Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Fight? Splash Him With Aqua Regia! (Subscribe)

“Muggle Science?”

Artel froze for a moment.

He did mention Muggle science in his paper, because in his vision, if a wizard could master math, physics and chemistry and use it in Transfiguration, he could create a lot of powerful “weapons”.

Arms with unlimited firepower.

Of course, this is just an assumption, because it is almost impossible for a wizard to be proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Not even him…

Because he almost forgot all the knowledge he learned in his previous life…

“Sister is interested in Muggle science?

Artel looked at Penello, his eyes lit up a little.

Penello is a Ravenclaw witch!

Ravenclaw, smart and intelligent, love to learn!

“Well… I do have some interest, and I am also very interested in Transfiguration, and my Transfiguration has always been good. 35

Penello nodded, she was still a little proud, but thinking that Artel had become a master of transfiguration in her first year, the pride in her heart was instantly extinguished.

“Didn’t you say in your paper that if 26 combined Muggle science and Transfiguration, it would work wonders?”

“Of course! If senpai can master Muggle science…the most powerful effect of Transfiguration can be exerted!”

Artel nodded heavily and pointed his wand at the table, where the book turned into a small trap.

“This is a trap, a simple Muggle hunting trap that closes automatically when something touches it.

Artel gave Penello a shot, and he used the Floating Charm to get the flower pot by the windowsill of the classroom next to him, and put it on the trap.

with a snap.

The traps were closed, and the flower pots were crushed by the clips.

Penello was startled, she covered her mouth, a little frightened.

“The principle of the trap is very simple. As long as you have a little knowledge of physics, you can make it, and as long as the wizard knows the relevant physics knowledge, you can quickly use the transformation technique to change it.”

Artel explained it, and Penello nodded.

Indeed, if this thing makes her change now, she can’t change it, because she doesn’t understand why it can automatically close when it touches the trap.

But if she knew, she could easily change it, because this thing is not complicated, it is just formed by two iron frames.

Much simpler than Transspecies Transfiguration.

For a wizard who can turn things into another kind of creature, it’s not difficult at all.

“and this.”

Artel conjured up another cup, which contained a slightly yellowish liquid with a pungent smell.

Penello frowned involuntarily and covered his nose.

“This is aqua regia, also known as nitro hydrochloric acid… it is composed of concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid in proportion… Well, it is not easy to explain to you what concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid are. If you have studied chemistry, you Just know. 99

“This liquid is super corrosive.

Artel took the flowers out of the pot and threw them into the cup.

With a screeching sound, the plant that was put into the cup was quickly corroded and turned into a dry, black thing.

And it’s still being corroded.

“The gas it emits is also poisonous…”

Artel waved his wand and restored everything.

“The corrosiveness of aqua regia has a great lethal effect on the skin of the wizard, if it is a weak place like the eyes…”

Artel didn’t finish his words, Penello already understood what he meant.

“The spell is easy to block, but for wizards who don’t know aqua regia…”

Artel waved his wand and shouted:

“Clear water is like a spring!

In Penello’s terrified eyes, a large cloud of pale yellow liquid appeared in the air…

“You can use a fake spell that normal wizards don’t take…and to show you the composition of aqua regia, conjuring it with polymorphism is as easy as conjuring water, and it doesn’t take much magic at all.

Artel took back his Transfiguration.

Penello swallowed and glanced at Artel with some fear.

She was just thinking, if that ball of aqua regia hit her face…

If a cloud of water can be avoided, then make more, and it will be launched like raindrops, who can stop it?

Penello thought to herself, she planned to study it to see what this aqua regia was made of.

If you encounter a dark wizard in the future, you can first pour aqua regia on the other party’s face.

“Artel, I’m suddenly a little afraid of you…”

Penello said in a low voice, Artel was slightly taken aback, for some reason, he wanted to tease her, so he looked at Penello with a cold face.

“Quack quack‥…


Unexpectedly, Artel just laughed, and before he spoke, Penello laughed first.

Artel’s eyes twitched.

He learned that laughter from the old witch in Knockturn Alley, and he sounded terrifying at the time…

“You just sounded like a duck, quack quack”

Penello learned a bit, and the joy was flourishing.

Artel’s eyes fell on her.


But there are not many things, mainly the wizard’s robe is too loose.

Penello laughed twice and found Artel’s eyes, she blushed and folded her hands on her chest.

“Artel, I didn’t expect it~”

Penello showed a slender index finger and shook it at Artel.

“Forgive you for the time being, I also want to ask, the little boy you mentioned… can you change it?”

Artel shook his head, and Penello looked down on him too much.

If he could conjure a little boy, would he still use it to go to school here?

“The structure of that thing is super complicated. It needs to learn many disciplines of Muggle science to a super high level to make it out. Of course, 683 is also very powerful…”

Artel leaned into Penello’s ear and whispered:

“A little boy…well, little boy might not be enough, a big Ivan who could almost destroy London…a kind of destruction that leaves nothing to be desired, a rubble…and, unstoppable.”

Penello opened her mouth wide, Artel’s breathing made her ears itch, but what he said shocked Penello again.

When Grindelwald wanted to destroy Paris, he cast a fiery spell.

Fiery fire can devour all things, and if it is allowed to grow savagely, it will eventually be able to do so.

But Grindelwald failed because Fiery was stopped.

“Big Ivan can’t be stopped?! That’s horrible.”

Penello shook her head, she didn’t want to change such a terrible thing.

If she gets out of control, she becomes a sinner.

But other things are interesting, in Artel’s cover and explanation, Penello is full of interest in Muggle science.

“Muggle science is a very complex subject, and many great scholars among Muggles have studied for decades before making achievements…”

Artel explained, looking at Penello and saying:

“If you are interested, you can find some basic Muggle books to learn first. If you have a simple understanding of Muggle science, it will be of great help to Transfiguration.”

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