Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 76: The Guardian Of Time Dies! Is There Someone Else Behind This? !

In the distance, the ark they used to escape stood high, as if it could touch the starry sky.

At this time, they were surrounded by refugees fleeing.

The guards suddenly spoke.

“It’s time to board the ship, it’s time to board the ship.

The two immediately started running.

The closed floodgates beneath the ark. It is gradually closing.

The wizards watching this scene were extremely nervous.

What if they really can't get up?

A large number of refugees followed the two of them.

As the two approached the valve, the ark door was already closed.

Everything came to an abrupt end in an instant.

With Sylvie's expression, she first raised her middle finger to Ark, then turned and left without looking back.

Loki stood quietly in front of the closed valve, thinking about how to get in.

In the next second, the Ark suddenly broke into two pieces from the middle.

Apparently caused by an asteroid impact.

The converter is now out of use, and the only escape ark has lost its function.

And that meteorite is about to hit the planet at any time, proving that the life of this planet will also come to an abrupt end.

Outside the screen, the wizards were watching this scene.

At this time, my heart was filled with despair and my mood was low.

[ Harry: It seems that the timeline of no survivors cannot be changed. 】

[Ronald: I’m so angry. I didn’t expect it to end like this. 】

[Ronald: Can’t we let the two of them live a good life? 】

[Sirius: What a pity, this pair of desperate mandarin ducks seems to be coming to an end. 】

[Sirius: However, they have done a pretty good job. 】

[Sirius: It’s just that there are more surprises coming. 】

Loki chased Sylvie who was walking away and landed on a crater.

In the lavender sky, meteorites are falling continuously, forming a beautiful meteor shower.

Loki said calmly.

"Sorry, I broke the converter."

Sylvie took the initiative to grab Loki's hand.

"I was captured by the Time Variation Administration when I was very young. Since then, I have been on the run for a long, long time."

"Even in my dreams, I dream about the soldiers from the administration coming to arrest me."

"It's not bad to die here."

Let people stand shoulder to shoulder and watch the meteor shower in the distance together.

The falling meteorite chunks are getting bigger and bigger now.

Even as big as a small city.

The giant planet was about to hit him.

Time Variation Authority.

Agent Mobius stared at the screen, his eyes extremely shocked.

A huge branch suddenly extended from a certain doomsday, and its growth rate far exceeded anything seen a thousand years ago!

This means that the fate of countless things in this timeline is undergoing dramatic changes.

What did Loki do?!

Mobius roared violently:

"Hurry up."

"All members gather to trap the sun planet.

"The two time aliens are there!"

As the huge meteorite gradually fell, the surrounding plants began to burn.

Sylvie said to Loki gently.

"Loki, you are quite good."

"It's a pity that we met too late."

The next second, the two closed their eyes and waited quietly for death to come.

However, after exiting the portal, it suddenly opened wide. Two rows of soldiers from the administration rushed out and captured the two of them into the portal.

Seeing this, the wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

[Ronald: Great, so timely. If it had been one second later, the planet would have collided with it. 】

[ Harry: This is not necessarily a good thing, Ronald. 】

[Ronald: Isn’t this a good thing? Anton and Luna survived! 】

[ Snape: Ronald, Luna just said that the people in the Time Variation Administration are all time criminals, they are just slaves brainwashed by the Time Guardian. 】

[ Snape: You have to think clearly. 】

[Ronald: Aren’t they two out of danger yet? 】

[Snape: It is possible that we are even closer to danger. 】

In the corridor, Mobius held Loki's arm tightly.

"Loki, you are such a bad friend."

"We've known each other for such a long time and you still haven't told me the truth.

Loki looked directly into Mobius's eyes and said coldly.

"Wake up, Mobius, you have all been deceived by the Time Keepers."

"You are not a creature created by him at all, you are a time alien."

Mobius laughed loudly and dragged Loki into an office.

"Okay Loki, tell us."

"What did you do on the Death Star just now? It can actually change the fate of so many people."

Loki said righteously with a straight face.

"Sylvie can explore the memories of others. She saw the memories of her previous life on the previous agent."

"Mobius, you might have been an ordinary person before. You might have had your wife and family."

"But the Guardian of Time caught you here, brainwashed you, and turned you into a ruthless machine."

"Wake up, the time guardian is lying to you."

This heartfelt statement shocked the wizards.

According to their god of trickery, Loki had to tell at least a lot of lies to trick Mobius into submission.

And now what Loki said is true.

His sincerity was something that these wizards had never seen before.

Plus Loki's honest demeanor.

