Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 72: Explode The Administration Bureau! Loki From Another Universe!

In the elevator, the captain introduced the situation to the two.

"The attack happened around 1985."

"The entire army was wiped out, and no one survived."

"That time alien is obviously a habitual offender.

"And all the evidence points to Loki."

"But what type of Loki it is. It's not clear yet.

All the soldiers looked towards Loki.

Loki said calmly.

"It's definitely a better version than me.

said the soldier captain to Loki.

"Turn around, Mr. Rocky."

Loki turned around, and a row of large characters appeared on the clothes behind him.

"Time alien."

Seeing this line of text, Loki obviously felt that it was unfair.

"Hey, are you just going to deal with your only life-saving straw in solving the case?"

The captain smiled and shook his head.

"Whether the case can be solved or not is yet to be determined."

Seeing that these people still had a grudge against Loki, the wizards in the live broadcast room expressed their grievances for Anton.

[Hermione: This is so unfair. I read a very wise saying in the Dragon Kingdom Book. If you doubt him, you shouldn't let him do things. 】

[ Flitwick: You should always trust people, right? It’s a classic old saying. 】

[Hermione: Yes, Mr. Flitwick. If these people don't believe Anton, they can just arrest him. 】

[ Harry: It's good to be caught. I always feel like the time alien is weird. 】

[ Harry: It’s different from the opponents Anton has dealt with before. 】

[ Harry: It feels a bit like Voldemort. 】

[Ronald: That’s right, Harry! I also feel like that guy looks like a mysterious man!]

[ Voldemort: This time, Potter was right. I also think that guy looks like me. 】

[Voldemort: Decisive in killing and ambitious. 】

[ Harry: Please stop talking so much about yourself, you didn’t answer a single question correctly. 】

[Voldemort: You! You! You are so angry with me! 】

[Snape: For your brave confrontation, the demon Gryffindor gets 10 points. 】

On the screen, Agent Mobius was assigning tasks.

"We not only have to be careful about that strange variant of time and space, but we also have to be careful about Loki in each universe."

"He is our old rival."

As he spoke, different images of Loki were projected on the holographic projection.

Some hold the trophy with a smile on their face, and some are physically strong, even better than Sol.

Loki smiled slightly, flattered.

Mobius continued.

"Although their abilities are different, they basically fall into the following categories.

"Changing shapes, creating illusions, and what I admire the most."

Before he could finish speaking, Mobius was immediately interrupted by Loki.

"Creating clones, embarrassing bodies and illusions are not the same."

Mobius was a little stunned.

"Aren't they the same?"

In the live broadcast room, the wizards complained one after another.

You must know that the clone technique and the 913 illusion spell are two completely different magics.

This is a fact that everyone in the wizarding world knows.

[ Flitwick: Ah, what kind of Muggle is this Agent Mobius? Of course the two spells are different. 】

[Flitwick: Any first-year wizard can implement the Illusion Spell, but making a clone requires the use of duplicates. 】

[ McGonagall: That’s true. Copying into pairs is a necessary test item for n.e.w.t. It’s not something that can be done to the same extent as the Illusion Curse. 】

[Flitwick: It's such a shame that people like this are now Aurors. 】

[Ronald: I'm a little worried. If you team up with such a person, can you two catch the area player? 】

[ Flitwick: I wish Anton good luck. 】

On the long road, Loki asked Mobius curiously.

"I can use magic again, aren't you worried that I will betray you?"

Morbius patted Loki on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Loki, a smart guy like you should know better if you betray us."

"You will never see the Time Keeper again."

Loki's eyes lit up when he heard the name Guardian of Time.

He wanted to see these people so much.

He wanted to ask them why his fate was like this.

When he thought of this, Rocky's eyes lit up.

The two walked through the transparent door and arrived at a place similar to a club.

This is the bad country of 1985, and a medieval costume party is being held here.

Men and women wearing medieval armor and revealing uniforms walked past Loki, and Loki asked curiously.

"Why don't we go back in time to before the crime happened?"

For a moment, the market players in the live broadcast room were stunned.

They want to ask this question too.

Mobius just answered calmly.

"The increase in branch events will cause the flow of time to be extremely chaotic, so we can only appear according to the actual time."

The two got into a circus tent.

There is no one here except for the broken black helmets on the ground, which represent the soldiers of the World Administration.

Seeing the helmet, several soldiers whispered again.

The leading soldier captain said in horror.

"He, he started taking hostages."

