Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 297

"Severus Snape! How old are you! You've got to be like this with your students! Where's your decency?!"

"What are you laughing at?! Sachs Dumbledore! Is it funny? As a student, he is so rebellious! Even the professor doesn't care! Can you still laugh?!"

Professor McGonagall's roar came from the classroom.

"Look what you guys did?! It's just a lecture guide? Do you think I'll believe it?! Did the guide guide you until you almost tore down Hogwarts?!"

Perhaps because he remembered that there were students outside, Professor McGonagall opened the door aggressively, and when he saw a few students rushing to the front and lying on the door to eavesdrop, his face immediately darkened.

"Phineas Black!"

"Yes! Professor." Godric shouted in shock.

"I hope you still remember your responsibilities, lead your classmates, and do what you have to do! Instead of staying here and learning how to be a gossip reporter! What? You want to be Rita Skeeter ?"

The students scattered and ran away closely behind Godric.

Harry, who ran away, seemed to still hear the sound of the door being slammed shut, and Professor McGonagall's sharp roar.

"Professor McGonagall is terrible!" Ron clutched his chest in fear.

"What are you afraid of? You're not the one she's talking about!" Rowena rolled her eyes and looked at Godric. "Come, come, anyway, that idiot Saar will definitely be punished by Professor McGonagall, let's go! Let's go around!"

As she spoke, she turned her head and waved to Hermione and the others.

"Go play on your own!"

So, Rowena took Godric and ran away like this.

Ron was a little dissatisfied, he looked at Hermione: "What can she do? And why is she only looking for Phineas?! Instead of asking me!"

Hermione told him very seriously: "Because everyone thinks Phineas is more reliable! Dumbledore also believes in him, doesn't he?"

On the contrary, Harry had a different idea: "I think they have some kind of secret operation, but we don't know!"

Harry even had the idea of ​​sneaking up, but Hermione quickly dismissed his idea.

"Come on, even if they have any secret operations, it's impossible for us to know. As long as they want to, we can't find out at all, unless they are willing to tell us!"

Harry and Ron glanced at each other and could only forget it.

Soon, they ushered in their first potions class.

Looking at the significantly smaller number of people and thinking of the new professor in the classroom, I felt a sense of novelty.

There are not many students who continue to take the potion improvement class, there are only four in Slytherin, four in Ravenclaw, only Ernie McMillan and Godric in Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuff from Gryffindor. Min, Harry and Rowena.

Everyone entered the classroom, four Slytherin students sat at a table, and four Ravenclaw students naturally occupied a table, so the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students had to squeeze together .

There are crucibles on every table, various steams permeate the room, and some wonderful aromas hover in the classroom.

Professor Slughorn pointed to those crucibles and asked what potions they were. He said that they were very advanced potions.

This way of asking questions, Hermione will always be the most active student.

And Professor Slughorn also ordered Hermione to answer the question, first of all, the potion on the Slytherin table.

It was Veritaserum. When Slughorn pointed to the table in front of the Ravenclaw students, Hermione was still the first student to raise her hand. Even if the other students recognized it, they couldn't match Hermione's speed .

This second raise of his hand seemed to have attracted Slughorn's interest. He asked Hermione to continue answering. When Hermione also answered the name of the third potion, everyone could see that Slughorn The light in Professor En's eyes.

He asked about Hermione's name and identity. When Hermione said that her parents were just Muggles, Harry heard a burst of laughter from the Slytherin side. They might have thought that Slughorn Knowing that Hermione was a Muggle-born wizard, Slughorn, a professor who was born in Slytherin, would not be interested in Hermione.

But Slughorn didn't do that, he looked at Hermione still with admiration, and he looked happily at Harry.

"I remembered, Harry, you said that you have a friend who is Muggle-born, but one of the best wizards in the academy! This is the friend you mentioned, right?"

Harry was sure Professor Slughorn didn't care about Hermione's Muggle status at all, and he nodded vigorously.

Slughorn happily added twenty points to Hermione, whom he seemed to like very much.

Rowena whispered to Godric, "This professor seems interesting."

Godric just nodded at her.

At this moment, someone asked about the cauldron beside Slughorn, which was the last unexplained potion.

The medicine in the small crucible splashed cheerfully, its color was like molten gold, large drops of liquid jumped on the surface, like goldfish, but none of them spilled out.

Slughorn looked at the cauldron, seemed pleased that someone remembered it, looked around, and seeing Godric looking thoughtful, asked, "Perhaps one of you knows what it is?"

Godric raised his hand, and under Slughorn's gaze, he said, "Felix Elixir, Professor, you can also call it a lucky potion, it will bring good luck to people."

Slughorn said happily: "Yes, that's it. It is very difficult to brew. I can even say that it is one of the most difficult potions in the world. If it is wrong, the consequences will be disastrous."

The eyes of the students looking at this Felicity Elixir were full of anticipation.

When Slughorn said that today's lesson was to boil the Potion of Living Hell, and whoever did the best would get a small bottle of Felix Elixir, everyone's eyes lit up.

Only Harry, who clearly knew that he might get a bottle of Felix Felicia, and Rowena, who would definitely get a bottle, seemed less anxious than the others.

Hermione even cast a glance at Godric, her biggest competitor. She felt that if anyone could get this reward today, it would be Godric the most.

Just then, Godric raised his hand, which caught Slughorn's attention.

"Oh, Phineas, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Godric smiled and said to the professor, "Professor, I think I don't need to participate in this competition. Of course it's not that I don't think the prizes are unattractive. It's just that if I compete with everyone, I may be suspected of cheating."

He continued with a helpless expression: "I have been tutored by Professor Snape in private, so I am very proficient in making the Potion of Living Hell. It is a bit unfair to fight for this prize with everyone."

Everyone looked surprised when they heard Godric's words.

Especially those students who were eager to get Felicia Felicia looked at Godric with a hint of incomprehension.

Blessing Elixir is not an ordinary potion, it is a precious potion that can get a considerable sum of Galleons even if it is sold, and as Godric himself said, if he has mastered the living hell In terms of decoction, it can be said that the victory is his, but he gave up.

Just because of justice?

"That's it, so you won't be included in the final result of the competition?" Professor Slughorn said hesitantly.

Godric readily agreed: "Okay, Professor."

Ernie McMillan beside him tugged Godric's sleeve angrily.

"Why don't you want it? That's a prize, and it's such a good reward!"

Godric just smiled and said to him: "But that's not fair, you guys are trying it for the first time, and I've mastered it proficiently, that's not fair."

Ernie McMillan looked at Godric sullenly, and said in a low voice, "You're so stupid."

Godric is still just smiling. For him, there is no need to compete with others for such a prize. He is more willing to reward Harry and the others through their own efforts, rather than letting himself, a cheating existence, occupy the prize that originally belonged to him. their chance.

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