Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 424

Chapter 424Th True God Jian Yu Lei Zhen Jue

But Lei Ting’s speed was too fast, and when he reacted, it was too late.

Fortunately, these not quite right Thunder did not seem to cause damage to Colt, but also let Sol take a sigh of relief.

However, it was precisely because of his distraction that he was swept away by Ultron and smashed into the abandoned building next to him.

On the other side of Colt, the thunder that was slashing towards him has disappeared, and the emerald green jade talisman floating above his head has returned to him at this time.

The more than ten thunderbolts before have consumed more than half of the mana in his body.

This is the energy consumption that can’t be compared with those self-created magics.

But this way, Colt is more confident in his self-created spell.

This magic formula that he has read in the novel, after being confirmed by the Taiji Xuanqing Dao from the same source, and the axe of the Shangqing Immortal Art that he later obtained, finally reproduced the magic art, its power is great, Colt had personal experience.

This spell, from the time it was created, he tried it once when it was completed.

And that is just a simple attempt to verify the feasibility of the spell, and it did not really let go.

This is the first time the spell has been presented to Colt in its entirety.

He is now only able to simply judge the power of spells through the consumption of mana.

As for the final effect, even Colt can’t imagine it.

However, the target in front of him was the best experimental subject.

As Colt pointed out with a sword, as if a certain switch had been touched, the thunder power accumulated in the Shangqing Immortal Talisman burst out instantly.

However, at the last moment when the attack was about to be launched, Colt, who seemed to be feeling it, instantly withdrew most of the power of this attack at the last moment.

Feeling the roar of terrifying energy at his fingertips, Colt knew it, and at the same time was grateful.

Fortunately, this time, for the sake of safety, the casting medium he used was this Supreme Purity Immortal Talisman, not something else. Otherwise, he might have to say goodbye to his only one-time Disappointment Immunity right now.

As the owner of the Shangqing Immortal Talisman, he could clearly feel from above how terrifyingly destructive the power had lost control in an instant.

Fortunately, at the last moment, this Shangqing Immortal Talisman suppressed all the energy riots for him, so that his master was not harmed.

When Colt suppressed the throbbing in his heart and looked forward, he also opened his mouth wide in shock at the scene in front of him.

What the hell did he see?!!

Transparent, completely transparent.

Only the citizens of this country can really know how big the flying land under their feet is.

And this time, because of the anti-gravity device, the land that was condensed and flew into the sky was so thick, there was no conclusion for the time being.

However, it is such a huge piece of land that has now been completely penetrated from the Colt as its starting point.

And this is not over, just continue to look down from his position, and you can see that on the ground of the earth, there is still a tunnel that is affected, so you don’t know how deep it is.

And all this is just because of Colt’s light finger.

At this moment, everyone truly understands what kind of potential the so-called person who can influence the whole world has.

This is too scary!

At this time, everyone no longer cares about Ultron and the crisis of creatures that destroy the entire planet.

Because, at this moment, in the face of this attack, it seems that all this is not so important.

In front of this finger, everything seemed so insignificant.

After all, even the super Ultron, which used a lot of vibrating gold before, could not find any traces in front of such an attack.

But this is also normal, and everyone is not too confused about it.

Although vibranium is indeed the most magical and defensive metal on the entire earth.

However, this is just the earth. In the entire universe, how much material is unknown to people, no one really knows.

There are metals stronger than this vibration gold, in their opinion, it is very normal.

Therefore, after Zhenjin was instantly wiped out by Colt, they didn’t care much.

After all, this is a terrorist attack that can directly penetrate the earth!

In the face of such an attack, Zhenjin or something seems to be less powerful.

On the battlefield at this time, both Ultron and other members of the Avengers have no interest in fighting.

After all, in the face of such an attack, it seems that their existence or not is no longer the key.

In fact, let alone other people, even Colt, who used such an attack, felt unreal about the power he exerted.

You must know that the attack that caused such a result was just the attack that Colt made after receiving most of his power!

According to Colt’s feeling, the power released before was only 40% of the total power.

But it was like this, but it still caused such a terrifying attack effect. Colt really couldn’t imagine that if he went all out, would he be able to directly penetrate the entire earth?

Seriously, he really had such an urge for a moment.

But just think about it.

Let’s not talk about how many people will show up to stop him if he does that, even if he doesn’t want to destroy the earth.

(Li Liaozhao) No matter what, this is the place he is most familiar with in this world.

What’s more, this is the reflection of his hometown, even if it’s just his thoughts about his hometown, it’s impossible for him to do such a crazy thing.

Of course, the release efficiency of this kind of power, as well as the power of the potential release, is not the most important patrol.

The most important thing is that in the attack he released this time, the energy that was undone by him at the last moment.

Just when Colt was rubbing the Shangqing Immortal Talisman in his hand, he could still feel the energy that was withdrawn by him in this jade talisman.

This energy, lying quietly in the Shangqing Jade Talisman, showed no signs of dissipating. While retaining this energy, Colt did not feel the discomfort of the Shangqing Jade Talisman itself, and , He himself did not consume the slightest mana in the process.

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