Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 8

Chapter 008 Azkaban’S Guest (Seeking Flower Evaluation)

“Where’s that Gollum? Where did he go?”

Artel looked around, Gollum didn’t appear directly like a notebook, Artel didn’t know where the system put him.

If he were thrown into the Muggle world, Artel could imagine the consequences.

A strange-looking humanoid creature, not in a normal state of mind, and often muttering in a gloomy tone: “myprecious! (My baby)”

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

“Smeagol has not yet extracted, the host can choose any place to put it (only in the wizarding world).”

“Please note that the storage period of Smeagol is one month. After the character call is updated, Smeagol will be automatically placed in the surrounding area of the host.”

The system’s answer sounded, Artel breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, Gulu didn’t seem to be of any use to him in the future.

Moreover, the Hobbits have no magical ability, and Gollum is a lunatic.

“Drop Gollum into Azkaban.”

Artel spoke out about his choice.


“Smeagol has been successfully put into Azkaban!”

Hearing the system prompt, Artel expressed his satisfaction.

But then he thought, as if tomorrow is Harry Potter’s birthday, if he throws Gollum in front of Harry Potter at midnight tonight, I don’t know what will happen?

Harry Potter closed his eyes and made a wish. When he opened his eyes, he found Gollum’s big eyes staring at him, and then said to him:

“my darling!”

It’s fun to think about.

“Unfortunately, Harry Potter is not in the wizarding world now.”

Artel shook his head and smiled, without thinking much, he took out the notebook he just put in the space.

Originally, he couldn’t understand the ancient spells recorded on it, but after unlocking the ability of the Lord of the Rings Necromancer, Artel suddenly could understand.

Artel studied Saruman’s notes in the room, far away from the North Sea.

An isolated island stands on the icy sea, and a dark castle stands on the cliff of the isolated island. This is the famous Azkaban in the wizarding world.

Outside the castle, countless dementors hovered and danced.

In a room on the third floor, a humanoid creature similar to a house elf suddenly appeared here. His two eyes were like light bulbs, showing a yellow-green color, matching the head with only a few hairs and the ugly His face looked very strange.

“Where is this?”

Gulu hunched over, carefully looking at this unfamiliar environment.

“This is a conspiracy!”

Another sound came out of Gulu’s mouth, which sounded sullen.

“This is Baggins’ conspiracy! He’s a thief! A vile, shameless thief! He stole our treasure! My treasure!”

“Yes, baby!”

“my darling!”

Gulu’s eyes turned green, exuding a faint light, he turned around a few times in place, and sighed fiercely.

“It must be Baggins! He found the elf and cast a magic spell and locked us here!”

Gulu was swearing fiercely when a woman’s figure suddenly appeared in his field of vision from the darkness in the corner. The woman’s hair was messy and looked dirty. At this moment, she was looking straight at him, her eyes showing disgust. Kind eyes.

“It’s… amazing, hahahaha.”

The woman stared at Gollum and spoke slowly.

Her voice seemed to be the rubbing sound of a corpse that had just crawled out of the grave, and even the dark grunt made her scalp tingle.

“A house-elf? No…”

The woman came over, stared at Gulu fiercely, and shouted:

“What the hell are you? A goblin? Or a human with some kind of curse?”

“Who is Baggins? What treasure did he steal? How did you get here!”

Gulu stepped back cautiously, until there was the icy stone wall of the castle behind him, and there was no way to retreat. He squatted down quickly, picked up a sharp gravel, and looked at the woman in front of him viciously.

“Mine! That’s my baby!”

“Your baby? Hahahaha.”

The woman laughed wildly, took out an old wand from somewhere, suddenly pointed her finger at Gulu, grinned, and her smile became more and more gloomy.

“Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!”

Gollum’s pained howls echoed through Azkaban along with Bellatrix’s wild laughter, and the man behind it all was trying his magic in the warm room of Shelby Manor Castle.

“Created by low-level undead!”

“Skull Warrior Summons!”

As Artel waved his hand lightly, a faint light flashed, and then, a skeleton warrior about two meters tall appeared in front of Artel.

His bones are very thick, and his two pale hand bones are still holding weapons, a rusted iron sword and a log shield. It can be seen that he should have been a powerful warrior in his lifetime.

The skeleton warrior’s two eye sockets shone with dark green ghosts, and it stood in front of Artel, motionless.

“not bad.”

Artel nodded with satisfaction, the skeleton warrior looked quite strong, at least not the tattered skeleton soldier with osteoporosis.

Artel controlled the skeleton warrior for a while. The speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people. A skeleton warrior must have no problem dealing with four or five Muggles at the same time, and although the weapon looks rusty, it is actually quite sharp. With a tetanus bonus, the combat power should not be underestimated.

After testing it, Artel dispelled the magic, and the skeleton warrior disappeared again with a bang.

There are many ancient spells recorded in Saruman’s notebooks, including a part of necromancy.

And the ability of the necromancer did not disappoint Artel. He just studied it briefly, and he completely mastered the creation of the low-level undead just now, and he can even cast spells without a staff.

The more magic wizards, the more skeleton warriors will be summoned. If the magic power is sufficient, it is very simple to summon thousands of them at once.

“In addition to summoning skeletons, there are also zombies, lichs, death knights, bone dragons… Well, it seems quite simple, but my magic power is not enough…”

Artel’s mastery of necromancy was beyond his imagination, and after simply looking at it for a while, he felt that he had mastered these magics, but his magic power was not enough, so he couldn’t test it yet.

In addition to undead magic, Saruman’s notes also contain some spells about holy light magic, natural magic and elemental magic. Artel briefly looked at some of them. Although he could not master it as quickly as necromantic magic, he had a feeling , as long as you study it in depth, you can still quickly grasp it.

“As expected of the Supreme Lord of the Rings! No, it should be said that it is worthy of the Demon Lord Sauron, after all, the Necromancer is Sauron’s talent.”

Artel glanced at the time, put away the notes, sighed, and went downstairs to eat. *

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