Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 45

Chapter 045 Hermi1 Is In The Newspaper (For Flowers)

“Retreat! Run away!!”

“leave here!”

The centaurs shouted loudly, and some centaurs ran back in a panic, and even retreated a distance.

“Enjoy death with peace of mind.”

“Don’t worry, I will turn you into the most powerful warriors…”

A childish voice, but without the slightest emotion, came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, all the centaurs saw a translucent light wave sweeping in.

“Aura of Fear!”

The hearts of all centaurs trembled violently, and an indescribable fear spread from the bottom of their hearts, even making their hands and feet sore and losing the courage to escape.

However, the two death knights were not affected in any way. Instead, the flames of the skeleton warhorses burned more intensely. They sucked the fear of the horsemen and made a neighing like bone friction.

The centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest was destroyed like this. Artel used magic to take away the blood of all centaur warriors, then called back two death knights, rested for a while, and summoned a hundred low-level skeletons to carry them. The centaur corpse went to the location of the spider’s lair.

After all, Shi Luo was his default subordinate, and he usually had to feed him.

“Eat my food, but you have to work for me.”

Artel hummed a song, came to the barrier of the Forbidden Forest, took another sip of the animal potion, passed through the barrier, and headed towards Hogwarts.

During lunch, dozens of owls flew into the auditorium.

Ron’s owl brought him a new issue of the Daily Prophet, and he glanced over and let out an exclamation.

“Oh my God! Look at this!”

Ron pointed to the largest page of the Daily Prophet, where the photo was of Dumbledore and Lupin, and Artel glanced at it and saw the photo and probably guessed what was going on.

Harry and Ron read the newspaper together, and from the few words in their mouths, the people next to them also understood what was going on.

“So this guy named Lupin turned out to be a werewolf…”

“Headmaster Dumbledore used a magic called Aria of Light to completely cure Lupin’s lycanthropy. During the last full moon, Lupin did not transform into a werewolf again, which means that the problem of lycanthropy is a problem. Centuries of magical disease in the wizarding world can finally be cured.”

“In addition to this, Aria of Light can also treat most of the damage and sequelae caused by black magic and dark creatures, and it may also treat blood magic spells…”

“The International Federation of Wizards has decided to award Dumbledore…”

After reading this, Harry clapped his hands happily and shouted:

“As expected of Headmaster Dumbledore! He is the greatest white wizard of all time…”

Ron was also excited, but soon his face showed shock.

“Huh? It turns out that this magic was not created by Headmaster Dumbledore. The creator of this magic is Gandalf, an ancient wizard, a first-year wizard at Hogwarts, Hermione… Oh, my God, Hermione It turned out to be on the Daily Prophet!”

Ron exclaimed, and the little wizards around looked at Hermione who was eating beside Artel in surprise.

Hermione Tsundere snorted, looking like she didn’t care.

However, the smile on the corner of her mouth still showed that the little girl was in a pretty good mood now.

“Ms. Hermione Granger was sorting through the Hogwarts library when she discovered Gandalf’s journal, which recorded this powerful magic…”

“Headmaster Dumbledore has handed over the Aria of Light to the Ministry of Magic for research, and donated it to wizard hospitals in various countries for free,”

“However, scholars have not found Gandalf’s name in recorded history, and reporters suspect that he is a fictional character… The real creator of magic may be Dumbledore or some wizard associated with him…”

Harry and Ron finished reading and put down the paper.

Harry glanced at Hermione with envy in his eyes.

“Humph! She’s just lucky, if I was punished to sort out the books…”

Ron murmured that, like Harry, he was very envious of Hermione’s name being published in the Daily Prophet.

“I didn’t expect that Headmaster Dumbledore would be able to successfully cast the Aria of Light so quickly, and also cured a werewolf…”

Hermione calculated the time, the last full moon was mid-September, which meant that Dumbledore could successfully cast it within two days of getting the parchment.

And Hermione has not been able to perform this magic until now.

“After all, it’s our headmaster. You have heard Harry say that he is the greatest white wizard in history, and he should have such strength.”

Artel thought of the giant barrier outside the Forbidden Forest. Dumbledore might be stronger than he thought.

No wonder Voldemort was so afraid of him, if it weren’t for the injury to Voldemort’s Horcrux, I’m afraid Dumbledore wouldn’t have died so easily.

In fact, think about it, the original Grindelwald almost burned down the entire Paris with a fierce fire spell, and Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald’s existence, and his strength is naturally very powerful.

Moreover, he was still middle-aged at that time, so there was no such thing as a sorcerer’s old age.

“Anyway, it’s a good thing.”

There was a smile on Hermione’s face. *

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