Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 105 Godric's "Virtues"


"I've heard of your name, and many people say that you have a dazzling talent, a rare potion maker."

The man said words of praise, but his eyes were full of careless emotions.

Godric showed a polite smile: "You are too much."

"How could it be a compliment? Maybe one day you can become a master of potions like Snape."

Godric showed eight white teeth, and said, "Why, I'm far inferior to Professor Snape."


"It's a pity that your father, Sirius, is a bit rebellious. I think his evaluation of the Ministry of Magic in the media is unfair."

The man looked at Godric, with a dry smile, and said, "Recently, there have been rumors that he has applied for Aurors. If so, maybe you should remind him. The Ministry of Magic is not so easy to join."

"Sir, I think you heard it wrong! Since my father took back part of the family business, he has no ambitions. Have you heard about the fact that he bought two Firebolts in a big way?" Godric said with a smile . "With all due respect, Auror's salary is really not enough for him to buy gifts for me and Harry, he doesn't like it."


"Maybe, I mean maybe, you think so too?" Godric continued without waiting for the Ministry of Magic official to speak. "I've heard that at these times, some employees of the Ministry of Magic are paid a little late? They even have to keep their children who are studying at Hogwarts in school, and they haven't been reunited this Christmas?"

Looking at the man's livid face, Godric smiled more cordially: "It must be that your department has been a little short of funds recently? It's okay, I can donate some supplies on behalf of the Black family."

He thought for a moment, and said: "Especially some families whose children are going to school, so why don't you just support some of the Galleons to Hogwarts, I think Principal Dumbledore will be very happy. This way, it will also relieve your side. burden?"


The man left angrily.

"Why, you've offended Mr. Travers, boy."

"Thank you for your reminder, Mrs. Zabini." Godric still kept a polite smile facing the classmate's mother.

Mrs. Zabini stared at Godric for a while, and then asked him with a smile: "Are you not afraid of their revenge at all? Although Sirius has a good reputation now, those guys have also suffered a dark loss, but they returned Come to think of it, you and the Black family behind you are also very difficult to resist."

Godric just smiled.

"How do you say this? Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers?"

Hearing Mrs. Zabini's sarcasm, Godric shrugged indifferently, and said: "Say no to those who have powerful positions. Is a child like me really brave? But madam, I don't have that much courage. , just let me watch my family fall apart. Although my grandmother did die, didn't she?"

"Home?" Mrs. Zabini looked at Godric no longer so cold as water. "It's a pity you didn't go to Slytherin, maybe the Sorting Hat is really too old."


"I think your worries are unnecessary. The sorting hat is fair enough when it is in sorting."

Mrs. Zabini did not refute this sentence, and left after talking with Godric with a smile.

Godric was walking among the crowd, and suddenly he heard some people expressing their ridiculous assertions about Dumbledore.

Godric, who was a little curious about the principal's secret, pricked up his ears and listened.

Dumbledore going to Nurmengard at midnight?According to this time, it should be when Salazar was attacked by Voldemort that year, right?Is it worth these people to find out such old news and talk about it behind their backs?

Godric pouted, his eyes rolled around, looking at the faces of those people, feeling very uncomfortable.

What does the old man Dumbledore say?

Even in the face of his graduation from Gryffindor.

Godric carefully cast a silent spell with his wand under the cover of his figure.

As the founder of Gryffindor College, there should be nothing wrong with being a little biased. Well, he is very impartial. After all, Mr. Dumbledore is still Salazar's guardian in name.

His hands are always lighter than Salazar's narrow-minded hands.

Hearing the exclamation of those people, Godric twitched the corner of his mouth, and crossed the chaotic crowd, planning to go to the dinner party to see if there was anything else interesting.


After persuading the drunk Helga to go back to rest, Godric politely bid farewell to Lucius Malfoy, and then returned to Black's old house.

"Master Phineas, Master Sirius and Master Harry are still in a place called an amusement park, and they haven't come back!" Kreacher lowered his head, seriously complaining about Sirius and Harry's desires, since Godric solved With the necklace Regulus brought, Kreacher completely gave Godric his loyalty.

"Well, let them have fun."

Godric slumped on the armchair, loosened his tie with one hand, and sighed.

"It's really tiring. If Sirius can hold it up, I don't need to come forward, that's fine."

For Sirius, a member of the Black family who was in a special situation, Kreacher would not make any comments, but just stood quietly beside Godric.

Nuonuo carefully brought over a cup of hot tea, handed it over, and left quietly.

"So, let's find a way to mature Sirius." After untiing the tie, Godric's hand touched a warm object, which was Salazar's necklace, and he hadn't returned it yet.

Godric paused for a moment, tilting his head back, squinting at the overhead light.

"If I tell Sirius about Regulus, do you think he will be stimulated and mature?" Without Kreacher answering, Godric covered his eyes and said. "It should be, especially after knowing about the Horcrux, he will probably become nervous. After all, that little thing on Harry's forehead is also a troublesome thing."

"As a guardian, he should know this."

Godric clapped his hands and said, "Very good, wake me up when that guy comes back, and I'll go upstairs and take a nap for a while!"