The wizards can conclude that Mobius will definitely believe him.

Sure enough, Mobius's mouth opened slightly, obviously shocked by Loki's words.

He kept repeating Loki's words.

"The Guardian is deceiving me? Am I also a time alien?"

After saying a few words, Mobius laughed loudly and patted Loki on the shoulder.

"Okay Loki, you are indeed the God of Lies."

"Now, let's talk about what exactly you did on your planet, shall we?"

"Such a powerful time change is enough to enter the history of our Time Variation Administration."

Loki remained silent.

The wizard in the live broadcast room was quite angry.

[Ronald: This Mobius is true. He has listened to so many lies, and now he can’t believe it when he hears the truth. 】

[Ronald: I just want to follow that time guardian to do bad things. 】

[Flitwick: This is indeed an unwise move. If he thinks about it carefully, he will know where his previous memories have gone?]

[ Snape: I have seen people like this. It is difficult to change after being brainwashed. 】

[ Snape: What's more, the guy named Time Guardian is a very smart brainwashed Gao Li. 】

[ Snape: That guy deliberately didn't allow this information to be exchanged. 】

The scene turned to a supermarket drifting in heavy rain.

The soldier captain and Sylvie stood in the rain.

"What exactly did you do to me?"

Sylvie said.

"I let you see the memories before you came to this place."

The soldier captain's expression was quite painful.

"No, no, no, those are all fake, I was created by the guardian of time.

Saying that, Sylvie recited a spell.

In an instant, countless memories flooded into the mind of the soldier captain.

Her eyes immediately filled with tears.

She knew very well that those vivid memories could not be faked.

she cried.

"I was a queen, I had subjects, I had children."

"Have a great time."

she asked Sylvie.

"Now how to do?"

Sylvie said lightly.

"Find a suitable opportunity and take revenge on them."

The scene turned and Loki was waiting in the office.

Mobius was suddenly called out just now.

As soon as the door opened, Mobius walked in, holding something excitedly in his hand.

"Loki, friend, come and take a look at this."

He pressed the button of the converter in his hand, and a woman's figure appeared on the screen.

That was the agent who had been kidnapped by Sylvie before.

At this time, she was speaking to the judge with tears streaming down her face.

"I want to go home, to my real home."

""The time guardian has deceived you, everyone here is a time criminal.

Mobius said excitedly.

"My friend, it turns out you were right!"

"You were right from the beginning."

"You are not the God of Lies, the Guardian of Time is the biggest liar!"

Loki sighed.

"It seems like your brain isn't completely broken yet."

Seeing that Mobius' IQ returned to high ground, the wizards in the live broadcast room were very relieved.

【Ronald: There is still hope! There is still hope!】

[Ronald: I really didn’t expect that this Mobius actually had a trick up his sleeve. 】

[ Harry: This agent has not been completely controlled, at least he still retains a trace of wisdom. 】

Mobius asked rhetorically.

"Friend, what should we do next? Take Sylvie and run away quietly?"

Everyone knows that the Time Variation Administration is heavily guarded and has many soldiers.

Loki shook his head.

"No, we can't let that guardian lie to people anymore."

"He is the lowest and most cunning liar."

"We're going to expose him."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door suddenly opened, and a group of soldiers holding erasers swarmed in.

The one who started the trial was none other than the judge who had tried Loki before.

Seeing the two of them, the judge ordered with a completely calm tone.

"Agent Mobius has been corrupted by the time alien, eliminate him."

Several soldiers swarmed forward and activated the erasers in their hands, holding Mobius firmly down.

Mobius did not struggle, but his tone was very chic.

"I'm sorry, friend, I deserve this. Forgive me for trusting you now."

Then he was turned into ashes by the Eraser.

Loki glared at the Inquisitor, who only waved to him.

"Take her up with another time offender."

The two were pushed to the end of the corridor, and he also saw Sylvie in the corridor.

Sylvie blinked at him and made an expression that showed she had everything under control.

The elevator kept rising, and people came to a gloomy room.

The place is filled with death-like mist, and on the throne in the distance, sit these three gods with unclear faces.

They were wrapped in robes, and their words carried an echo of incomparable majesty.

The judge lowered his head and motioned to the three of them.

"Dear Time Guardian, I have brought the time criminal here.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's get down."

Finally seeing the legendary guardian of time, the teachers' hearts were beating fast.

This is the legendary god who unified all the multiverses and created the only sacred timeline. Needless to say, he felt oppressive.

Especially the hoods on their bodies made it difficult to distinguish their faces, adding to the mystery of these gods.

