Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Saruman’S Perfect Masterpiece, Final Exam (For Subscription)

The power of this ancient elf magic is very huge, it is the magic created by elves specially for war.

With Artel’s strength, learning is quite simple, but it doesn’t work.

Even if he wears the Ring of Weya, his magic power is not enough.

Artel guessed that if Dumbledore wore the Ring of Veer, that magic power should be enough to use this magic.

This does not include the magic power required to maintain this magic in the future.

Shadow of the Ancient Tree of War.

An ancient sacred tree called the Ancient War Tree can be summoned on the battlefield, and under the nourishment of magic, this sacred tree will grow infinitely until the shadow of the canopy covers the battlefield.

And its effect is outrageous…

Any warrior who is sheltered by the ancient tree of war, after death, the soul will be absorbed by the ancient tree of war, and then bear a fruit, this fruit will grow into a new body, merge with the soul of the warrior, and resurrect the warrior…

Of course, the resurrected warriors are not the same as before. Although they still retain their original memories and souls, the race has become a new race.

War Ancient Tree Elf…

This magic has long been lost in the world of Lord of the Rings, and the ancient war tree spirit has even become a distant legend.

But Artel still summoned the leaf, which had been lost somewhere.

“It’s tasteless to eat, it’s a pity to abandon…”

Artel sighed, magic is a good magic, the effect is also very powerful, but the consumption is also very large.

Summoning the ancient tree of war requires a lot of magic power, and maintaining its existence and effect requires more magic power…

Maybe after he unlocked the last ability of the Lord of the Rings, the magic power was enough.

But at that time, he was already invincible, what was the use of this magic…

Unless there is a follow-up, there is a world more powerful than the Lord of the Rings.

“Or extract elven treasures such as the Silmarillion, the fruit of the double holy tree, and use their power to activate this magic, then the consumption will be much less.”5

Artel received this sacred leaf into the system space and was silent for a while before choosing to continue to summon characters.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully summoned Lutz! The unlocking degree of the Supreme Lord of the Rings has increased by 3%!

The unlocking degree increased by 3% again, and Artel looked at the system space for a while.

Artel was overwhelmed when he saw the familiar creature in the space, a powerful helper that he has full control over!

Strong Orc Lutz!

The first strong orc created by Saruman, and the most powerful strong orc!

It looks about two meters, is a pure strong orc, looks similar to a human, wearing a leather armor, only the muscles of the arms are exposed.

Lutz’s hair is long, like a little black dreadlocks, his face is covered with mysterious white fuel, and a mouth is full of sharp fangs.

Luerz’s strength is very strong. He once led a team of strong orcs to chase the Fellowship of the Ring expedition, followed the Anduin River all the way south, stopped them in the Pasgarland grassland, and had a head-to-head confrontation with the Fellowship of the Ring Expedition. .

His men captured Pippin and Merry alive, Lutz used three swords, and the arrow hit the key point, almost shooting Boromir, the son of the regent of Gondor.

When it was about to kill Boromir, Aragorn rushed to save the other party. Lutz and Aragorn fought. In the end, because the sword in Aragorn’s hand was too sharp, he restrained him greatly and died in Aragorn. hand.

“Luerz, his strength is not lower than that of the general Nazgul, it is just that he cannot live forever, it is Saruman’s most perfect masterpiece… and it will also become a sharp blade for me!

Artel looked at Lutz with satisfaction, he closed the system space, and closed his eyes comfortably.

Although this month’s summoning didn’t get what he wanted, it also gave him a big surprise.

The next day, Artel woke up early.

This week is exam week, and today, the first-year little wizards have exams on Transfiguration and History of Magic.

The content of the Transfiguration test is to turn a mouse into a snuff box. Artel knew it for a long time, but he didn’t know if the test questions would change.

But he is a master of transfiguration, no matter what the test is, there is no problem.

As for the history of magic, Artel quietly put a textbook on the history of magic into the system space.

everything’s ready.

When eating in the auditorium, Artel could clearly feel the nervousness of the little wizards, especially the senior little wizards, who had to take many and important subjects.

Hermione didn’t feel anything. As a true scholar, Hermione was even looking forward to this exam.

“History of Magic… I must have a higher grade than you in this subject. 35

Hermione looked at Artel triumphantly, she had heard from others that Artel would sleep every week in the history of magic class.

“Not always…”

…… Ask for flowers….

Artel snorted softly.

Hermione smiled when she saw Artel’s mouth hard.

“You don’t want to cheat, do you? All the quills used in the exam have anti-cheating spells, you won’t succeed.

“Hum, do you know the time of the goblin rebellion? Do you know who was the first to use a unicorn tail to make a wand? You know a wizard…”

Hermione asked a few questions, and seeing that Artel couldn’t answer, she stroked her bangs, and Tsundere raised her head.

“Then you can’t surpass me!

Opposite Ron and Harry looked at Hermione enviously, because they didn’t know the questions just now.

After eating, the little wizards came to the Transfiguration classroom.

The tables have been divided, with a small cage in front of each table, and a mouse in the cage.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the little wizards, and when everyone was seated, she called the name again, and after confirming that no one was absent, Professor McGonagall announced the content of the exam.

The content of the exam has not changed, but the mice are still turned into snuff boxes.

The more exquisite the pattern of the snuff box, the higher the score. If the snuff box cannot be completely deformed, or the snuff box becomes too outrageous, the score will be deducted.

Artel didn’t know much about snuff boxes, but the game was very popular in Europe during the eighteenth century, and Artel had a large collection of snuff boxes in his home.

He recalled for a moment, and with the wand in his hand, the rat in the cage let out a screeching sound, turning it into a delicate snuff box.

Chrysoprase coloured diamond snuff box.

One of the many collections at Shelby Manor, it was originally a treasure collected by King Frederick II of Prussia.

The main body is a very rare perfect chrysoprase, and the cigarette case is inlaid with rare diamonds of various colors, which is dazzling.

Worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Professor McGonagall had been watching Artel, because she knew that the exam would not be difficult for Artel, but when she saw the snuff box that Artel had contrived, Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but exclaimed,

A very perfect piece of art.

Patterns, carvings, inlaid gemstones…

“You completed this exam perfectly, Artel.

Professor McGonagall smiled and signaled that Artel could leave.

From the beginning of the exam to the present, Artel left the field within ten seconds.

Looking at Ron, who was still frowning and performing Transfiguration, Artel smiled slightly.

Xueba’s exam is so simple.

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