The captain hurriedly ordered.

"Separate the search teams and act quickly! Quickly! Quickly!"

"Maybe the hostages are still alive."

The team members ran away, but Loki just stared at the ground.

Suddenly he warned.

"Be careful, if you really leave from here, I'm afraid you will end up like him."

Hearing this, the faces of these team members were full of horror.

Mobius asked strangely:

"Agent Rocky (bfdd), what did you find?"

The soldier captain followed Loki's gaze and saw that it was just an ordinary circus tent set up on the lawn. There was nothing else suspicious about it.

Even the wizards were confused.

[Ronald: Is Anton making too much fuss? This is just an ordinary small tent without the Traceless Stretch Charm. 】

[Hermione: Ronald, you are really crazy. Can you be more vigilant? That area is the scene of a crime. 】

[ Harry: I just feel like that place is weird. 】

[Sirius: Shh, don't talk. 】

The soldier captain looked at Loki suspiciously, but Loki had already walked to the side of the helmet.

"There is a proverb in Asgard, where the wolf's ears appear, the wolf's fangs are waiting for an opportunity to move."

The soldier captain was already impatient, he said to Mobius.

"Okay, we should go, don't waste time here."

"I don't want to listen to the scaremongering of a time alien."

Loki smiled and said:

"You see, the gods of Asgard are similar to you."

"They tend to be most attracted to power and thus underestimate other different forces."

"Just like you, you underestimated me and also underestimated this ordinary Loki.

The captain became a little impatient, turned around and wanted to walk out the door.

"He's wasting his time, Agent Mobius."

Mobius pulled the captain back and said to him in a commanding tone:

"Let him finish."

Loki said calmly.

"That guy is likely to sneak inside, and the Time Guardian may be in danger."

"So you must take me him to meet them immediately."

As soon as Loki finished speaking, Mobius smiled and said:

"Okay, he's just teasing us."

"Clear the timeline here."

As he spoke, several soldiers inserted the time reset device into the ground.

Suddenly the entire huge circus disappeared.

Something was suddenly exposed under the helmet. It was a well-hidden detonator bomb.

The lead is connected outside the gate.

The soldier captain felt a chill in his heart.

If he had just pushed the door open and left, the detonator would have detonated instantly.

Blow up all their team members.

But, how did Loki know?

The soldier captain stared at Loki with surprised eyes, trying to figure out what was going on in the wizard's mind.

Loki just whistled carelessly.

The captain said in a jerky tone.

"Thank you, Mr. Loki, maybe you are different from this time alien."

In the live broadcast room, the teachers were also shocked.

You must know that they have never paid attention to this small steel helmet from the time they came in until now.

If they had entered here, they would have been killed long ago.

The wizards were a little frightened for a moment, Loki's trick was really amazing!

[Ronald: Phew! I'm still scared. God! Anton is worthy of being called the God of Trickery. 】

[Ronald: It just makes me hairy. 】

[Ronald: Who would have thought that he would put fried sauce under that little steel helmet. 】

[Flitwick: Although from other perspectives, this trap is quite vicious. 】

[ Flitwick: But it also shows Anton’s talent. 】

[ Flitwick: Quite a strange combination. 】

[Voldemort: Finally, I finally see a capable person. 】

[Voldemort: I appreciate this behavior. It would be better if I didn't tell them. 】

The screen flashed back to an office, where Inquisitor Ramona said to Mobius.

"Mr. Mobius, I know you still have feelings for this time alien."

"But we warn you, all Lokis are quite dangerous."

Mobius smiled and said:

"No, no, no, Ramona, this is Loki. He helped us avoid an explosion today."

Ramona shook her head.

"I know you appreciate his talent, but do you trust Loki?"

"Oh my god, you know, he is the god of lies."

Mobius sighed.

"Everyone changes."

"Give him another chance, please.

Ramona said to Mobius with a straight face.

"Okay, then I'll watch it for a while."

The scene changes.

The two of them were already in a room that looked like a library.

Mobius said to Loki.

"Well, knowing more may help us catch him."

He handed a large dossier to Loki.

"Come on! Read it carefully."

Loki grabbed the dossier, which said the extinction of Asgard and the Twilight of the Gods.

And on the top of this file, there is a line of words written.

“The complete extinction of an entire civilization.”

Loki finished reading the file and ran to Mobius' office in an instant.

"I know, I know where the time criminal is hidden."

Mobius was stunned.


