Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 28

Chapter 028 The 1 Potion Class (Seeking A Flower Evaluation Ticket)

“Then we…”

“Everyone is Slytherin after all, we are still roommates, I don’t think we need to be so afraid of him…”

“Yes, according to those in Gryffindor, Artel is a very elegant gentleman, and Professor McGonagall likes him very much.”

Goyle and Crabbe were talking one after another, Malfoy wanted to say he was a little Muggle wizard, but was afraid of being known by Artel, so he didn’t speak.

“Forget it, let’s go to bed too. At least one thing he said is right. Tomorrow’s potions class will be taught by Professor Snape.”

Malfoy and the others packed up and prepared to go to bed.

Although they were still afraid of Artel, they weren’t as frightened as before.

The next morning, after Artel woke up, the three of them carefully greeted him.

And Artel smiled back.

His principle has always been that people do not offend me and I do not offend others, not to mention that they are only three eleven-year-old little wizards, and he taught them a lesson so that there will be less trouble in the future.

There was a Potions class this morning, Gryffindor and Slytherin together, Artel and Hermione finished their meal and left the Great Hall together.

The other little wizards were so accustomed to the pairing that many first-year wizards even thought the two were in love.

For this kind of rumor, Hermione didn’t explain it, and Artel didn’t bother to explain it.

He’s used to being alone, but it’s nice to have a follower behind him, especially since this follower is a pretty version of Hermione.

The potions classroom is in the Hogwarts dungeon.

The entire classroom is very cold and dimly lit. On the shelves on both sides of the classroom, there are glass bottles filled with solutions, soaked in all kinds of things that make people shudder.

This dark and terrifying atmosphere will make people feel tense subconsciously, and there have been rumors in the school that Professor Snape’s temperament is eccentric, which makes the little wizards even more uneasy.

There were still about ten minutes before class, and all the students came to the classroom. Although Snape was not there, no one dared to speak aloud.

Even Hermione was affected by this atmosphere and unconsciously lowered her voice when speaking to Artel.

It was time for class, and Snape entered the classroom on time.

He was wearing a black robe, with no expression on his face, and his dark eyes were full of indifference.

Glancing at all the little wizards in the classroom, Snape took out a booklet and started to call him. When he clicked on Harry Potter, Snape paused and looked at Harry Potter with an indifferent expression. Look at a dead man.

Artel was amazed in his heart, obviously Snape cared about Harry very much, but he couldn’t show it at all, no wonder Harry had always regarded Snape as a bad guy before.

After the call was made, Snape made his opening remarks.

“With me, you can learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of potion preparation, and since you don’t need to wave your wands stupidly, many of you don’t think it’s magic…”

“I don’t expect you to really understand…”

“But to the few top students, those with real intentions, I can teach you how to cast spells on the mind, how to confuse the senses, how to store fame, brew glory, and even… prevent death.”

Snape’s tone was cadence, and the little wizards below fell silent.

There was a smile on Malfoy’s mouth, thinking that Snape was talking about him, but he looked closely and found that Snape’s eyes were on Artel.

On the other side, Harry took notes seriously and wrote down Snape’s nonsense.

Snape’s eyes moved from Artel to Harry, stopped his voice, took a step forward, and asked suddenly:

“Mr Potter, our famous man.”

Snape’s voice was more like a whisper. He stared at Harry, or rather, stared at Harry’s eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

“Tell me, what would happen if I added narcissus root powder to the absinthe stem liquid?”

Harry was stared at by Snape, his cheeks felt a little hot, he shook his head, and then lowered his head slowly.

He didn’t know the answer to that question.

Hermione next to Artel raised her hand, almost missing Artel.

“I don’t know? Then let’s look at other things. If, if I want bezoar, where do I go to find it?”

Harry lowered his head and shook his head again, and now he could not wait to escape this terrifying classroom.

He could feel the cold, pitying look in Snape’s gaze upon him, the mocking and disdain of Malfoy’s nasty fellow.

Hermione continued to raise her arms high with excitement in her eyes. Seeing her hard-working face, she almost stood up and told everyone that she knew the answer to the question.

Too bad Snape didn’t look at her.

“So, what’s the difference between the boat-shaped aconite and the wolf poison aconite?”

Snape continued to ask, Hermione raised her arms higher when she heard the question, Harry looked up at her, pursed his lips, and shook his head:

“I don’t know, teacher.”

Hermione glanced at Harry helplessly, as if she didn’t understand why Harry didn’t know such a simple question. She glanced at Artel again, with grievances in her eyes.

Apparently protesting with Artel that Snape didn’t ask her to answer questions.

The corners of Artel’s mouth twitched, and Hermione looked somewhat cute now.

(Bosses have a monthly vote for flower evaluation~Thank you~)*

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