Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 21

Chapter 021 She Should Be Happy… (Seeking A Flower Evaluation Ticket)

Snape’s face was suspicious, but he was also a little shocked. As a Legilimency master, he naturally saw that Artel was not lying. He glanced at Mag and remembered what she had said before. a new perception.

And Professor McGonagall’s face at this time is very ugly.

She was always worried that Artel would go bad.

Especially since Artel was sorted into Slytherin yesterday, the worry kept her up all night, and it happened this morning.

On the first day of school, I used a curse on my classmates.

Although not a very aggressive spell.

But this thing…

“Miss Granger, I think you can tell us what happened?”

McGonagall looked at Hermione with a serious expression on her face.

It seems that the cause of this conflict was Hermione. After all, a little lion ran to the little snake’s place to eat. If there was anything, she would definitely not take care of it.

Hermione was a little nervous, she glanced at Artel, and truthfully said what had just happened.

Hermione still didn’t know what Mudblood meant, but she guessed from Snape’s attitude that it was not a good word, so she deliberately repeated what Pansy had just said.

Sure enough, the faces of the professors changed a little.

“Even so, you shouldn’t point your wand at a classmate, Artel, I think you should be able to make a better choice.”

Professor McGonagall looked at Artel and sighed slightly.

“No one can insult Shelby, Professor McGonagall.”

Artel looked at her and said:

“Although I am from the Muggle world, my family is my honor, and she should be thankful that this is in the school, if it is in the Muggle world, someone insults the Shelby family in front of a Shelby. ”

Artel turned to look at Pansy with a stern smile.

“Then she’s dead.”

Artel’s tone was steady, without any emotional fluctuations, as if he was just stating a fact.

Artel has lived in this world for eleven years. He didn’t know this was the world of Harry Potter before. For all these years, Artel has been living as the heir to the Shelby family.

The heir to a gang family that has taken control of the underground forces in Birmingham!

Artel has been in contact with gang members since childhood, such as gangsters, gunmen and killers. Therefore, Artel said these words very naturally and with certainty.

Everyone around didn’t think Artel was joking, and even subconsciously chose to believe it.

The little wizards nearby took a deep breath, and Malfoy and the others shivered even more, thinking about what happened last night, and feeling even more fortunate.

Pansy’s face was pale, and she took two steps back in confusion.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, feeling a little headache too.

He obviously knew what the Shelby family was doing. Hogwarts had such a little wizard and Slytherin. The key was his extraordinary talent, which was what gave him a headache.

“Besides, she was the one who provoked it first. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Hermione eating here.”

Artel turned his head, looked at Dumbledore, and continued:

“This is Hogwarts, Hermione is a student at Hogwarts, she certainly deserves to eat here, the relationship between the four houses should be friendly, cooperative in competition, not antagonistic, with clear boundaries of.”

“Well said, Artel.”

Dumbledore looked at him with a smile and heaved a sigh of relief.

To be able to say such things, perhaps this Artel is not a bad boy.

It’s just that the education he received from an early age is a little different from others, but these are not problems. He believes that Artel can go to the right path in the future study and life of Hogwarts.

“You’re right. Of course Hermione can eat here. Hogwarts is the home of each of your little wizards. You are all family and friends.”

“But the way you treat Miss Parkinson is a bit too aggressive. Of course, Miss Parkinson is indeed reticent.”

“I think you should all recognize your own mistakes, so if you can forgive each other, then this matter will be over, how about it?”

Dumbledore had a kind smile on his face, and he wanted to see how Artel would answer.

“I think she has been punished, and she should not say such things to others easily in the future. Of course, I am willing to apologize for my reckless behavior, after all, she is a girl, and a gentleman should not be so rude to girls. ”

Artel looked at Pansy with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

Pansy was a little scared, she didn’t feel Artel’s apology to her, she could only force a smile, and said cautiously:

“I, I forgive you too… I was wrong just now, I, I apologize to you… Apologize to Miss Granger…”

Pansy looked like she was about to cry, but Artel didn’t feel anything for this stupid woman.

“Okay! Then this matter is over, but if there is another time, I will punish you accordingly!”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he turned and left.

Snape didn’t say anything, took a deep look at his little snake, and turned to leave.

On the contrary, Professor McGonagall hesitated. She reached out and touched Artel’s head and said:

“If you want, you can come to Gryffindor for dinner in the future, and I think they will be willing to be your friends.”

Professor McGonagall felt that the atmosphere in Slytherin was a little indifferent. If Artel could feel the enthusiasm of the little lions, it might be helpful to him.

“Thank you, Professor McGonagall.”

“Well, let’s eat quickly, there will be class in a while.”

Professor McGonagall smiled and went back to eat. When the other little wizards saw this, they all returned to their own positions, but they still whispered and glanced at them from time to time. *

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