Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 260

Chapter 260 Harry Potter Appears

And Diggory’s performance has also won him the honor he deserves. Whether it’s Dumbledore or Maxim, they have given him a high score of ten. As for Karkaroff, let’s not talk about this, it’s still five points. , This one really doesn’t want a face.

Harry was able to use it proficiently, and he wasn’t surprised at all.

Before he was about to walk out of the tunnel and come to the fire dragon, Harry lightly tapped on his body. An improved floating spell was placed on his body.

It is not very strange to have such a defensive ability as it is now. . .

However, it was such a fire dragon that Harry encountered unexpectedly.

Not to mention blocking a blasting rumble, even if the thunderbolt can be blocked, there is still a question mark.

It can be said that among the scorpionfish and dragons this time, it is the one that is difficult to deal with.

If the two magics are all performed by Colt, then the defense of the shield of the holy flame can be about 1.5 when one unit of magic power is consumed.

There are also some magics that have been extended and mutated through the Patronus Charm, just like the kind that some members of the Order of the Phoenix used when they were fighting the Death Eaters. It is a variant of the Patronus Charm.

But obviously, the person who researched this magic did not research the magic item very deeply, and only researched the rough skin.

But there is no way, who makes this guy also a referee.

This kind of score is actually quite good. It is the same as the previous Krum score. This is the situation after Karkaroff, the shameless one, gave it five points.

This sudden appearance, even Colt in 2.9 was surprised, his eyes were full of fire, and he was staring at everything that happened on the field at this time.

It was a super-transfiguration potion that turned bodily organs into parts of a unicorn.

But to Colt’s surprise, at this time, Harry, on top of his body, was covered with a magic shield that flashed a layer of silver-white magic light.

As for the headmaster, Dumbledore, he didn’t even look at each other.

The only downside is that it consumes a lot of mana.

But it didn’t matter, Colt already knew from Hermione’s mouth what the potion she had given Harry was.

But even so, looking at the strength of the magic shield on Harry’s body at this time, we can understand that this magic defense effect is still very good.

Soon, Harry’s figure came out of the tunnel.

The magic power utilization efficiency of this magic itself is indeed not high, but it can’t help Harry to ignore his own magic power consumption!

Although I don’t know what kind of battle plan Harry has formulated, at least it is certain that Harry seems to be quite confident about the challenges he will face.

Otherwise, the two people who did not use black magic would undoubtedly be able to get more recognition from the judges, and finally get a higher score of “397”.

And what happened next made it even more impossible for everyone.

That is to say, according to Harry’s magic proficiency at this time, every time the shield is refreshed, it is necessary to consume the magic power required to cast a blasting rumbling, that is, the advanced magic of thunderbolt explosion.

Moreover, another disadvantage of this magic is that once it is cast, it is running at full power.

And if it is this magic, then, under the consumption of the same magic power, the defensive ability it can form may only be about 0.5, and the efficiency is not a little bit.

At this time, Colt was a little curious, where did this magic come from, whether it was researched by Harry himself, or whether someone secretly took action to help Harry complete this challenge.

I didn’t continue to think about it, I continued to pay attention to the venue at this time.

I saw that the next Harry, did not cast any attack magic, but stretched his wand forward and shouted: “God Guard!”

In his eyes, the guardian beast that Harry released at this time was not just a pure guardian beast.

This is really unfortunate enough.

This was given at Harry’s own request.

What do you say about this dragon?

The casting of this magic was not very surprising to Colt, because this magic was originally from Hermione’s hands.

This magic is very similar to the magic on the magic item Colt gave Harry.

Immediately afterwards, a silver stag appeared in front of everyone.

But this big guy, who is also not too small, suddenly appeared on the field, and it still caused everyone to exclaim and feel incredible.

Because, right in front of everyone’s eyes, this behemoth that suddenly appeared, actually stepped on the void, moved its four hooves, and quickly rushed towards the black dragon of the Hexidian Islands opposite.

Just looking at the outside is full of terrifying deterrent power, with a body length of thirty feet (more than nine meters), and a very aggressive personality. It is one of the more difficult fire dragons to deal with.

The overall effect of this magic and his holy shield magic, there is still a big gap.

Of course, everyone present, except for a few deans sitting a little lower down, all looked back at him with a strange look, and ignored him.

Under the powerful insight of her eyes, she quickly discovered something was wrong.

The arrangement on the field was soon over, and the fire dragon that appeared on the field again was a black dragon from the Hechidiri Islands.

Because, it is difficult for normal guardian beasts to have any impact on reality.

Coupled with the power of the unicorn’s super transformation potion, Harry’s challenge could still be dealt with.

And such magic power, the shield formed is obviously very disproportionate.

Harry at this time, apparently because of the potion Hermione gave him, had already begun to cast this magic a long time ago.

Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman both gave Diggory eight points.

And then, Harry’s action really surprised Colt.

In addition to facing dementors, there are also some dark creatures such as ghosts that have no entity, and they can only fight for the caster.

At this time, the magic barrier covering his body was already very powerful.

The size of this stag is very huge, with a height of three or four meters, and a length of more than four meters, although compared to the Hexidian black dragon on the opposite side, its size is still a bit unsightly.

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