Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 166

Chapter 166 The Terrifying Power Of The Supreme Lord Of The Rings (Subscription)

“Did he open the Chamber of Secrets?

Snape was stunned for a moment, then showed an expression of sudden realization.

Dumbledore went to Gaunt’s old house before, found the notes left by Salazar Slytherin, and then deduced the location of the secret room.

After that, Dumbledore deliberately brought a few professors, pulled Harry, and opened the secret room with the help of his Parseltongue.

Unfortunately, no clues were found in it.

After that, Snape also tried many times to find out who the heir of Slytherin was, but unfortunately, there was no gain.

“If it’s Peter Pettigrew…it’s not surprising that we didn’t find it.”

Snape thought this way, Peter Pettigrew was an illegal f*ck Gus after all. He usually hid in Gryffindor’s dormitory and came out as a mouse at night. They couldn’t find it, but it was normal.

“But how did you know?”

Snape looked at Artel curiously and asked.

Artel showed an embarrassed expression, he scratched his head, and said:

“I went out for a night tour two nights ago… When I went to the second floor, I saw Banban got into the girls’ bathroom.

“I was a little curious and thought Harry and Ron were out for a night tour, so I followed quietly, but I didn’t see them… I saw Scabbers turned into people…”

“That’s Peter Pettigrew now, but I didn’t know him at the time, so I hid… He said a few words in Parseltongue there, waited for a while, and when he didn’t see any response, he just let himself go. He said a few more words to himself, and then left…”

Artel said with a serious face, not only Snape, but also Hermione and the others believed it.

“It turns out that Artel also roams at night…but he’s much smarter than Harry and Ron, and he’s never been caught.55

“I don’t know what Artel is going to do at night. Otherwise, I will also be at night, maybe I will meet him…”

Heming and the others had different expressions, and a mess of thoughts appeared in their minds. Artel glanced at Peter Pettigrew who was lying straight on the ground, and continued:

“Later Harry told us that Headmaster Dumbledore had found the secret room, which was in the girls’ bathroom on the second floor, and the entrance there was also blocked by Headmaster Dumbledore.”

“So I guessed that he opened the secret room, but I was afraid that rashly telling the professors would cause suspicion. It happened that Ron asked me to give Banban a potion, so today’s event…”

Peter Pettigrew, who was lying on the ground, rolled his eyes, and he really couldn’t remember when he had done these things.

But what Artel said was vivid, even if he himself had some doubts.

“Is someone pretending to be me? But who else knows about me…”

“I don’t know Parseltongue either! I’m not the heir to Slytherin…I don’t even know where the Chamber of Secrets is!

“If no one’s pretending to be me, it’s this little guy who’s lying!”

Peter Pettigrew shouted in his heart, wishing to stand up and confront Artel face to face, but Snape’s magic power was too strong, he couldn’t move at all now.

“When I see Dumbledore…I’ll…”

Peter Pettigrew was thinking when he heard footsteps in his ears, and then saw Artel’s face appear above his head.

The eyes of the two met.

Peter Pettigrew saw that deep in Artel’s eyes, there seemed to be a swirling golden light.

Peter’s eyes immediately became confused.

It feels like a second has passed, and it feels like a year has passed.

By the time he reacted again, Artel had left.

And Peter’s mind was in a sharp pain, and inexplicably there were many more memories.

For example, in the dead of night, he secretly followed Harry Potter for a night tour, discovered the secret of the Mirror of Erised, and then quietly informed Quirrell.

Also, relying on the notes left by Voldemort, he learned the old tongue of snakes, opened the secret room, and released the basilisk inside…

After the basilisk was killed, he quietly came to the secret room again and tried to open it again but failed… So he repented and atoneed for Voldemort’s notes and told everything he had done…

The last memory is that when the little wizards were going to class, he asked the owl to send Voldemort’s notes out of Hogwarts…

“I did all this?!”

Peter Pettigrew was completely blinded.

“It turns out that I really did this! I must have been cast by the Imperius Curse by the master! And the Oblivion Curse! Otherwise, I wouldn’t even have a memory.

“But why do I remember it now? The master’s spell has failed… Did something happen to him?”

Peter Pettigrew’s heart was filled with turbulent waves, and he didn’t even bother to listen to what Artel and Snape had to say.

He combed through his memory and realized that he didn’t remember when he got Voldemort’s diary.

“The Oblivion Curse is still in effect… I still have a lot of memories that I haven’t recovered… How… how could this be?”

Peter wanted to cry without tears, he just wanted to hide in peace and live as a mouse…

I didn’t expect to cause so many things for no reason, so I was discovered by the little wizard named Artel……

It’s all over now.

When Dumbledore returns, with his mana, these memories of himself will be read, and Peter will definitely be sentenced to Azkaban by then.

And those Death Eaters in Azkaban wouldn’t let themselves go.

Peter wandered on one side, and on the other, Artel ended his conversation with Snape.

He returned to his seat and rubbed his temples tiredly.

Using the special ability of the Lord of the Rings for the first time made Artel a little overwhelmed.

This is the ability that he unlocked by himself after he obtained the inheritance of Sauron and understood the manufacturing process of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

The power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings can be stimulated without relying on the unlocking progress of the system.

Change people’s memories, change people’s thoughts.

You can even manipulate the other party and make him your own puppet.

“With my own strength… It is still a little difficult to use the Lord of the Rings. Gandalf’s spiritual cultivation secrets cannot be left behind. If I have the spiritual power of Maya, let alone just add a little memory to Peter… Even if it adds to his reincarnation Memories are irrelevant.””

Snape asked all the little wizards to continue refining medicine, and he took Peter Pettigrew to find other professors.

Peter’s matter is very important, and it also involves Sirius in Azkaban, 4.1 must let Dumbledore come back to deal with it.

As soon as Professor Snape left, the little wizards burst into cheers.

Many people gathered around Artel to ask questions, and some people asked him how the Visibility Potion was made…

Ron also came over and said thank you to Artel. He really thanked Artel. If it weren’t for Artel, he might have slept with that smelly mouse for years.

“Thank you, Artel, for helping me find the real murderer who betrayed my parents…”

Harry also came over, and he was in a very chaotic mood now.

What happened in the short twenty minutes just now caused Harry’s heart to experience ups and downs.

“Don’t thank me, I also made a mistake, let alone we are friends…”

Artel patted Harry on the shoulder, Harry nodded, said thank you again, and returned to his seat with a heavy heart.

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