Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 The End Of The Christmas Holiday

Therefore, at this moment, Ronald, like a salted fish, was lying on the table, regardless of what was happening around him, and completely lost all ability to think.

Harry obviously also noticed the current state of his good friend, and he didn’t want to be too happy, or he would rub salt on his good friend’s wound.

He restrained his smile and went next to Ronald, and began to comfort his friend.

Colt doesn’t care about their friendship, he just sits with Hermione and reads a book.

This is a book on the research of Animagus, and Colt is also trying to find out the kind of strange changes that happen to petit stars.

Although it is said that the changes in Pettigrew are indeed creepy, but this does not mean that there is no “three five three” research value.

For the time being, regardless of the appearance, just the physical features that are close to the shape-shifting creatures show that this kind of research is very valuable.

Just imagine, let alone other things, such as Dumbledore’s magical creature metamorphosis, if it can really obtain part of the phoenix’s physical characteristics, such as eyes, claws, feathers and the like.

Does it also mean that Dumbledore will have some of the characteristics of the Phoenix.

And this characteristic is not something that Dumbledore can have when he is deformed, but a special ability that is manifested in Dumbledore himself.

If such a thing can really be achieved, let’s not talk about the rest, but it is certain that the wizard who has obtained the physical characteristics of magical creatures will have a very obvious increase in strength, which is almost certain.

Although Colt is not very longing for the power to change his own characteristics, he does not reject it either.

Now that he has encountered it, and now that he has time to spare, he should study it for the time being.

Perhaps after the werewolf potion research is successful, he will not be so boring.

As for Hermione, I’m also very interested in this one.

After all, the transformation of magical creatures also started with her.

Although the beginning is not so beautiful, it can even be said to be her nightmare, but this does not hinder her curiosity about all this.

In the blink of an eye, a night passed, and with the fermentation of this short night, the matter between the two people, Sirius and Pettigrew, completely detonated in the entire British wizarding world.

Everyone is very interested in what happened between them.

After all, it’s not just about Harry, the savior, but also about Black, the first-in-line heir to the most famous pureblood family.

This is not only of interest to Muggle wizards, but wizards of pure-blood families are also very interested in this.

Even, on the second day, his cousin Narcissa, the mother of Draco Malfoy, came to Hogwarts.

Along with his niece, Nymphadora Tonks.

This woman is not simple, she even came together with Lupin in the future, became his wife, and eventually gave birth to Ted Lupin.

Moreover, she herself is a rare disguise magus, and the magical ability to change the characteristics of her body at will, even in the wizarding world, it is very rare.

The current Tonks is still one of the reserve members of the Auror Force.

Although the arrival of these two relatives was nothing to Sirius, Tonks did not say anything about it. Narcissa was Lucius’ wife.

Lucius, as one of the Death Eaters, has a very high status, and there have been many confrontations between them.

This indirectly led to the discord between their cousins.

But in any case, as the only remaining, few relatives, Sirius did not really drive away Narcissa.

A few people sat down together and chatted calmly for a long time.

In the next few days, Sirius finally had time to get along well with his godson Harry.

The appearance of Sirius can be regarded as making up for the lack of family affection in Harry’s heart, which made Harry feel extra happy in the past few days.

Of course, because of the complete resolution of the Sirius incident, he also got Sirius’s signature and was able to go to Hogsmeade.  …

With the start of Hogwarts, their relationship can only come to an end temporarily. In the next period of time, Sirius may still be busy.

Not only a lot of things about himself, but also his family, the Black family, also has a lot of things to deal with, but these things have been accumulating since several years ago.

After all, with the imprisonment of Sirius and the death of his brother Regulus, no one was left in his family.

Later, his elders died one by one, and all his cousins married and left the Black family.

The entire Black family was almost at a standstill. Although the family also had corresponding countermeasures, the operation of the family was brought to a standstill without being in charge of things for a long time.

A lot has happened this Christmas, good and bad, but overall it’s pretty good.

This Christmas, Harry also received his best Christmas present, a Firebolt broom made by the Firebolt Company.

This is indeed good news for Harry, who just lost the Nimbus 2000 that Professor McGonagall gave him.

Ronald also received a gift for Christmas, an owl, given to him by Sirius, to make up for the death of his pet Scabbers.

Of course, Ronald had a very bad expression when talking about this matter at 2.9, and obviously didn’t want to mention it.

Of course, Ronald was happy to get a new pet, a very nice looking and strong owl.

There was also Colt, who also received a gift. Sirius’s way of doing things was still so simple and rude. He transferred 100,000 Galleons to Colt directly from his private treasury, as a thank you for helping him avenge himself.

This made Colt a little dumbfounded, but he didn’t refuse and accepted it.

After the Christmas holiday, Colt re-entered the Golden Crow Realm and started a new round of research on werewolves.

I just hope that this time there will be more harvests, which is what Lupin is eager to see now.

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