"Did you read all the files so quickly?"

Loki said:

"The dossier is not important, what is important is the timeline."

“That Loki is hiding in Doomsday.

Mobius smiled and said:

"Oh, please, that Loki is not an idiot. Tell me why anyone would want to go to the end of the world?"

Loki said firmly.

"No, no, no, since the end is already a doomed fact.

"Then do anything before the doomsday timeline

None will be changed. "

"In other words, that Loki can do whatever he wants."

"For example, pushing Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge and burning down his own palace."

"Because Asgard is destined to be destroyed, then nothing is a problem."

Mobius's eyes lit up.

"This, this, this."

"This weird Loki logic."

"Wait a minute, how did you come up with such a genius idea?"

Loki just smiled lightly in his own head.

The next second, Mobius stood up from the chair and grabbed Loki.

"Okay, here we are."

In the live broadcast room, the wizards were also confused by Anton's operation.

[Flitwick: My favorite counter-logic! Who would have thought that since the end is destined to come, you can do whatever you want!]

[Flitwick: I have to say that Loki’s idea is quite good. 】

[Flitwick: If he comes to Ravenclaw, he will definitely become a great wizard. 】

[ Flitwick: But he seems to be a mage already. 】

[Ronald: Please, Mr. Flitwick, please speak more simply. I don’t seem to understand you very well. 】

[Flitwick: All you need to know, Ronald, is that Loki is a genius. 】


The scene changed and we came to the bad country in 2050.

In a few days, a storm will sweep through.

Outside a supermarket, the team members were fully armed and ready.

The supermarket is very big, with a giant holographic projection outside.

The team members filed in.

In the supermarket's monitoring room, a figure was watching them indifferently.

Rocky followed the team members into the supermarket.

At this time, there was no one in the supermarket. In this stormy weather, this phenomenon was normal.

The captain carefully ordered a few people:

"Remember that Loki may appear in any form. If you encounter a creature that looks like Loki, please remove it immediately."

After the instructions, the team members dispersed, with Loki and the captain guarding the door.

It was pouring rain outside, and the strong wind was beating on the door curtain.

It's like bad weather that only appears in horror movies.

This weird atmosphere really made the little wizards feel a little uncomfortable.

[Luna: It’s so scary. It feels like something will come out from behind the door at any time. 】

[Hermione: Could this be another trap? I don’t dare to look at it now. 】

[Cassandra: Be strong, you guys, be strong. 】

[Cassandra: I believe Anton, we will definitely capture that guy. 】

Just as Cassandra finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

A figure poked his head out of the door, and the captain and Loki immediately prepared for battle.

When I got closer, I saw a short, fat black man wearing casual clothes.

The captain yelled:

"Hey, who are you? Are you coming here and stuff?"

The short, fat black man immediately raised his hands, obviously a veteran of many battles.

"I-I'm not here to steal anything."

"I'm here to buy something."

The captain's eyes narrowed unnaturally.


"Shopping in this weather."

The short, fat black man said in a hurry:

"Yes, yes, I want to buy a green plant."

Upon hearing this, the captain's expression immediately became unbearable.

He immediately pointed the gun at the squat black man's temple.

"On such a rainy day, even going out will be dangerous."

"You actually go out for a plant?"

"Loki, isn't your lie too low-level?"

The black man said quickly.

"This supermarket has a discount, half price on stormy days."

The captain pressed the weapon to his throat.

"Okay, you can talk to the judge about this later, Loki."

Seeing that Loki was caught, the wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

[Ronald: Even I can see this. It’s raining so hard to buy a plant? No one comes out except the people from St. Mungo’s Hospital. 】

[Sirius: This disguise is so easy, even I can see that he has flaws. 】

[Flitwick: Strange, this kind of lie shouldn't be at Loki's level. 】

[Ronald: Professor, don’t worry about it. That Loki doesn’t lie every day, so it’s possible that his level will drop. 】

[ Flitwick: Maybe, but I still feel like the capture was too easy this time. 】

In the scene, the captain easily knocked the black man unconscious to the ground.

Then he greeted Loki and motioned for him to come closer.

"Okay, now the mission is over."

"We should go back."

But Loki stood there and did not come closer.

Instead he asked:

"Who are you?"

Upon hearing Loki's question, the captain immediately smiled.

His tone of voice immediately changed to that of Loki.

"Okay, let's see you still have some IQ of my own."

"Tell me, which universe are you Loki from?"

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