It was easy to see the dissatisfaction with Sirius in Kreacher's eyes.

Godric turned his head and said to him: "It's good to tell him about this matter. After all, we have to find a way to rescue Regulus and bury him. Trust Sirius. After he knows this, he will definitely put himself in this place." Brother brought it back."

Kreacher bent down and said, "Obey, my master, I will notify you when Master Sirius returns."


Sirius took Harry to play until dark before returning. Harry looked very happy. This was the first time he had so much fun playing.

Kreacher immediately notified the sleeping Godric.

Godric rubbed his sleepy eyes and went downstairs, hearing the excited voices of two people.

"Finny! It's a pity you didn't go together! You don't know how interesting the Muggle rides are, let's go together as a family next time!"

Sirius's bright eyes saw his son coming downstairs, he waved his hands and shouted loudly, then he took out the souvenir he brought back from the amusement park, and gave a headband with animal ears to Godric before Godric could react. He put it on.

"what is this?"

"It's a lion!" Harry said with a smile, pointing to the elk horn headband on his head.

Then Godric looked up and saw that his childish old man was wearing a headband with dog ears on his head.

"A lion is perfect for you, but unfortunately you are not a Gryffindor." Hearing Sirius' regretful words, Godric forgot what he wanted to say for a moment.

He reached out and touched his head, smiled, and looked at the two laughing people with tolerance.

Such a heavy topic, should we let these two silly children go today?

"I also bought cat ears, Finny, do you think Sal will like it?" Godric fell silent after listening to Harry's words and then looking down at the cat ears headband in Harry's hand.

"He probably doesn't like cats that much, you should buy him one..."

Sirius laughed and took out an ugly eagle hat, and said, "That kid is Ravenclaw, he must want an eagle!"

Godric stared at the hat in Sirius' hand and smiled meaningfully.


"What's the matter? What do you think of this hat?"

"Do you still remember my uncle named Regulus?" Looking into Sirius' bright and happy eyes, Godric decisively broke his mouth, causing Sirius' face to freeze instantly.

"Why did you ask him?"

"So, you remember him?"

Harry looked at the two of them suspiciously, and instinctively kept quiet.

"Just a coward. When I left, I heard that he became the subordinate of the mysterious man. I didn't know much about it later. Who knows where he died."

"He's not a coward," Godric said.

"You're wrong, Finny. He's my brother. I know him. He's a coward. I watched him grow up. How can I not know?"

Sirius looked a little lonely.

Godric took Salazar's necklace from his neck and presented it to Sirius.

"Perhaps, you should get to know him again. Your brother, my uncle, is not the person you think he is."


The matter of Regulus was told to Sirius and Harry during Kreacher's nagging.

Sirius looked exceptionally calm, only Harry showed surprise, which gradually turned into admiration.

Godric looked at Sirius, sighed, and said to him, "I've been hesitant to tell you about this. After all, I figured out a way to solve this Horcrux myself, and his last wish has been fulfilled."

Then he looked straight into Sirius' stormy eyes.

"Do you still think you understand him now? What he really is? His radiant soul?"

Godric sighed, and said to Sirius: "He is not as bad as you think, since he is a student who graduated from a college full of prejudice in your heart. Sirius, let's get to know Regulus again, and get to know Regulus again. Just look at this Blake you hate, people here you never really knew."

Pointing at Harry, Godric said to Harry, "Let's go back to the room and rest, don't worry about him." Seeing Harry staring at Sirius worriedly, Godric comforted him. "He needs to turn the corner by himself." Godric pointed to his brain. "Give him some space and he'll figure it out."

Harry had to follow Godric upstairs.

"Good night, Harry, go to rest, you don't have to worry about those things."

"Finny." Harry called Godric. "You, Sal, and Vanessa, have you always disliked the atmosphere in the school?"

"Huh?" Godric looked at Harry suspiciously.

"You don't like to use the academy to fix a person's impression, do you?"

"Well..." Godric finally admitted.

Harry smiled: "I also understand now that Gryffindor has bad guys like Peter Pettigrew, and Slytherin also has heroes like Regulus Black. Every house has good guys and bad guys, but We can't say that just because there are bad guys in a house, everyone in this house is bad. There are brave people in Slytherin!"

"Well..." Godric reminded. "I think the word brave, Slytherin people may not like to accept such an evaluation, you can say that they have a pure soul, they can't understand those dirty guys. For Slytherin, they have always been loyal to Their own beliefs, but that fellow named Voldemort will not be their beliefs."

He reached out, patted Harry's head, and said, "Harry, I'm glad you understand Slytherin's position."

Harry said embarrassedly: "Actually, the Sorting Hat tried to sort me into Slytherin, but both you and Sal said that I was not suitable for Slytherin, and then I learned that Slytherin had Voldemort." , so, I hate this house. But thinking about it now, it is not the fault of the house, nor is it the fault of other people who are still in Slytherin now."

Then he stuck out his tongue: "But, I still have to say, Draco Malfoy is really annoying!"

"Yes, next time you can tell Doris, she will discipline, although I think she may have a headache how to teach Draco well."

Harry nodded vigorously, then said to Godric, "Good night, Finny!"

"Good night, Harry."

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