Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Hermi1 And Harry Duel

By the afternoon, Hogwarts was back to normal.

Artel went to the course of the history of magic. Quirrell’s stealing of the Philosopher’s Stone had no influence on Professor Binns. He still continued the course of the previous class, and rambled about the goblin riots to the little wizards.

Artel stayed up for half the class, but finally couldn’t get through it, and fell asleep under Professor Binns’ vacuum-cleaner-like voice.

On the other hand, Dumbledore also left Hogwarts.

He first went to see Lucius, because he was the chairman of the Hogwarts Board of Trustees, and Quirrell, as an in-service professor at Hogwarts, disappeared inexplicably. This matter must be reported to the school board. will report.

At the same time, Dumbledore also wanted to confirm his guess through Lucius’ reaction.

After all, the head of the Malfoy family was once a notorious Death Eater, and it was difficult to protect him from Quirrell or Voldemort.

“You mean Quirrell disappeared?!

Lucius was shocked when he heard the news, he did not know that Quirrell had left Hogwarts.

In fact, he hadn’t seen Quirrell since the last time he got him a second dragon egg.

“Did he succeed?”

Lucius knew that Qi “583” Law was doing things for Voldemort, and he could guess that his target should be the Philosopher’s Stone. After all, the Gringotts theft case was so big that it was published in the Daily Prophet. I know a little bit. Anyone with an inside story can guess.

His face was gloomy and uncertain, and Dumbledore, who was opposite him, was drinking hot tea without hesitation.

“Then what do you mean by coming to me?”

Lucius looked at Dumbledore. He was not very polite to Dumbledore. Although he was the chairman of the board of directors of Hogwarts, Lucius actually didn’t like Hogwarts.

Because there is not only pure blood, at the beginning, Lucius planned to send Malfoy to Durmstrang to study, because that school only accepted pure blood wizards, but finally gave up for some reason .

“You are the chairman of the Hogwarts Board of Trustees, so I have to tell you about the disappearance of the school staff. Also, I plan to hire Ms. Nagini as the professor of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts class…”

Dumbledore was already convinced that Lucius didn’t know where Quirrell had gone, so he wasn’t going to waste time.

“Hiring new faculty…”

Lucius was about to object when he found that Dumbledore had stood up and left.

“Damn it! Damn Dumbledore! 35

Lucius clenched his cane angrily, wishing he could go up and smash him hard.

But of course this is impossible, until Dumbledore left, Lucius snorted heavily, snapped his fingers, and shouted:

“Dobby! Go get me my robe, I’m going to meet some people…”

“Yes, my lord. 35

Dobby ran to the locker room tremblingly and brought his noble black robe for Lucius.

“Dawdling, stupid stuff. Years

Lucius took the robe, kicked Dobby away, put on the robe and left.

Dobby screamed, got up and rubbed his thighs, squatting his mouth in grievance, hiding in the corner and sobbing.

After Lucius left, he secretly went to see several Death Eater wizards who had escaped punishment together, and revealed to them that Quirrell might have obtained the Philosopher’s Stone, intentionally or unintentionally.

Everyone was shocked and equally apprehensive, and they knew what it meant.

This means that the Dark Lord who once brought darkness to the wizarding world is coming back, and those who use the means to escape punishment to avoid being locked in Azkaban may be considered traitors, if that’s the case…

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The news about the possible return of Lord Voldemort was widely circulated in the circles of the former Death Eaters, and even evolved into many versions in the end, and some people said that Voldemort has been resurrected and so on.

However, these rumors were only spread in a small area and did not come to light, and the Ministry of Magic did not even have any news about it.

On the contrary, the news that Hogwarts changed the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor has caused some people’s discussion, because the frequency of the change seems to be too fast this year. It used to be changed every year. This year, only half a semester has passed. Replace Quirrell.

Of course, most school managers and parents of students are happy.

Because they all knew that Quirrell became weird after he went to Romania. The school board thought he was not suitable for teaching, but they never found a suitable reason. This time Quirrell left by himself, which saved them trouble. .

Dumbledore also contacted the members of the Order of the Phoenix. They have been secretly investigating Quirrell’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, Quirrell seemed to have disappeared from this world, and no news came out.

It’s Friday, and today, Artel and Hermione have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Hermione heard a lot of news from other seniors who had already taken classes. It is said that Professor Nagini’s teaching style is completely different from Quirrell’s, and she is younger, so she is very popular with students.

