Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 102 Salazar Grows Taller

For Christmas, Harry and Godric were naturally taken home by Sirius. For Harry, this was a brand new experience. Christmas had never been so joyful.

The Weasleys routinely stayed at school.

As for Salazar, he followed Dumbledore to the Hog's Head.

Salazar ate...


Yes, after drinking the potion developed by Godric and the others, he was very happy to find that he had grown by almost two centimeters before Christmas. Of course, the most gratifying thing was that his magic power grew faster.

It was almost at the same level of magic power as when he was fourteen or fifteen years old in his previous life. At this time, Salazar had already defeated his father and obtained the absolute qualification to be the next patriarch of Slytherin.

Although Dumbledore guessed that it was Godric who solved Salazar's problem, but considering Salazar's mood, he didn't call the other three people as planned to come to the principal's office for snacks and drinks. Tea and chat.

Have a good Christmas first.

However, now that Salazar's physical problems have been partially resolved, there is no need to go to Nurmengard.

Salazar: "..."

【Gellert will be angry! 】

Unfortunately, what Albus Dumbledore decided cannot be changed.

Salazar said unhappily: "It's better to stay in school!"

This Christmas, the Ministry of Magic had a bad time.

Pettigrew. Peter escaped from prison.

Sirius couldn't help cursing when he saw this news. He had already reminded those guys that wizards in the Animagus state are not affected by dementors. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Magic is still arrogant, and because of this Arrogant, belittling Pettigrew. Peter.

Harry's otherwise good mood turned sour.

"They let go of the man who killed my parents!"

Harry didn't understand it, he couldn't accept it. The Ministry of Magic's arrogance and arrogance all along, as well as its calculations against Godric at the beginning, made his favorability for this so-called Ministry of Magic fall to the bottom.

"Maybe there are some people there, good people like Ron's father, but I think most of them are incompetent!"

"They're so stupid."

This may be the worst evaluation this gentle child can say.

Staring at the lightning scar on Harry's forehead, Godric took a deep breath.

Salazar had reminded Harry of the special situation. The last time they were caught together, Harry almost passed out from a headache. Harry could understand that the Potter family had nothing to do with the Slytherin bloodline. Snake language.

As for a living Horcrux, they never dared to think about it.

However, I have to think about the possibility.

That means that if Harry doesn't die, that Voldemort won't be killed either.

This is so cruel.

For Helga and Godric, they could think of countless solutions to destroy the Horcruxes, but they were all based on their operations on dead objects.

And Harry, he was a real person.

Sirius called the two of them down for Christmas dinner, and he tried to squeeze some smiles on his face, comforting the depressed Harry.

"Don't worry, I will catch him. That idiot, if he is caught once, he can be caught by me again. Don't worry about how long he can get away with it!"

Godric smiled sarcastically, and then his eyes fell on Harry, after all, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

He asked Harry: "Narcissa invited me to visit Malfoy's house, Harry, do you want to go together?"

Sirius frowned fiercely, and looked very disapproving of the matter on his face, but he sized Godric up, didn't say anything against it, and cut the roast chicken with a bit of force with his knife.

Harry looked from Godric to Sirius, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, I'd better stay at home with Sirius, besides, Aunt Narcissa probably only invited you."

Godric shrugged and said, "That's not true. Although she wrote the letter to me, the invitation said it was the Black family. There is no limit to the number of people."

Godric cast a glance at Sirius, and said, "I think she probably wants someone to go with me, but someone might not want to go."

Sirius put a false smile on his face and said: "It's not that I haven't seen their parties, but they are very boring. I was expelled from the Black family and went to find embarrassment? They just want to make friends It’s just the Black family standing up again.”

Sirius said disdainfully: "I already knew Narcissa's purpose, but isn't it you who are in charge of the Black family now? Kid! I'm just a display in front of you before you come of age." Then he pointed Godric said. "If you feel that you are young, you are worried that those people will despise you, and you need someone to help you withstand the pressure, of course I can go!"

Sirius shook his head and said: "It's a pity, I mean, you can handle it by yourself, right? You don't need me to come forward at all, let those guys know that even if you are young, you are not something they can underestimate, naturally There is no need for this extra guy like me to show up."

Then Sirius said to Harry: "Harry, it doesn't make sense for you to go. Those people can't wait to turn several corners. It's very boring, disgusting, hypocritical and makes you lose your appetite, even if the food at the party is delicious. , will only leave you with an empty stomach. Because you can't eat at all!"

Hearing Sirius' distaste for the party, Harry was a little surprised. He looked at Godric, hoping to get Godric's approval.

Godric just nodded slightly, indicating that what Sirius said was pretty much true.

He said to Harry: "Although Sirius has a big prejudice against them, I also admit that he is right. Those people are hypocritical enough. However, I only invite you to go together because you belong to the Potter family." The last one, Harry, the Potter family had a place in that scene."

Sirius retorted: "Forget it, Harry doesn't need it!"

Harry looked at Godric and then at Sirius, and finally Godric compromised and said to Sirius: "Okay, then let Harry not go, you and Harry can stay at home."

Looking at Godric's expressionless face, Sirius felt a little guilty, and said, "How about I go with you tomorrow? Those people are not easy to deal with, and if they bully you, I can talk."

"What about Harry?"

Sirius thought for a while and said, "I can send Harry to Headmaster Dumbledore. Aren't he and that little Dumbledore good friends?"

Godric smiled helplessly, shook his head and said, "I can do it alone, really!"

Then he winked at Harry and said, "You know Sirius' temper, and if he did go with me tomorrow, he might be able to fight some people."

Harry understood in seconds: "I see, Sirius, shall we go to the amusement park tomorrow?"

"amusement park?"

"That's right, before I could only watch Dudley play, I haven't played with amusement park facilities yet!"

Sirius looked at Godric and then at Harry, and asked Godric again: "Are you sure you can do it alone?"

Godric said firmly: "Although Narcissa wants to see you very much, if you really go, I am worried that you will fight with others. If you quarrel with Mr. Malfoy, Narcissa will also be very embarrassing .”

Then he added: "I'd have a hard time too."

Sirius made a cut and put a large piece of chicken into Harry's plate, complaining, "You just hate me! I'll go out with Harry tomorrow!"

Godric rolled his eyes and stretched out his own plate, Sirius still reluctantly gave Godric a portion of the food.

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