Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 408

Chapter 408 The Backhand

This is really good, after all, the Hulk itself does not need other things.

However, not many people think that such a technology has the value and significance of popularization.

But that didn’t stop Colt from trying to make some small toys.

It can be said that on the basis of the original, the attack method has been expanded a lot.

Yes, they really succeeded later, and they managed to steal enough vibration gold.

In this way, it can not only explode completely in an instant, but also store all the energy in 09, and then distribute it according to one’s own wishes.

In order to ensure that this divine consciousness would not be detected by Ultron holding a mind scepter, Colt directly sealed his divine consciousness, only when this part of the vibrating gold ore was smelted and used again. , will trigger the mechanism, so that everything around it is passed back to Colt to know.

All this was done under the supervision of Colt, quietly.

Moreover, the variability of nanotechnology has also proved its feasibility to everyone under the separate research of the four.

There is no energy release program loaded, but the absorbed energy can be transmitted to the black panther suit. Contact transmission may have a certain impact on the flexibility of the battle, but it is not harmful.

It is precisely because Colt can do all this, can be more than 90% sure, can find the position of the mind scepter, this is the reason why Tony and the others can study nanotechnology here with peace of mind.

For Colt, who has already achieved great success, it is not difficult at all to be distracted and used for two purposes.

In addition to the three Avengers, Suri also produced her own works with a very strong Wakanda style.

If nothing else, they definitely want to keep researching until they reach the limit they have accumulated now.

It is not much different from the original Nano Panther suit, but the attack methods are more abundant.

But an accident happened!

Although limited by the capacity of the black panther suit, the size of this single-soldier aircraft is not very large, and it can only be used as a flying tool, and there is no attack weapon on it.

So, during this period, Colt has always seen their actions.

But with the help of Colt, the purpose of manipulating these energies is realized.

And his exhibition hall is much more luxurious than Suri’s, and at the same time, it is also much larger, and there are even more exhibits in it.

Everyone can foresee that in the next many years, countless and various nanotechnology creations will be born in their hands.

Don’t think that the four Colt and the others have achieved so much in such a short period of time, and that nanotechnology is easy to develop.

At the same time, it can be condensed on both hands, whether it is a long-range attack as a shock gun, or a close combat as an energy blade, it can burst out a very powerful formidable power.

And after Ultron’s support, they also successfully escaped from Wakanda, and escaped with Zhenjin.

And it is still free to repair the deformed vibranium shield.

Otherwise, let them start to study all this from nanoparticle to nanoparticle, without other technical support, it will take a few years, or even more than ten years, to achieve the current achievements.

It can be said that in just three days, the development potential of nanotechnology has been thoroughly displayed in front of everyone. The potential that can be tapped infinitely has made everyone understand what this technology means.

In fact, in the Golden Crow Realm, he originally had a very large exhibition hall.

Not to mention the rest, it is just one point, nano-level materials will become a huge obstacle to curb the democratization of nanotechnology.

And because of the heavy weight of the aircraft, the energy that the aircraft can absorb is far more than a thin layer of battle clothes.

Divided into different areas to display different works.

It is also the reason why the rest of the Avengers can stay in Wakanda temporarily and relax with peace of mind.

It doesn’t matter how much technology they have been exposed to before, and how much technology they have accumulated for this purpose.

The way of explosion has also expanded from a simple all-round explosion without dead ends to a directional explosion that can be carried out through the guidance of both hands.

However, even such a nano-aircraft has its uniqueness.

No one thinks that the cost of vibrating alloy will be very low!

There is also Colt, although he has no need for nanotechnology to manufacture combat equipment or the like.

Colt even separated a part of his divine consciousness and attached it to a part of the vibrating gold, letting him take this part of his divine consciousness and wait for the appearance of Ultron’s body.

Even if you don’t need it during battle, it can be displayed as a collectible.

A set of Nano Panther suits.

Although there is no attack capability, the aircraft also has the same energy absorption and energy storage capabilities as the battle suit.

Not only that, after having enough energy technical support, Suri also matched her nano combat uniform with a single-soldier aircraft to make up for the air combat defect of the black panther uniform.

During the whole process, it can be said that all this was accomplished without everyone even realizing it.

This aircraft can be used as a shield even in battle, and its defensive capabilities are in no way inferior to Captain America’s vibranium shield.

Just like, the means of energy explosion is no longer limited to a complete explosion in an instant.

Although the abilities of these extraordinary human beings are indeed strange, and perhaps the frontal combat ability is nothing, but from entering Wakhan to hiding themselves, quietly entering the mine, and then stealing enough vibrating gold ore, Followed by carrying the ore, then escaping from Wakanda, and Ultron.

Of course, the most important thing is the psychic scepter in Ultron’s hand, otherwise, Colt wouldn’t be so troublesome.

At least, in their hearts, their 503 and others did do this without disturbing anyone. After all, from beginning to end, there was no change in Wakanda’s defense system.

It is these early investments that enable them to rapidly develop the present nanotechnology after obtaining the corresponding key technology keys.

And that’s exactly what happened, if there was no Colt as an outlier.

I still remember that in the previous Wakanda invasion, a team of superhumans invaded Wakanda and wanted to steal the vibration gold.

And the raw materials are already so expensive, it is conceivable that if you want to develop nanotechnology, the research funds you need to pay are gone.

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