After breakfast, the little wizards of Slytherin and Gryffindor came to the classroom early, except for their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which was the first time they were looking forward to it.

Since the last time Artel and Harry said those words, Harry has indeed changed a lot. Neville said that Harry did not go out at night or look for his cloak these days. He did not go to class every day. Just going to the library to read, or chatting with Ron and his roommates, seems to have become a lot more normal.

And his attitude towards Artel and Hermione didn’t change much, as if nothing happened that day, and he was still the kind of friend who occasionally said a few words.


The door to the classroom was pushed open, and Nagini, dressed in a black wizard robe, walked in.

It was the first time Artel had seen her since that meeting in the basement.

The wide wizard’s robe concealed Nagini’s figure, but her long legs were still exposed from time to time. Of course, except for Artel, the little wizards present were not very interested in these.

“Good morning, cute little snakes and little lions.”

Nagini walked to the podium and greeted the little wizards.

“Good morning, Professor Nagini.

The little wizards answered in unison, Nagini had a smile on her face, she liked her life very much, although she felt a little nervous when she took the first class, but now so many days have passed, Nagini Completely used to it.

“For some special reasons, I will replace Professor Quirrell in the future to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts. I heard from other little wizards that there seems to be some problems with Professor Quirrell’s teaching content…”

“So I’m going to start from scratch and re-teach you true Defence Against the Dark Arts!39

Nagini’s words excited the little wizards, some of whom even cheered…

“Defense against the Dark Arts refers to spells to defend against black magic and some magical creatures. In addition to the spells to protect ourselves, there are also some offensive spells…”

“Today, I’m going to teach you a simple mantra, and its name is Obstruction Mantra!”

Hearing that Nagini was about to teach the Barrier Charm, Hermione smiled smugly, because she had already learned the Barrier Charm, and under the guidance of Artel, she had been able to perform a quick release.

“An Obstruction Charm is a spell that can slow down an opponent’s actions, delay an opponent in a duel, or prevent a magical creature from approaching you, and of course, if it is a smaller magical creature, it can directly suspend the opponent’s action. 35

Nagini first explained the effect of the Obstruction Charm and the application scene, and then took out his wand and drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, with blue-green sparks emerging from it.

“It’s mantra is Obstacles…Listen to its cadence, and learn from me… Obstacles-obstacles-heavy one”

“The shaking of the wrist should be matched with the wand…”

Under Nagini’s explanation, the little wizards were fascinated, and Harry also became interested. After a few tries, he was able to release it easily.

“Next, I would like to ask my classmates to demonstrate, then Harry Potter classmates, try it!”9

Nagini ended up choosing Harry Potter because Dumbledore and Snape mentioned Harry Potter several times in their dealings with Quirrell and Voldemort.

It seemed that Dumbledore had great expectations of him.

Nagini originally wanted to choose Artel, because the intimacy that did not know where she came from made her full of affection for Artel.

But when she saw Artel’s lack of interest and didn’t want to disturb him anymore, she felt that Artel didn’t seem to want to be in the limelight, so she searched around the classroom and saw Hermione beside Artel, at this moment Hermione was showing A look of eagerness to try.

Nagini 4.1 feels that this girl seems to have an inexplicable hostility towards her…and she seems to want to teach Harry Potter a lesson…

“Just you…Miss Hermione Granger…”

Nagini chose Hermione, a surprise flashed in Hermione’s eyes, she stood up suddenly, looked at Harry, and showed a harmless smile on her face.

Harry hesitated, because Hermione had always been a star in Professor Flitwick’s Charms class, except for Artel, Hermione’s talent was the best, and Professor Flitwick praised her and Artel every class.


“The Spells class is about the common spells in life, while the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is about the spells to be used in a duel. I have mastered the obstacles so quickly this time, and it is not necessarily worse than Hermione!

Harry encouraged himself in his heart. He didn’t have any idea of competing with Hermione, but it would be too embarrassing for the famous Harry Potter to lose to a girl.

He looked at Hermione seriously, took a few steps back, took a deep breath, raised his wand lightly, and then saw a blue-green spark flying towards him.

In a trance, the surprised cries of the little wizards and Hermione’s voice seemed to be heard in my ears:

“There are many obstacles!”

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