【Ronald: Is this the God of Gods?】

[Ronald: Looks so impressive


[Flitwick: Full of momentum, but a bit pretentious. 】

[Flitwick: The real god does not need to be pretentious, he himself already symbolizes supreme power. 】

[Dumbledore: So meaningful, Flitwick. 】

[Flitwick: I just feel that these people do this kind of thing for the so-called sacred timeline. 】

[Flitwick: They can't be called gods. 】

[Hermione: Anton and Luna, what will happen to them? 】

[ Snape: I don’t know, but depending on the situation, the two of them probably won’t be killed. 】

[ Snape: If you wanted to take action, you would have done it when you captured them. 】

【Snape: Could it be that Anton and Luna have something they want?】

For a while, the gang fell into thinking.

You must know that these guardians of time are gods above gods, and infinity stones are just ordinary stones in their eyes.

How come Anton and Luna have what they want?

While the wizards were thinking, the time guardians began to speak.

The time guardian at the head ordered in an extremely majestic tone.

"."Loki, you have changed the time many times and you have never changed your mind. "

"He even tried to poison the minds of innocent agents and spread lies."

"Do you know your guilt?"

Loki laughed.

"Stop pretending."

"You are the biggest liar."

The Time Keeper turned up the volume again.

"You two kneel down for me!!"

The two burst into laughter at the same time.

Loki said:

"If you were really as powerful as you say, you would have taken action long ago."

"You're afraid of us."

One sentence silenced the guardian of time for an instant.

Sylvie, on the other hand, instantly moved forward and rushed towards the throne of the Guardian of Time.

The judge immediately pressed the reset button in front of her, but Sylvie didn't react at all.

The judge was shocked, Xia Yuan's button actually failed?!

Just when she was extremely panicked.

The soldier captain outside kicked the door open and shouted.

"Loki! Go on!"

As he spoke, he threw the dagger and scimitar used by Loki and Sylvie's scimitar at the same time.

The two of them jumped into the crowd at the same time and killed everyone. For a moment, the entire temple was in chaos.

Although they cannot use magic, they have been able to hone their coordination over a long period of time, making the two of them unfavorable.

Several soldiers had fallen amid the flash of swords.

The inquisitor became angry, holding the eraser in his hand, and approached the two of them.

Sylvie gave a look, and Loki threw the dagger.

The dagger pinned the Inquisitor to the wall with precision.

Sylvie turned forward, swung her scimitar, the sword flashed, and three heads fell to the ground.

Loki stabbed with his dagger, and three hearts were accurately pierced.

The guardian of time, who claimed to have merged all timelines, has passed away.

Such a huge change shocked the wizards (Wang Lihao).

This Anton is actually so powerful?!

Even the Guardian of Time, whose power far exceeded that of the Infinity Stones, was killed so easily?!

And you haven’t used magic yet?!

The great revenge was avenged, and Sylvie had tears in her eyes.

she said to Loki.

"Loki, I, I finally got my revenge."

As she spoke, she shed tears and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

"Where should we go next? I want to find an Asgardian."

"We'll have a good time there, playing tricks on Sol and meeting Mum.

"Something's wrong."

Loki grabbed the head of a time guardian, and the place where the blood vessels used to be was crackling with electricity.

Loki casually kicked the head away.

"Fake, this time guardian is a fake."

Sylvie was stunned.

"What's fake?! Since the Time Guardian is fake, who is the real person who created this place?!"

As soon as Sylvie finished speaking, the judge's finger passed through Loki's chest accurately, and Loki turned into powder in an instant.

For a moment the wizards were furious.

[Harry: She attacked Anton! What a bastard!]

[Ronald: I’m going to put a curse on her! Don’t stop me!]

[Hermione: I will let ten thousand birds peck her!]

[McGonagall: This is impossible, Anton, Anton is actually dead? 】

Sylvie immediately became furious and trampled the inquisitor under her feet. The scimitar in her hand made a bloody mark on her neck.

said the inquisitor.

"Kill me, I'll kill your boyfriend."

Sylvie said coldly.

"No, I'm going to torture you in every possible way until you tell the truth about this place.


The scene switched and Loki woke up in an unknown place.

There are a few strangers in front of you, and behind you is a large group of black fog.

Seeing several strangers trying to escape, Loki asked curiously:

"Hey, where is it?"

The stranger said:

"This is nothingness. The thing behind you is called Elios, and we are its lunch. Run!"

Loki immediately stood up and ran away as fast as he could. .

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