Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 214

Chapter 214Th Chapter Tiangang 36 Supernatural Powers

“The batch that was brewed before, whether it was me or Penello, Hermione thought it was very good. It drank a little faster, and there was not much left. We have to start brewing quickly, otherwise we will not be able to continue.”

“Understood, sir, I will arrange it and collect it as soon as possible.”

“Okay, you can handle these things, you and I are still very relieved about these trivial matters.

“Thank you sir for your trust, I will not betray this trust.

Turning around and walking out of the Golden Crow Realm, I happened to see Penello and Hermione sitting neatly on the sofa, obviously waiting for him.

“I’m sorry, I came out late and made you wait for a long time.”

Hearing this, the two women rolled their eyes at the same time, and Penello said angrily: “Forget it, we are all used to it, hurry up, if we don’t hurry up, we really won’t be able to catch up.

“That’s it! Harry and the others are probably already seated in the venue by now, and we’re still at home. Seriously, you couldn’t have been earlier. 35

In this regard, Colt can only return a helpless smile, he also wants to hurry up, but, the establishment and opening of the Hex energy system, if you can’t witness such a scene with your own eyes, it is really a pity~ what.

However, it is not too late, – just in time.

“Okay, okay, I didn’t do it on purpose, there are very important things I have to do.”

“Okay, let’s go, come, grab my hand.” Colt stretched out his arms.

The two girls were not shy, they reached out and grabbed Colt’s hand, holding the two girls tightly with both palms, and a flame flashed from Colt’s body.

As the flames steamed, the three figures disappeared into the villa.

When he appeared again, he was already at the scene of the Quidditch World Cup.

And by their side are the Weasley twins, Colt’s target.

When they saw a handful of flames flashing and the three Colt appeared beside them, the two brothers were not panicked, on the contrary, they were very interested in the teleportation magic that Colt used.

“Wow! Colt the way you show up.

“It’s really shocking!”

“Let’s talk about it, what kind of magic is this?”

“Don’t fool us with some Apparition.””

“We won’t eat your shit.

As the brothers say, this isn’t really any Apparition.

If Dumbledore or Fox were here at this time, they would definitely be able to see it.

Colt’s space movement method is not the Phoenix’s special method!

And the reason why he was able to master the special talent that belonged to Phoenix was because of the reward from the Book of Chaos that he obtained some time ago.

This is really a very, very powerful reward. In terms of its value, it is far more than the Taiji Xuanqing Dao, which can allow him to embark on the orthodox cultivation path.

Moreover, this excess is not an excess of several times or ten times, but an excess of hundreds of thousands of times.

Its name is Fetal Transformation, and it is one of the thirty-six heavenly supernatural powers.

This magical power is worthy of the name of its Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs, and its own effect is extremely powerful.

The most obvious application is to use a little bit of body tissue of other creatures to pass this magical power, so that the user of the magical power can master the full power of this creature.

It can change into this creature and completely master everything about this creature.

It is also possible to just alienate a part of the body into this kind of creature, so as to master some of the talents he wants.

Moreover, what is even more outrageous is that the ability to obtain the talent of other creatures in this way will not have any side effects. If you want to have it, you can have it. If you don’t want to have it, you can completely restore the body’s alienated part at will.

Just as Colt used the phoenix’s space supernatural power to come here before, he alienated a part of his body and successfully mastered the power of the phoenix.

What is even more terrifying is that this kind of mastery of the power of other creatures, because of supernatural powers, seems to have grown from the time when the creature was still in the womb to the current stage when the creatures separate their body tissues.

In this way, the user of the magical power will not feel the slightest stagnation when using the power of other creatures, and it is completely logical to use it.

Although at this stage, Colt can only use part of the power of one creature at a time, but with the proficiency of supernatural powers, Colt believes that it will not be long before he can use the natural power of multiple creatures at the same time.


Such a powerful supernatural power, although it is not a cultivation method, but compared with the Taiji Xuanqing Dao, it must be far beyond.

“Don’t think about this, even if I teach you, you won’t be able to learn it at all.” Colt said bluntly.

What Colt said was also true. The reason why he was able to master this magical power was thanks to the help of the Book of Chaos, otherwise, it would have been a very difficult process.

As for them, don’t even think about it, even if they can learn it, Colt is not a fool, so how could he teach it to others casually.


Even in the mythical world, the thirty-six celestial powers belonged to a very top-notch power, and this was not the Tao of Taiji Xuanqing, although it was not bad.

The world it lives in restricts it is destined to have too high an upper limit, and it doesn’t matter if it is taught to others.

“Okay, then forget it.”

“But you guys are slow enough, the Quidditch match is about to start.

“Yes, why did you come here!”

Putting aside the depressing topic before, the twins asked suspiciously.

Hearing the question from the Weasley brothers, Hermione pinched Colt’s arm angrily, “It’s not because of this guy, he just came back, we’re also anxiously waiting, but there’s nothing we can do!

Seeing Hermione’s resentful face, Colt quickly changed the subject, “Well, let’s not talk about this, how about it, the game hasn’t started yet.”

“Not yet, of course, but soon.”

Just as a few people were talking, Sirius came over, and with him was his godson Harry, “Hey, Colt, you guys are here, why are you so late? Is there any problem?”

Looking at Sirius’ questioning with concern, Colt coughed lightly, “It’s nothing, I’m just busy with some things and forgot the time.”

“That’s good, by the way, I haven’t thanked the lawyer you helped to find before. Seriously, I’m really bad at dealing with Muggles. If it wasn’t for that magic, I really didn’t want Harry to come back. That home.” Tu.

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