Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 311 I don't want to update

When Godric and Rowena left from Honeydukes, they were rewarded.

Rowena looked at the growing snowstorm and said to Godric, "Shall we go back?"

Just as they were walking in the direction of Hogwarts, there was a sudden scream in front of them, which made both of them realize that something dangerous happened in front of them. Run to the location of the accident.

From a distance, Rowena saw a figure falling from the sky, and then hit the two people below.



Just looking at their backs and clothes, Rowena recognized Harry and Ron as the people hit below. She immediately called out Ron's name, and Godric naturally called Harry.

The fallen student was still struggling on top of Harry and Ron.

Seeing Godric and Rowena, Harry yelled, "She's got a curse!"

Godric immediately threw himself on the girl, and directly took out his wand to control her. I don't know what spell Godric used, and the girl stopped struggling.

"What's wrong with her?" Hermione and Ginny also surrounded her. They didn't know how the four of them met, but they got together and went back to Hogwarts anyway.

And that student's friend, obviously the girl who came out with her, came over crying: "Will she die?"

The child was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.

Godric checked it and found that it was a terrible spell similar to a curse. He said to Harry: "We need to take her back to Hogwarts as soon as possible. This place is obviously not suitable for the next treatment."

And when Ron checked the surroundings, he found something.

"What is that?! Is this what made her curse?"

Ron got up and was about to pick up that thing. Harry glanced at the thing in the snow, and immediately reached out and grabbed Ron.

"Don't touch it! I've seen it a long time ago when it was on display in Borgin-Bock's, and I remember the label said it was enchanted. Katie must have touched it, and that's why it happened."

Rowena walked over with an ugly expression, and when Harry worriedly shouted at her not to touch it, Rowena used her wand to float the necklace without touching it herself, which made Harry relax.

"Well, we were arguing about that just now. She came out of the Three Broomsticks toilet with it in her hand, saying it was a present for someone at Hogwarts, and she was passing it on. She spoke She had a strange expression at the time... Oh, no, oh, no, she must have been under the Imperius Curse, I didn't realize it at the time!"

Katie's friend cried and Ginny walked over to comfort her.

Hermione went over and asked the terrified girl as gently as possible.

"Do you know who gave her this?"

The girl shook her head and said, "She didn't tell me. I also told her that I can't take this thing back. Even if we go back, we will be inspected, right? This thing looks so strange, I think it's very dangerous..."

She seemed to think of the terrible scene that just happened, and cried very sadly.

In this way, even Harry and the others couldn't think of how to deal with it. They could only take the two of them back to Hogwarts first, and then inform Professor McGonagall and them.

When they walked towards Hogwarts, they also met Hagrid. Hagrid took the unconscious girl from Ron and Harry, and he didn't let Harry and Ron continue to contact the girl.

"I'm fine, but what if you are cursed after touching it?"

Rowena glanced at Godric when she heard this.

Godric shook his head at her, then mouthed her that Harry and Ron would be fine.

Professor McGonagall was notified and rushed over quickly. She even prevented Filch from checking the things of several people, and then asked Hagrid to take the unconscious student to the medical wing first.

She frowned at Harry and the others, hesitated for a moment, and took them to the principal's office.

When they passed by, Professor Snape who got the news also came over.

Salazar was indeed in the principal's office. When he saw Harry and his group, he raised his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?" Salazar looked at everyone inquiringly. "Did the mysterious man attack Hogsmeade? A group of you all ran to fight him?"

Dumbledore reached out and tapped Salazar's forehead unceremoniously, and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Professor McGonagall briefly told Dumbledore what happened, and said, "I asked Harry to come with them because the six of them are witnesses."

Then Dumbledore looked at the student who had been with Katie, the unfortunate girl, the whole time.

"Don't be afraid, Lini, and tell us what happened."

"Will Katie die? Will she be all right?" Lini still looked terrified.

"Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey will heal your friend."

Perhaps out of trust in Madam Pomfrey of the medical wing, the girl finally calmed down a bit.

"We were doing activities together, during which she went to the bathroom, and I was waiting for her outside. We planned to buy some candy from Honeydukes, but she came out and said she wanted to go back to Hogwarts."

Lini sobbed.

"But we agreed to go to Honey Dukes in the end. I went back to Hogwarts with her, and we quarreled with her. She said, she took out that thing, which was wrapped in the first place. Cloth, she told me, it is a very important thing, she wants to go back to Hogwarts, who will give it to..."

"To whom?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Lini tried her best to recall: "At that time, I felt that something was wrong. I went to grab that thing from her. I remember... I remembered, it was you! Mr. Principal! Katie was talking about you! She said she would take this The things are given to you."

When the others heard this, their faces changed. They went to see Dumbledore, but Dumbledore remained expressionless. He continued to gently ask Lini for some other details, to make sure that the poor child didn't know any other news. Only then did he comfort her a few words and let her leave.

Rowena almost couldn't wait to say: "Someone wanted to hurt you, the principal, right? It's just that Katie accidentally took a step ahead of you and touched that necklace."

Dumbledore nodded grimly.

Then, Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and the others unkindly.

"You six, explain, why are you there!?"

six people:"……"

Snape snorted coldly, and Salazar said preconditionally, "Couldn't it be a coincidence?!"

He and Snape looked into each other's eyes, and there was instant fierce hostility between them.

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