Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Got You, Sirius Black

Therefore, there is never any rule about how many companions a wizard has, as long as you have the ability, one hundred and eighty will do!

As long as you’re not a pure lover it’s fine.

Anyway, for the Ministry of Magic, for the entire wizarding world, nothing is more important than the birth of more wizards.

Therefore, although in most cases, influenced by the ordinary human world, the wizards are monogamous by default.

But there are also cases where there will be multiple wives or husbands.

Of course, polyandry is much less common, because even in the wizarding world, strong men and weak women have existed since ancient times.

It’s just that compared to the world of ordinary people, which relies entirely on physical strength, this phenomenon is much more obvious when cold weapons are used.

After sitting in the teahouse for more than two hours, they finally left.

Stepping on the white and thick snow, strolling through this wizard-style town makes Colt more relaxed than ever.

Before they knew it, they once again came to the famous haunted house – the Screaming Shack.

It was still so shabby and there was no sign of human activity.

Reaching out his arms to embrace the two girls, Colt gently kissed them on their lips.

This kind of blessing, only at this time, can enjoy it. Returning to Hogwarts Castle, whether it is Penello or Hermione, will keep a certain distance from Colt because of shyness.

Of course, although no one will be better here, it’s not much better. This is the first time the three of them have dated together, and the two girls still can’t let go.

But Colt doesn’t worry about it. It’ll be fine in the future, and he’ll get used to it.

Just when Colt was about to continue to be gentle with the two shy girls, he suddenly felt a strange look. Before he could think about it, Colt responded very quickly and looked over.

They saw a messy, very sloppy and scrawny black dog staring at them with piercing eyes.

To be precise, they should be staring at the two bags of cakes in the hands of the two women.

This was what they had packed at the previous Madame Padreffe Teahouse, and I thought one of the desserts there was pretty good, and plan to pack some back for an evening snack.

But obviously, it is now being targeted by this guy.

At the first sight of this big black dog, Colt noticed that this might be Sirius’ Animagos.

It’s just that he can’t be completely sure. After all, the black dog is actually very common, and he can’t be sure because of this. This is Sirius Black’s Animagus.

But then, as Colt’s eyes changed, everything was in front of his eyes, nothing to hide.

This is indeed Sirius Black, and it seems that he is in a very bad state at this time.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, he may feel more uncomfortable in the future, not necessarily.

After all, who made him look after Colt’s girlfriends?

Although I know that Blake is a good man, at least he is a good man when it comes to right and wrong.

But that didn’t stop him, Colt gave him a little trouble, cleaned him up or something, and they had a lot of Snape in school anyway.

There was no warning, Colt suddenly took out his wand and waved it quickly, and a silent spell was cast.

As for Blake, who looked like a crazy stray dog, the whole dog flew like that.

Under the control of Colt, whirling continuously in the sky, a wailing sound of barking, in this empty place, rang out.

Hermione and Penello, who hadn’t noticed Blake at first, suddenly saw this black dog being teased by Colt.

The two women who do not know why did not feel that Colt had no sympathy and cruel personality because of his dog abuse.

Because they’ve been with Colt for so long, they’d be a failure if they didn’t know who Colt was.

There must be a special reason for the dog that Colt treats like this, all they need to do is just look at it, and Colt will give them the answer soon.

After tossing Blake up and down for a while, Colt finally let him go, but instead of letting him down, he controlled him in the air, and then another current magic shot out.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a scruffy and disfigured black dog. After some changes, it finally turned into a unkempt, thin man with jet-black teeth, appearing in front of them.

This man doesn’t need to be looked at carefully, and he can tell at a glance that this is the man the Ministry of Magic has always wanted, Sirius Black.

“6||My God, this, this, it’s Sirius Black” ||.

“Yes, I recognize that this is Sirius Black, but why, why is he here?

“Also, he was transformed from a black dog.”

“My God, I see, I see why the officials of the Ministry of Magic haven’t found a trace of Sirius Black for so long, because he’s an illegal Animagus.

“It seems like this, which explains why he was able to escape from Azkaban, which was surrounded by dementors. After all, compared to a person, obviously the emotions of animals are not so obvious. , and it is not easy to attract the attention of the dementors.

“That’s right (Okay Zhao), and he was able to sneak into Hogwarts Castle many times, presumably because it entered in the form of a black dog.

“And, just before, many times Harry said he saw a big black dog that looked like it was Sirius Black.”

“Well, obviously that’s what happened, but it’s over, Sirius was caught by you Colt, now you don’t have to worry about what will happen to Harry, it’s over,” Penello said. He looked very proudly at the little man beside him.

God knows how good he is, just at a glance, he can see that the black dog that Sirius has turned into is wrong, and then he takes decisive action and solves a big problem for the entire wizarding world.

That’s how Colt sees the two women there talking enthusiastically about it, but he always has a mind on Sirius Black all the time.

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