Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Christmas

With the sound of “bumping”, he saw the targets in front of him that he had prepared in advance, none of them were spared, and all of them were penetrated by the missiles released by Colt.

What’s even more terrifying is that although these missiles are densely packed and messy, each of them can attack as Colt thought in the end. Basically, no missile is out of the target’s eye. .

What’s more terrifying is their power.

You must know that the targets prepared by Colt are all made of special alloy steel, and the thickness of each target has reached a thickness of more than ten centimeters.

But even so, the missiles he released were able to penetrate the bullseye of the targets at once, and all of these targets left a hole the size of a head.

Attacking on alloy steel has already been the result. It is conceivable that if this one hits a person, what kind of scene would it be?

It’s no worse than hitting someone with an anti-aircraft machine gun.

Such missile power, if you don’t pay attention, even if there is a magical barrier, it is completely useless.

And this, only 09 is a missile spell that Colt hits at will, what if it is something else?

It’s like a crushing spell, cutting spell, blasting spell, and God’s Edge spell. With the increase of the holy thorn, how could it have any power!

In front of Saint Yanthorn, all the old wands are all scum, okay?

And, after unleashing the magic, Colt discovered a problem.

When using the holy thorn, he has been able to use the power of the holy thorn to achieve silent casting.

Although he hadn’t learned this skill, he just looked at some literature records, and it seemed quite troublesome. He didn’t expect that he could solve it by refining a magic wand.

However, because of this, when there is no holy thorn, he can’t continue to use silent casting, of course, these are not a problem.

What is a magic weapon, unless it is a more powerful and strange magic weapon, it can be completely crushed in the face of other treasures and equipment such as magic weapons.

And what treasures are there in this world?

The Elder Wand counts as one, the Resurrection Stone counts, and the Invisibility Cloak. As for the other man-made treasures, in Colt’s view, it’s actually just like that. The only thing that can make him look high is the time shift. device.

But the limitation of that kind of thing is actually quite big. One of the most housekeepers is that it cannot take effect on people with strong magic power.

Even Colt, who had just entered the third grade, could not use it at all, although at that time, the magic power in his body was a little bit worse than that of an adult.

But the time changer has no way to take him back to the past time, which shows that the time changer is useless.

As for the others, although there are some equipment with good effects, compared with magic weapons, there is really no comparison.

Next, Colt spent a whole night in the Golden Crow Realm, and when the next day dawned, he finally came out of the Golden Crow Realm to spend Christmas with others.

When Colt appeared in the dormitory, he saw a pile of Christmas presents on the bow of his boat.

Seeing this, Colt really had a headache.

Just by looking at some of the fancy, pink-wrapped, heart-adorned gifts, you know there must be some schoolgirl gifts in there.

Moreover, most of them are still eaten. As for whether there are any ingredients in it, Colt can’t guarantee it.

He casually picked up a gift from the pile of gifts. It was a gift from Penello. He took it apart and looked at it. It was a blue and white fluffy scarf, and it seemed that she knitted it by herself, with great care.

She was very happy to take off the scarf she gave last year around her neck, put on this new one, put the old one away, and then continued to look at other people’s gifts.

After all this busy work, Colt is very happy.

He received a tricky toy made by his twin brother, and a pair of knitted gloves from Hermione, which he seemed to have learned from Penello.

Some hands are raw, and the stitches are not very uniform, but it is very good to be able to do this.

And the full set of Quidditch models Harry sent, from the Irish team.

Ronald gave him a set of Chocolate Frog cards, some of which are very old, some are badly worn, and some are still very new. It can be seen that the collection process of this set of cards is not short.

In addition to these good friends, Colt received two unsigned gifts.

You don’t have to think about it to know that this is a gift from the Nicolemeiers to him.

Now they often communicate with Colt, but all the letters between them are sent back and forth by Fei Yan in person.

Although few people would pay attention to them after the Sorcerer’s Stone was destroyed, they had to be careful, if anyone knew that they were still alive.

They are nothing, anyway, they have enough strength, and no one can do anything to them.

But Colt is in trouble with 290, and many people will surely turn their attention to him, the lucky one who inherited the so-called legacy.

When the time comes to know that the Nicole Mays are still alive, and Colt is still able to control their property, if there is nothing tricky about it, how can other people believe it!

Of course, that was all before, and for Colt now, it’s nothing.

With the holy thorn in his hand, his frontal combat ability, not to mention Voldemort, even if Voldemort plus Dumbledore, plus Grindelwald, is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

Even with the simplest of missile spells and bombarding him, he was sure to win in the end, Colt was so sure.

Not to mention, if the Sun Zhenyan is used, no one can resist it.

Therefore, lack of strength is no longer a problem.

Of course, it would be more troublesome if these guys were just hiding in the shadows, playing tricks, or using some peculiar black magic to attack Colt.

After there is no problem in the aspect of strength, Colt will start to think about the accumulation of his own magical knowledge.

For wizards, knowledge is power, and this is definitely not just a famous saying, but a real stated fact.

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