Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 24

Chapter 024 Daily Prophet

Hermione looked at these owls and suddenly said:

“I think I should also buy an owl so I can write to you during the holidays.”

“You can also come to my house as a guest. It’s only a two-hour drive away. My house… is quite big.”

Artel thought of a line inexplicably.

My bed is big and comfortable.

“That’s settled.”

Hermione nodded happily. The school had just started, and she was already thinking about visiting Artel’s house on vacation.

Ron on the opposite side received a Daily Prophet, he looked at it, his face showed an expression of emotion, and said to Harry on the side:

“It’s terrifying.”

“Harry, you see, first Gringotts was broken into, then Knockturn Alley was ransacked, and now there’s news that someone has quietly infiltrated Azkaban.”

“Look, the wizarding world is not peaceful.”

Ron said confidently.

Harry took the newspaper, looked at it carefully, took a breath, and said:

“This vault in Gringotts, the contents were taken by Hagrid. He said it was a top secret at Hogwarts. After he took it, someone broke into it…”

Ron ate the chicken legs and said inarticulately, “Could it be the gang who ransacked Knockturn Alley?”

Harry asked curiously, “How do you know it’s a group of people?”

“Knockturn Alley is a place where dark wizards gather. Do you think someone can loot Knockturn Alley alone?”

Ron’s twin brother also came over and started to discuss. Hermione leaned over to Artel and asked in a low voice:

“You don’t seem to be interested in these things.”

“Because I don’t want to trouble myself, after all, I’m just an eleven-year-old wizard. Will the Ministry of Magic let me investigate this matter?”

Artel looked at Hermione who was approaching, her eyes were beautiful and her features were exquisite.

Seeing Artel staring into her eyes, Hermione felt inexplicably shy, and immediately turned her head away.

Ron and Harry looked at each other, and Ron whispered:

“I swear, there must be something between them.”

“I think the two of them are a good match.”

Harry replied, and Ron grunted twice and said:

“Isn’t it? They were all born in Muggles, and they are all academic masters…”

After lunch, Artel and Hermione separated, Hermione was going to the history of magic, and Artel had no class, and his history of magic was tomorrow afternoon.

Artel returned to the underground Slytherin lounge.

To be honest, Artel didn’t appreciate the lounge, the silver and green serpent signs all over the place made it look eerie.

And there was no light outside the window, it was pitch black, and from time to time, some strange fish could be seen swimming past the window.

That’s right, Black Lake is right outside Slytherin’s bedroom.

Artel returned to his dormitory. Malfoy and the others didn’t know where they were going. Maybe they knew that Artel was going back to the dormitory, so they didn’t dare to come back.

No one is better, Artel opens the system mall.

After completing the quest to join Hogwarts, Artel got 100 plot points. Although these 100 plot points cannot be exchanged for the Lord of the Rings, the Holy Sword of Nasir, or the Silmarillion and other good things, but some gadgets from the Lord of the Rings world But it can be exchanged.

Artel exchanged 20 story points for an ancient quill.

This feather pen has a characteristic, that is, the handwriting it writes will become old and obsolete, and at the same time will have magic power, as if it has been handed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

Artel took out the parchment he had summoned to record the weather.

This thing should belong to some elf. He used to record the effect of weather on plant growth. The parchment looked old and had a magical power that Artel couldn’t tell.

Artel stretched out his wand, erased the original writing on the parchment, and took control of the quill with his mind.

The quill would write on its own, leaving a handwriting in that ancient font, different from the handwriting of Artel itself.

[Recorded on January 25, 3019 of the Third Age of Middle Earth.

On January 15th, we escorted “that thing” to Moria, where we encountered a terrifying dark creature, the Balrog.


From Gandalf’s perspective, Artel wrote a diary of his encounter with the Balrog and finally defeating the Balrog in ten days.

At the end of the diary, Artel used Gandalf’s tone to explain that someone in the escort was injured, and the flames of the Balrog contained terrifying black magic power, which could not be cured by ordinary spells, so he created a spell of his own.

In the back of the diary, Artel left behind a high-level healing spell in Holy Light magic, Aura of Light.

This magic Artel can’t perform either, because Sauron’s dark talent repels Holy Light magic, and second, because this magic requires more magic power.

Of course, Artel not only mentioned the Balrog, he also carefully mentioned a creature that lives in the Moria cave, the cave troll.

The troll was in the Forbidden Forest, and he was discovered by Hagrid at some point. Hagrid would definitely report to Dumbledore when he discovered a new magical creature.

At that time, with the evidence of Aria of Light and Trolls, the record on this parchment will appear much more real.

Little by little, Artel intends to let the story of the Lord of the Rings spread through the wizarding world.

In this way, he can solve the world acceptance of most summoned characters.

And in the future, he must summon Sauron and kill him.

So why don’t you take this opportunity to create a legend?

(Ask for an evaluation ticket and a monthly ticket, some bosses cast a vote~)*

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