Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 35

Chapter 035 The Aria Of Light (For Flowers)

Soon, Artel arrived at the scene of the incident.

The arrows of the centaurs were very powerful, and the skeleton bones were impacted by the huge force of the arrows, and now they have fallen apart, and the two centaurs were studying there curiously.

“It’s the undead. Since the mysterious man disappeared, few people will use this method to control the corpse.”

“There is an evil dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest. I think this matter should be told to Hagrid and let him inform Hogwarts.”

The two centaurs muttered, completely unaware that Artel was behind them.

“Passed out!”

Artel didn’t kill them, the blood collected by the dead centaurs would lead to poor quality potions, Artel had always kept in mind.

The two centaurs were completely unprepared, and fell asleep after being cursed.

Artel thought for a moment, then tapped the two again with his wand.

“Consciousness control!”

Artel took control of their consciousness and made them have a sweet dream.

“Maybe happy emotions will make the blood quality better. This topic can be studied in the future.”

Thinking to himself, Artel took out a huge collection bucket from the system space. This thing came from the potions classroom. There used to be a specimen in it. It seemed to be some kind of magical animal, but he let Artel throw it away. in the black lake.

“Wind Blade!”

Using a simple elemental magic, Artel cut a slit in the centaur and began collecting blood.

The two centaurs were sleeping at the moment, their consciousness being manipulated by Artel, and they didn’t feel the slightest pain. After about ten minutes, the centaurs’ blood was drained, and Artel put the collection bucket back into the system space.

Looking at the two centaurs who had lost their breath, Artel summoned a few skeletons and asked them to carry the two centaurs, following the direction the spiders were heading towards, towards the gathering place of the eight-eyed spiders.

On the way, Artel cleaned himself a few times, because the smell of blood on his body was a little heavy.

When we got back to Hogwarts, it was just in time for lunch.

However, Artel, who had just collected blood, had a low appetite, so he only ate a few desserts. Hermione thought he was sick, and looked around and worried for a long time.

After dinner, Hermione went to help Madam Pince sort out the books, and Artel went to the Room of Requirement to continue refining ordinary orc potions.

He now has Professor Snape’s self-stirring crucible, which makes it a lot easier to make medicines. Artel is only responsible for adding materials. When the crucible is stirring by itself, he can also study notes and practice magic.

When it was time for dinner, Artel saw Hermione in high spirits.


Seeing Hermione like this, Artel knew she had the parchment she prepared.

Sure enough, while eating, Hermione mysteriously took out the parchment.

“Artel, come and see what I found?”

“what is this?”

Artel looked curious, thinking he should get an Oscar or something.

“I went to sort out old books this afternoon and found them in an ancient book. I didn’t know why at the time, but I thought that book was particularly attractive to me. After opening it, I found this parchment.”

“This is a diary, written by a great wizard named Gandalf, you can’t believe it…”

Hermione told him vividly the stories that Artel had written.

Artel cooperated, showing a worried and nervous expression when he heard the thrilling place.

“Later Gandalf remembered that most of the Balrogs who died before were killed by falls, so he led the Balrogs to the top of a giant mountain, and then used magic to knock it down, and finally it was killed by the fall. already.”

“Other members of the escort team were injured by the fierce fire of the Balrog, and ordinary spells and potions could not be cured, so he created a holy light magic called Aria of Light!”

Hermione’s eyes showed excitement. She clenched her fists and said excitedly:

“Aria of Light can dispel any damage and curse caused by black magic, do you know what that means?”

Artel shook his head and said he didn’t know.

He really didn’t know that at that time, he only used the magic of Aria of Light to make this diary more real. This is a high-level holy light magic, and Artel would not use it.

“Theoretically, this magic can cure lycosis or even the blood curse!”

“This means that those werewolves in the wizarding world can be rescued, as well as those wizarding families who are cursed by the blood demon…”

Hermione had seen an introduction to werewolves in a book about creatures of dark magic, and an introduction to the blood curse in another book about Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s war.

It is said that this is a terrible blood curse, even Dumbledore can do nothing, the blood-cursed orc Nagini who helped Dumbledore and the Dark Lord fight, Dumbledore was unable to save her.

Artel was stunned by Hermione’s words.

He really hadn’t thought about that.

But what Hermione said seemed to make sense. In theory, Aria of Light could heal and clear most curses.

“I think you can try it. I tried it. This magic is too profound, and it is not something I can perform now.”

Hermione put the parchment in front of Artel, she thought that with Artel’s talent, she might be able to learn this magic in a short time.

“I’ll try my best, but I may have to learn such a powerful magic for a long time. Maybe you can give it to Professor McGonagall?”

Artel knew that he would not be able to successfully learn the Aria of Light in a short period of time, but since this magic was so useful, spreading it out might be able to spread the name Gandalf in the wizarding world in a short period of time.

It also helps his future plans. *

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