybe she can’t control herself yet. 】

[Ronald: But, look at her eyes, the magic leakage is beyond the highest level I have ever seen. 】

[Ronald: How can ordinary wizards leak magic to this extent? 】

[Ronald: When I was a kid, my magic leaked and I just blew up the garden. 】

[ Harry: I talked to a snake and changed the glass in the zoo. 】

[ Snape: Mr. Potter, I have to correct you. Talking to snakes is not magic, it is snake talk. 】

[Snape: That's Salazar Slytherin's mark. 】

[ Harry: What? Don’t you all know how to talk to snakes? 】

[Dumbledore: I know a little bit. 】

[Voldemort: Haha, Potter, do you think you are born with this ability? It was stolen from me! 】

[ Harry:????, I, I thought my power was special. 】

[Dumbledore: Boy, don't listen to some noseless monster. This power is your gift, not something stolen. 】

[Ronald: Besides, what if it was stolen? 】

[Ronald: Harry, you are my friend. 】


[Snape: Deduct ten points from Gryffindor to encourage theft. 】

[Ronald: Hey! Professor McGonagall, look at him!]

[ McGonagall: Ronald, theft is taboo, this kind of thing is no joke. 】

[Dumbledore: Yes, then I still have to mention that sometimes, theft can be considered an unconventional method. 】

[Dumbledore: I hope the students at Hogwarts will not be rigid. 】

[Grindelwald: What a clever teaching method, Albus, you have learned a lot over the years. 】

[Ronald: Wait, look at the screen. 】

[Ronald: What the girl drew seems not simple! 】

screen by screen

Fading away, the girl is carefully sketching something on the wall.

The girl's painting skills were quite good, and the wizards could see clearly that they were demons with splayed horns and ugly faces.

They were very different from the batch Constantine had dealt with in the mental hospital.

But in this girl's picture, the number of these demons has reached a terrifying level.

Each one, each one is tens of millions, and surrounded by demons, thirteen powerful demons.

The appearance of those demons is even more ferocious, and some demons are even completely alien.

Not to mention the appearance, even people can't maintain it.

Among these demons, Fasser's figure is clearly visible.

The wizards were a little surprised.

[Ronald: Isn’t this the thunder demon with big thunder and small raindrops? But I remember there was no one on the rooftop that day? 】

[Flitwick: Could it be that this girl is not leaking her abilities, but is sensing something unconsciously? 】

[ Snape: It is very possible that many talented wizards not only control magic, but are automatically favored by magic. 】


[ Snape: They may have shown amazing magical talents at a very young age, and their magic has been trained at a very young age. 】

[ Snape: Like Anton, like this girl. 】

[Flitwick: In that case, this girl’s perception ability is not inferior to that of many outstanding witches. 】

[Flitwick: Maybe her spirituality can even surpass Trelawney]

[ Trelawney: Maybe, maybe. 】

[Trelawney: But I’m more interested in what she plans to put back into that blank picture that she left long ago? 】

As soon as Trelawney finished speaking, the wizards looked at the screen.

Indeed, there is a clean blank space left on the screen, and that blank space seems to be deliberately left empty.

Looks like a humanoid.

The blank space is left clean in the middle of these demons.

It's like a person is looking at these demons, and it's like an angel is dancing with these demons.

The girl was very fast, and she quickly finished painting the last picture.

After the girl finished painting, the wizards were all shocked.

Beige trench coat, thin and handsome face, plus that cynical look.

Isn’t this Anton’s previous life, Constantine?!

For a moment, the wizards didn't know what to say.

The girl was still sketching in disgust. When she finished sketching, her arms naturally dropped, and the magic violence in her eyes disappeared at the same time.

The girl woke up as if from a dream. She looked at the picture in surprise and whispered:

"This is impossible? What on earth did I draw?"

On the screen, hell is raging with fire, and endless demons rush out under the leadership of thirteen demons.

And right in front of the devil, stood a man wearing a trench coat and smiling.

It seemed as if he was mocking these demons, and also seemed to be leading the way for these demons.

The girl had no idea why she was drawing like this.

But there was one thing she was even more unclear about.

Why? Why did she draw this wizard.

【Ronald: Secret love! Definitely a secret love!】

[Ronald: This girl misses Anton so much that she spreads her thoughts on the canvas! 】

[Ronald: Believe me, I have felt this way too. I also drew Veela on paper when I was little. 】

[ Harry: Ronald, you. 】

[Ronald: It's okay, Harry, this is what a normal teacher in love would do. 】

[Ronald: You will do the same in the future. 】

[Snape: Meaningless information, five points from Gryffindor. 】

[Ronald: Professor???[This is what I say from the bottom of my heart. 】

[Flitwick: No wizard will be inexplicably connected to the fate of another wizard. 】

[ Flitwick: So. 】

[Flitwick: I believe it more, Mr. Ronald Weissley. 】

[Flitwick: This may be love, but it is definitely not just love. There must be some magical interference in it. 】

[Flitwick: And this kind of magic is unknown to us. 】

[Cassandra: I'm more interested in who this girl is. 】

As soon as Cassandra finished speaking, the video screen zoomed out again, revealing the witch's name underneath.

Seeing this name, the wizards were suddenly speechless.

All the wizards stared at the name blankly.

This! Impossible Pill!.

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