Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Pettigrew Escape From Prison, Assassinate Artel (Subscribe)

“Humph! What dueling champion, I think, like Morobo, they are all parallel imports! Duel, it’s a matter of one minute, and it will be postponed until Saturday?”

Cassandra snorted, she saw Artel sitting in the corner, rolled her eyes, and said loudly:

“I have to practice spells with Artel on Saturday! Who is free to duel with you?!


Artel, who was eating melons, was stunned for a moment, how did he eat and eat, and he became the protagonist?

The little wizards around started chatting and discussing.

Cassandra, Artel, these two Slytherins, when did they get together?

Is Artel not with Hermione for the weekend?

Was it conquered by the eldest sister?

Big sister, this also belongs to the old cow eating the tender grass.

The eyes of Slytherin’s little wizards wandered between the two, some were surprised, some were suspicious, and some slapped their thighs.

In Slytherin, Artel’s reputation is much better than Cassandra’s.

Everyone’s admiration, admiration, and admiration for Artel, for Cassandra… Just admiration for her looks, as for the rest, forget it…

Except for those die-hard fans, most Slytherins hide from Cassandra if they can, for fear of causing trouble.

Because this woman’s theory of nobility has nothing to do with her bloodline, she doesn’t care if you are pure blood or not, as long as she’s not as smart or good-looking as her, she’s a lowly status… 677

Although her nature is not bad, her mouth is too poisonous. Although everyone calls her eldest sister, it is more out of fear of her than respect…

When Cassandra heard everyone talking about her and Artel, she raised her head proudly, like a proud peacock.

Malfoy opened his mouth, looking at Artel with some envy and some admiration, and said:

“You dare to practice with Cassandra? Aren’t you afraid of her experimenting on you? I heard that when she was in the second grade, she used a little wizard to experiment, and she came up with a magic called double pill blasting, specializing in wizard weaknesses. …”

“There is also a “Kidney Disappearance Curse”, which is particularly scary… I heard that it has the potential to impact the Unforgivable Curse…”

Malfoy said, and glanced down at Artel subconsciously.

Artel felt an inexplicable coolness.

This is all a mess…

Amber was also a little surprised, she turned her head and glanced at Artel curiously, pursed her lips, and said:

“Even if you have something to do on the weekend, we can make an appointment for another time, at least in an empty classroom, or outside the castle…”

“If we are dueling in the lounge now, what if (cgeb) hurts other people? What if the lounge is broken?

Cassandra snorted and said nonchalantly:

“The rest room is smashed, just use a repairing spell to restore it! As for other people, my spell is not so likely, it will hit other people!”

The nearby little wizards discussed again because of their very different attitudes. Cassandra was a little angry and a little blushing. She stomped her feet and said:

“Okay! Then I will listen to you! Tomorrow after class, we will go to a duel outside the castle! If you are afraid, beg for mercy now, so as not to make excuses tomorrow!

“I’m not afraid of you! My duel champion is a real fight!”

Amber raised her fist, she stared at Cassandra with a bad tone:

“Since you want to see how powerful I am, I will give you this chance! Tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow afternoon, I will let you know that there is nothing I can do to become a duel champion!”

After Amber finished speaking, he looked at the other little wizards and said:

“I’m sorry for disturbing everyone’s rest. It’s all right now. Let’s go back and rest… If you want to learn dueling skills, you can come and see it tomorrow afternoon…”


Cassandra glanced at Amber with contempt, put away her wand, and turned her head back to the bedroom.

Amber and the others chatted for a while before going back to rest.

“Artel, who do you think will win?

After returning to the dormitory, Malfoy asked Artel a little curiously.

Artel shook his head, he wasn’t quite sure either.

He fought Kassandra twice, the first time was that night, when Kassandra heard him leave the dormitory, cast several counter-spells of the Disillusionment Charm, and made a waterfall of clear water with water balls. Found the invisible Artel.

From this point of view, Kassandra has a good sense of battle, and the usage of magic spells is not rigid…

The second time, in the morning, Kassandra casts many different spells, some of which she can even cast without spells…

As for Amber’s words, Artel didn’t understand very well, but that night she entered the Room of Requirement and cast the Illusory Body Charm, with a level of proficiency no less than that of an elite Auror.

Besides, she used Transfiguration to cover up her Veela bloodline, and none of Ilvermorny’s professors found any clues, which shows that she is very good at Transfiguration.

It can be said that the two are facing each other, and Artel does not know who will win.

“Go to bed early today and go to the theatre tomorrow!”9

Malfoy smiled, quickly changed into his pajamas, and lay on the bed.

Artel also went back to his bed. He was not very interested in the duel between the two witches. For him, the duel between the two was no different from the fight between children.

“There will be a Transfiguration class tomorrow, but there is no new knowledge, so there should be no extra points…”

“Summer vacation in two months… This summer vacation, some people are busy…”

Artel fell asleep in a daze.

late at night.

In the passage under the beating willow.

A mouse with a missing toe crawled out of it and looked around, the mouse crawled towards the castle.

Through a hole in the underground entrance of the castle, Peter got into the castle, he scanned the surroundings, a pair of mice eyes filled with hatred.

“Bless Merlin, I survived and escaped from Azkaban… Tonight I will kill that Artel, rob his wand, and go to the master…”

Peter didn’t want to go back to Hogwarts, but after he escaped from Azkaban, he was bound to be wanted by the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards. The world was so big that he had nowhere to go.

After thinking about it, he can only go to Voldemort, but he doesn’t know where Voldemort is, so he plans to go back to Hogwarts to find clues…

Quirrell must have left something behind when he was here for so long, not to mention that Dumbledore might know some news…

As for killing Artel…

That’s what happened by the way, this little wizard has hurt him so badly, he must take revenge!

If it wasn’t for the accidental discovery that the Dementor couldn’t tell Gus’s secret, Peter Pettigrew, would have died in Azkaban.

“That damn crazy woman… I, I won’t let you go!

Peter Pettigrew’s rat hair exploded at the thought of being tortured by those Death Eaters in Azkaban.

Especially that mad woman from Bellatrix…

A determined color flashed in Peter Pettigrew’s eyes, and he climbed up the stairs along the corner of the wall.

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