Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 58

Chapter 058: Book In Advance And Fall 1 (For Flowers)

And Snape was even happier after seeing the depressed Weasley and others, and even the depressed mood of being bitten by a dog today eased a lot.

The Weasley twins were always making trouble for him. Taking this opportunity, Snape scolded them severely before letting them go back to the lounge.

After Weasley and the others went back, Snape and Professor McGonagall talked about the ghost they had just encountered, and the two knew that they had encountered the same monster.

At this time, Snape and Professor McGonagall also reacted, and both felt that those things just now should not be dementors. After all, dementors have bodies and cannot pass through walls, and those things look a bit illusory and have no entity. More like a ghost.

“Anyway, something must have sneaked into the castle. For the safety of the students, I think we need to thoroughly investigate the inside of the castle.”

Professor McGonagall suggested to Snape.

This happened just after Dumbledore left Hogwarts, which made Professor McGonagall have a very bad premonition, as if there were such a pair of eyes staring at them somewhere.

“Alright, let’s inform the other professors, mobilize the ghosts and murals in the castle, and see if we can find anything.”

Snape was also under a lot of pressure. On the one hand, he had to keep an eye on Quirrell, and on the other hand, he had to find the guy who was hiding in the dark. The key was that Snape still had a lot of things to figure out.

Parchment, Gandalf, Balrog, Troll, and Dementor Ghosts…

Snape sighed and took action with Professor McGonagall.

At this time, Artel had already put away the spar, and happily went to sleep.

Now this year’s Academy Cup is stable, as long as he adds a few more points, he will definitely be able to complete the main task, and the rest is to score points.

Early the next morning, Artel came to the Great Hall.

The atmosphere in the auditorium is a little weird. Some students are still discussing the troll incident last night, and some students have deduced from the ghosts of the castle and the abnormal performance of the mural characters, and they are passing all kinds of bizarre and dangerous remarks. .

And some of Gryffindor’s best students are staring at the jeweled hourglass that symbolizes the House Cup.

They couldn’t believe that after just one night, Gryffindor was deducted a full three percent! !

This time, they Gryffindor can already announce in advance that they will win the last place in the Academy Cup.

Many people have already guessed that the Weasley twins made this incident, because they have been preparing for Halloween night and there are also activities. It seems that the myth of the Weasley twins who have been traveling at night for two years without being caught was last night. It was broken at night.

Artel eats mashed potatoes gracefully, as if everything around him has nothing to do with him.

until Hermione showed up.

“I’m going crazy! Artel!”

Hermione sat beside Artel carelessly, glared at Pansy Parkinson who was diagonally opposite, slapped the table and asked for a glass of milk, gulped it in, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

“I’m going to be pissed off! Last night Harry and Ron, and Ron’s brother and their third-year Gryffindors went out for a night out and were caught by Snape and Professor McGonagall!”

“Fifty points off everyone! This year’s House Cup Gryffindor must be the lowest ever.”

What Hermione said was the consensus of almost all Gryffindors.

In the previous year’s Academy Cup summary, the scores of the four major colleges were between 300 and 500. Gryffindor was always in the 300-plus range because Snape often found reasons to deduct points.

And now, plus the points that Hermione and the others were deducted last time, Gryffindor is now a negative score.

It may not be possible to return to a positive score by the time of the Academy Cup summary.

“Don’t think about it, it’s just adding to your troubles, it’s not your fault anyway.”

Artel fought back a smile.

It really wasn’t Hermione’s fault, it was him.

“By the way, have you heard any news? It is said that there are some bad people in the castle, and everyone is saying that now.”

Hermione ordered some breakfast and chatted with Artel as she ate it.

“They said that the trolls were released by those people last night. Do you still remember the incident when Professor Snape fell ill? Maybe the same group of people did it. The professors thought they had left, but they didn’t expect them to be there all the time. , and also planned yesterday’s troll incident.”

“Ron said that the reason why George and Fred were found yesterday was because Professor McGonagall found them when they were fighting the Dementors, do you know the Dementors? I read it in the book, it was a kind…”

“But Harry thinks Snape did it, he said he saw Snape’s leg hurt last night, he suspects it was bitten by the three-headed dog, and Snape went to the fourth floor because Just met Harry and Ron, and Harry thought Snape was stealing.”

Hermione Barabara told Artel what she had heard in Gryffindor, and Artel nodded as she listened, much to Hermione’s delight, thinking that Artel had heard her.

“I don’t know if there will be any danger. If you look at the ghosts and the murals in the castle, you always feel that they are inexplicably nervous. Something big may happen.”

“It’s unbelievable that something as terrifying as Dementors is at Hogwarts, after all.”*

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