Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Divine Power, Immortal Law

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will face an entire Iron Legion in the next battle.

All kinds of powers are so miraculous and so powerful that in the face of all these enemies, from the very beginning, you will feel your invincible power from the very beginning.

Of course, the root of all this is still one, one’s own strength.

The goal of this legion is to directly target all legions on Thanos’ entire Sanctuary No. 2.

In the end, we can only count on the Golem Legion in Colt’s hands to help fight the invasion of the entire Ultron Legion.

This is a powerful power composed of ten kinds of God’s authority, and it is completely sufficient to deal with the vast majority of difficulties in a free transformation.

One of them is the God-killer power from the God-killer world – “Battle of the East”||God”.

But if this is the case, Colt is already satisfied.

But now, the spiritual power of this Supreme Purity Immortal Talisman in Colt’s hand releases the most powerful Supreme Purity Divine Lightning, which can at most damage the existence of the Golden Immortal Daluo. Of course, it is only a surprise injury.

If there is no complete confidence in the face of a Ultron Legion, then there is no need for it to continue to exist.

After all, the level of the two is there!

If Daluo Jinxian had taken precautions, he might not even be able to urge the Shangqing Immortal Talisman to attack.

Precisely because of this consideration, it is very important to have an army strong enough to fight against the Iron Legion.

Colt didn’t pay much attention to these three things in order to catch up with the progress and research more technology, and the battle they experienced at that time, with Colt’s strength at that time, was completely sufficient to deal with, and it was more than enough. .

But the power of God itself has greatly strengthened Colt’s strength.

Yes, although it is hard to tell, but this is the truth. According to the description of the Shangqing Xianfa, the cultivation realm is mainly divided into four stages: refining the essence and transforming the qi, refining the qi and transforming the spirit, refining the spirit to return to the emptiness, and refining the emptiness and the Tao.

Moreover, the rewards of these three Books of Chaos themselves have greatly improved Colt’s strength.

Among them, the first two stages can only be regarded as the most basic beginning, mainly used to lay the foundation.

At this point, only the Golden Crow Realm of Asgard and Colt behind Thor has completed the design, and the Golem Legion that is producing and accumulating can do it.

However, it is also simple to transform one’s own Taiji Xuanqing Taoist essence into the spiritual power of Shangqing Immortal Law.

The ubiquitous wind, the boy who protects others, the white horse burning with the flames of the sun, the ram who rises from the dead following his own will, the phoenix who gains unparalleled speed, the bull who is powerful himself and his strength, the pinnacle of kicking skills is unparalleled in battle The camel of the will, the goat that colludes with its companions to control lightning, the wild boar that exists only in mythology, and the warrior who blocks the ability of the enemy.

What made Colt more embarrassed was that he encountered a small problem after switching to the Shangqing Immortal Law.

The second one is from the sage of Tongtian in Shangqing, which is the talisman of the immortal method of Shangqing.

However, there is no restriction brought by this power, and it can be used at will.

Just need to squeeze the fairy talisman, you can control the divine thunder through the fairy talisman, whether it is attacking the enemy or protecting oneself, it has a very powerful power.

Naturally, the reward from the Book of Chaos became Colt’s best choice.

One is the cultivation method that can only prolong lifespan, and the other is the bright road that can lead directly to Daluo.

Daluo or something, such a level of existence, Colt can’t even think about it now, let alone become an enemy of it, it is really too far away for him.

That is, the lowest level of refining and transforming qi involved in the Shangqing Immortal Law has not yet been reached!

Although the Shangqing Immortal Talisman itself can release the terrifying power far beyond the user, it depends on the spiritual power contained in the Immortal Talisman itself. If the spiritual power is insufficient, it is impossible to release a powerful attack out of nothing.

It is simply not possible to put the two together (of Mano).

This talisman not only carries the immortal law of the Qing Dynasty, it is also a symbol of identity itself, and it is also a very powerful acquired spiritual treasure.

Of course, the design of the Golem Legion has already been finalized, and Colt fully supports it, so that the entire Golem Legion’s production line can produce golems at the maximum speed and increase the reserve of Golems.

Colt, on the other hand, is also trying to master the book of Chaos as quickly as possible with the three bonuses that it unlocked over the year.

In other words, the current Colt is like a god-killer who has mastered the power of the Eastern God of War.

These people can imagine how bad their talents and feet are.

This is also thanks to the sectarians, most of which are low-level birds and beasts, fish scales and carapaces, all of which belong to the bottom-most beings in the world.

Judging from the performance of the original Eastern War God’s power, its power is already an undoubted problem.

In particular, the power of God that Colt obtained from the Book of Chaos has no limit at all, or his only limit is the limit of his own strength.

More possibilities, and Colt doesn’t expect it at all.

There is no difficulty in accepting the power of God. What is difficult is to master the ten powerful powers in this power. This is what Colt needs to worry about.

Now there is such a big deviation in the whole plot. Ultron was researched by others, and designed such a plan, which made the Avengers fall into an extremely passive situation.

But with Asgard’s life, there is a high probability that it is impossible to appear on earth.

In this regard, Colt still has great confidence. After all, the Golem Legion is a super legion created by all the knowledge he has accumulated over the years, as well as the assistance of Tony and Banner.

But now, he is about to face Ultron who holds the Mind Gem.

According to the records of the Immortal Law of the Qing Dynasty, the Colt after conversion, the final realm, let alone what immortals are.

This is enough to see that they will face even greater challenges in the future, and Colt will have to improve their own strength faster to have greater assurance to deal with future crises.

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