Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 225

Chapter 225 You… Are You Digging Traps In The Bedroom? (Subscribe)

“Malfoy, go and find Dean Snape for me.”5

Artel said to Malfoy who was still in a daze, Malfoy was stunned for a moment, nodded, and ran out in his pajamas before he could change his clothes.

Artel looked at Peter Pettigrew, who was wailing in the crater, and concluded:

“The pit is a bit big. With Peter Pettigrew’s height, a third smaller is just right, and it can save a lot of magic power…”

Artel nodded, he felt a little stronger again, he looked at Goyle and said:

“Give him a stun spell.”

“Ah? O, O!”

Goyle came back to his senses, ran to the table and picked up his wand, facing Peter Pettigrew in the pit, swallowed, his face showing excitement.


Goyle swung his wand, and a ray of light hit Peter Pettigrew, and Peter’s screams stopped abruptly.


Artel nodded in satisfaction, while Crabbe’s grunt came from the other side:


“Crabbe is still strong… Goyle, you must not eat so many sweets in the future.”

Artel thinks there should be a warning sign in the bedroom that eating sweets is bad for your health.

He looked at Goyle and warned Goyle. Goyle nodded embarrassedly. Looking at Peter in the pit, Goyle asked cautiously:

“This… trap, you dug it in the bedroom?

Goyle now felt that Artel, who seemed harmless in front of him, was too scary.

When on earth did he dig such a big hole in his bedroom?

There are also sharp iron drills buried in it…

Who is this going to trick?


Artel froze for a moment, then laughed, shook his head, took his wand by the bed and waved it.

The crater disappeared, the ground regained its desire, and Peter Pettigrew remained unconscious on the carpet…

“It’s Transfiguration!


Goyle exclaimed, he was a little shocked, and nodded blankly:

“Transfiguration can be used like this…”

“Of course, Transfiguration can transform one object into another, even one species into another, inanimate into animate…

Artel whispered, a strange color flashing in his eyes.

“Transfiguration is the most powerful, strange, and unsolvable spell! 35

Goyle didn’t quite understand what Artel was talking about, but he felt that Artel was right.

Seeing the idiot’s reaction, Artel didn’t want to explain it to him.

Anyway, after his paper is published in “Transfiguration Today”, people who know it will naturally understand.

After a while, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and Malfoy walked in with Snape.

Snape’s face was a little ugly. He walked into the bedroom and saw Peter Pettigrew who was unconscious on the ground. Although the iron rods that Artel had conjured had disappeared, the wound on Peter Pettigrew had not disappeared, and was still alive. There was blood gushing out.

Seeing that Artel was not injured, Snape’s face was relieved.

He glanced around and saw Crabbe who was still sound asleep, the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.

“wound healing!

Although Snape didn’t want to save Peter Pettigrew, he also knew that if Peter Pettigrew went on like this, he would bleed to death.

They still have to figure out how Peter Pettigrew escaped Azkaban and what to do back in, so they can’t let him die.

Under the healing of Snape’s magic, Peter Pettigrew’s wounds gradually healed, and the mask of pain on his face gradually disappeared.

“You guys rest… there will be class tomorrow.

Snape whispered, and he glanced at Artel to reassure him that he was not injured, saying:

“You also rest… If there is anything I can talk about tomorrow, I will take him to see Dumbledore first.


Artel nodded, knowing that Snape might have something important to say to Dumbledore, and it was not convenient for him to listen.

Possibly related to Voldemort’s Soul Fragment.

Snape should have known about Voldemort’s Soul Fragment, and he just felt that breath on Peter Pettigrew…

With a wave of Snape’s wand, the comatose Peter Pettigrew floated up and left Artel’s bedroom under Snape’s control.

Malfoy and Goyle stared at each other.

Artel yawned and said:

“Turn off the lights and sleep, there’s a Transfiguration class tomorrow.”

The two nodded, turned off the lights and went back to the bed. Artel also lay on the bed, thinking about Peter Pettigrew, and fell asleep in a daze.

Eighth floor, the principal’s office.

Snape waited here for about twenty minutes when Dumbledore came in from outside.

During dinner tonight, Dumbledore called the professors away from the school, and told them carefully what had happened recently in the office.

After Dumbledore left Hogwarts, Snape didn’t know where he went.

However, there is a special way of contact between the two, and Dumbledore rushed back immediately after receiving the news from Snape.

“It turned out to be a prison break…”

Seeing Peter Pettigrew in a coma, Dumbledore’s face was not very good.

He stretched out his hand, and the parchment in Peter Pettigrew’s arms, Gaunt’s ring, and Voldemort’s soul fragments all flew out.

“Looks like he’s infiltrated my office… Maybe my password is going to change…”

Dumbledore shook his head and looked at Snape with a curious look on his face:

“Did Artel catch him?

“Yes, Peter Pettigrew 680 slipped into Artel’s lounge, probably trying to attack him, but was subdued after being discovered by Artel.

Snape nodded, actually surprised.

Although Peter Pettigrew’s strength is not strong, he is much stronger than ordinary wizards. Even a seventh-year wizard is not necessarily his opponent. Artel can easily solve him…

“What spell was used? 35

Dumbledore checked Peter Pettigrew’s injuries and found that although he was covered in blood, the wound was gone.

“I don’t know… He was in a coma when I arrived. I healed the wound, otherwise he might bleed to death.”

Thinking of Peter Pettigrew’s tragic situation at the time, Snape couldn’t help but click his tongue.

He thought for a while, and said somewhat uncertainly:

“Probably using Transfiguration.

“The application of Transfiguration in combat… Minerva told me before that Artel has been working on Transfiguration in this area recently, and it has been very fruitful.

Dumbledore smiled reassuringly, he looked at Peter Pettigrew, and waved his wand to wake him up.

“Maybe we can talk while we still have time…see how Mr. Peter escaped from Ainzkaban…and maybe catch another fugitive…”

A dazed look flashed across Peter Pettigrew’s face when he woke up, looking at the familiar environment in the principal’s office, his face changed drastically!

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