Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Artel, The Most Dazzling New Star In The Wizarding World! (Subscribe)

Just thinking about it, Hermione and a few little witches entered the auditorium.

After seeing Artel, Hermione jumped up and ran over, sat beside him, and hummed:

“Did you go out for a night tour last night? Didn’t eat breakfast!

Hermione patted the table and cried:

“I want a custard pudding and a glass of orange juice!”

As Hermione’s voice fell and the food she requested appeared on the table, Hermione pushed the pudding and juice in front of Artel and said:

“Are you hungry? Eat something to cushion yourself…”

Pansy on the side was thoughtful, she now understood why Artel liked Hermione so much, Hermione thought that Artel hadn’t eaten breakfast, and she had been chatting with Artel for so long, but she didn’t think about it.

Mainly because Pansy was used to being the eldest miss before, and did not form such a habit of being considerate.

“Remember this later… um…”

Pansy was thinking silently here, Hermione Tsundere next to Pansy gave Pansy a look, the emotion in her eyes was self-evident.

26 Artel held back his smile, the little thought between Hermione and Pansy… kinda interesting.

“You just got back from the library?”

Artel took a bite of the pudding and asked Hermione:

“No, Sister Penello and I went to see them sign up… There are so many people who signed up, from the four academies, it seems that everyone is angry…”

Hermione leaned her chin, tilted her head to watch Artel eat, and added:

“Pansy should have told you about that Morobo, right? He said he wanted to learn from our snake-killing hero… This guy is the fourth-year duel champion, and we should choose Penello School. sister…”

Hermione lowered her voice, leaned closer to Artel’s ear, and whispered:

“So I thought… why don’t he go to the infirmary for a while?

“As I thought.”

Artel replied, Hermione clapped her hands happily, and said:

“I knew it! Hehe, but Sister Penello said that if that Cassandra signed up when she came back, she might not be Cassandra’s opponent. 55

“But I think… even if Cassandra really wins, she is an exchange student from Beauxbatons, and if the professor of Ilvermorny doesn’t admit it, there’s nothing you can do.

Hermione thought a lot, but judging from the shamelessness of the two professors at Ilvermorny School, maybe this could really happen.

“I know, if he really wants to ‘study” with me, it will definitely keep him out of bed before Saturday.

Artel finished the pudding and took a sip, feeling a lot more comfortable in his stomach.

“Has the Beauxbatons exchange student come yet?

“No, but it says it will come in the afternoon…”

After chatting for a while, it was time for lunch, and more and more little wizards returned to the Great Hall.

The number of students in the third grade and above is a lot less than yesterday. They all went to Hogsmeade. I heard that the exchange students of Ilvermorny also went to Hogsmeade. They finally came once, and they must go to the famous Check out the village of Hogsmeade.

During dinner, Harry and Ron were still talking about Amber.

There is something in this half-breed veela, not only Percy, but also the Weasley twins are deeply fascinated… The three sons of the Weasley family…

No, judging from the state of the conversation between Ron and Harry, Ron is also obsessed with Amber.

That said, all four of the brothers are fascinated by this hybrid veela…

“Don’t think about it, don’t think about it…”

Artel clicked, Hermione glanced at him curiously, and asked:

“What’s wrong?”


After dinner, Artel originally wanted to go for a walk with Hermione on the edge of the Black Lake, and stop by to see how Hagrid took care of the Australian protein eye, but they were stopped by Professor McGonagall after they left the castle gate. .

“Artel, how’s your paper going?”

Professor McGonagall didn’t want to disturb Artel at this time, but there were too many things going on recently, and she never came to ask Artel about the paper.

Now that Ilvermorny’s professors and exchange students had gone to Hogsmeade, she made time.

When the exchange student from Beauxbatons came back in the afternoon, it was a lot of trouble again.

“It’s been written…”

Artel blinked. He had finished the paper a few days earlier, but forgot to send it to Professor McGonagall.


Professor McGonagall’s face showed joy, she looked at Hermione apologetically, and said:

“I’m sorry, Hermione, I’m going to interrupt your appointment time… Artel, bring your paper… I’ll revise it for you while you have time, and send it to Transfiguration Today for publication next week. .””

“Well, okay…”

Artel replied, Hermione pursed her lips, she planned to go to the library to fall in love with Pansy and kill each other.

Professor McGonagall looked at her and said suddenly:

“Come along with Hermione. I have some books on Transfiguration in my office, if you’re interested, you can take a look.”

“Okay! Thank you Professor!

Hermione’s face showed joy, and she followed Artel and Professor McGonagall upstairs.

Hermione and Professor McGonagall went to her office first, Artel went back to the dormitory to get his paper, and by the time Artel came back, Hermione was already reading a textbook like a note.

Artel handed the paper to Professor McGonagall and sat across from her.

“let me see…”

Professor McGonagall took the thick stack of 647 papers, put them on the table, and read them carefully.

Surprise flashed on her face, surprise flashed, contemplation, and realization… She cried and laughed, and Artel even wondered if there was something wrong with Professor McGonagall’s spirit.

“Unbelievable… yes, I’ve never thought of that… when it comes to the use of interspecies polymorphism… how could this be possible?

Professor McGonagall held the thesis and read it with ecstasy.

After a long time, Professor McGonagall raised his head and looked at Artel with admiration in his eyes.

“Unexpectedly, this is a perfect paper… Artel, I just don’t know how to revise it, and after reading it, I even have a feeling that your Transfiguration is far superior to mine…”

“I’ve never seen a genius like you… Maybe I’ll show it to Dumbledore… I think the entire wizarding world will be shocked by you, and with this paper, you’re even eligible for the Merlin Medal!

Professor McGonagall looked at Artel excitedly, she was incoherent.

“Hogwarts would be proud of you!””

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, he carefully looked at Artel’s paper and made sure there was nothing wrong, so he called his owl.

“I’ll send it to the editor-in-chief of Transfiguration Today, and I promise you’ll be the brightest rising star in the wizarding world when this article is published next week!”

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