Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 345

"Theodore, I know this, you don't need to remind me, but I still ask you, I want to help Doris, even if she doesn't know, I just...even when I thank her for being my sister, for me take care of it."

Theodore looked at Draco like a fool.

In the end, he still let out a long sigh: "Well, I did encounter difficulties, and I need to fix this disappearing cabinet!"

Draco thought about the usage of the disappearing cabinet, and asked with some surprise: "You want this cabinet to bring people in from outside Hogwarts?"

Theodore nodded.

"Could it be..."

Without Draco continuing to guess, Theodore replied: "It's the other Death Eaters! Doris is right. Dumbledore's strength is so powerful that we students are almost impossible to defeat, but if If many people besiege together, it may be possible to defeat him!"

"And, as long as Doris and I cooperate to complete this matter, as long as the task of assassinating Dumbledore succeeds, she and I will be the big contributors!"

Draco hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Theodore, are you really going to kill Dumbledore? Although he is a crazy old man, but...he is also a relatively good headmaster?"

"Okay? Where is it? If it weren't for him! Would Gryffindor bully us?" Theodore said with disgust without thinking. "He was born in Gryffindor, and he has always favored Gryffindor!"

Draco did not refute this sentence, in fact, he himself felt that Dumbledore was unfair and favored Gryffindor students.

"Besides, he supports Muggle-borns! We're purebloods!"

Draco felt a little restless at the moment, as long as he thought that there was a little Dumbledore hiding behind him, he felt that it was too embarrassing for him to mention this topic.

"Muggle wizards... that Granger is actually pretty good..." Draco held back for a long time, and this was all he could say.

Theodore looked at Draco mockingly: "Hermione Granger? What's the matter? Are you going to speak to those Muggles?"

Draco shook his head: "No, if I had to choose, I might just prefer those powerful wizards!"

"What do people like Slughorn think?" Theodore raised his eyebrows slightly.

"His idea is not wrong, is it?" Draco said.

"So, you plan to discuss with me the issues of wizard's background and personal talent?"

Seeing Theodore showing a suspicious look, Draco immediately shook his head and said, "No, let's talk about how to repair the disappearing cabinet!"

Then he explained: "Although I don't like Dumbledore, but I think killing him is the idea of ​​killing. No matter how I think about it, I find it a little unacceptable. I can't kill a person I know. people, that’s how they think.”

Theodore froze, and then said indifferently: "Really? So, you are really a little baby! To become a strong person, a strong enough person, you can't be innocent!"

Draco stared at Theodore's eyes, trying to see his true inner thoughts, but Theodore seemed to have noticed Draco's probing eyes, and turned to face the disappearing cabinet.

"Theodore, can you really do it? It's a human life, isn't it? It's a familiar person we know, it's Dumbledore, although we all say we hate him, but we really want to kill him ,can you do it?"

Theodore replied stiffly: "Of course! I'm not a naive little baby like you!"

Draco looked at this former friend, and suddenly felt that he seemed extremely strange.

"If you became a Death Eater, would you also attack those innocent people?"

Theodore was a little irritable, and his voice was sharper: "You have to chase after me to ask this kind of question? Draco, are you here to help me, or are you trying to force me to kill people? What happened?"

He looked at Draco with a sneer: "You didn't come here to help Doris, did you? You're a coward!"

Draco opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it back, and he just stared into Theodore's eyes.

Theodore looked at Draco's clear eyes, and somehow resentment rose in his heart.

"I know why the Dark Lord chose Doris, not you! Apart from Doris' own ambition and taking the initiative to stand up, it also has something to do with you, right?"

Theodore said mockingly: "Draco, you don't have the courage to kill people at all! You are a coward! Cowardly thing! The Malfoy family spoiled you! You can't do anything but fight with the savior Anything! Really, if Malfoy didn't have Doris, and the Dark Lord asked you to assassinate Dumbledore, you would never dare to do it!"

Draco blushed.

Theodore sneered and said, "Look, you are a coward! Even if the Dark Lord took your father's life to force you to kill someone, you wouldn't dare! Still want to protect Doris? Protect your family? ridiculous!"

Without waiting for Draco to refute, Theodore said: "If you want to protect your important things and people, you can't do it without holding a weapon. You only need to kill all the enemies who want to hurt your family, and then you can protect yourself family!"

When Theodore said this, he seemed to understand something, and he said with emotion: "So, it's Doris, not you! No wonder Doris suddenly wants to grab the position of the next heir of the Malfoy family, she already knew you At this turbulent time, there is no way to protect the Malfoy family, so you are choosing to abandon you, right?"

"Only those who are ruthless can survive the war! I understand it, but Draco, you don't understand it at all!"

Draco couldn't hear this, and he couldn't help retorting: "You are talking nonsense! I don't think what you said is right! Why do you have to kill people if you want to protect your family? Talk about it! Killing is wrong!"

Draco was very flustered, he didn't even look at Theodore's expression, he almost ran away, leaving the Room of Response.

However, Draco was upset.

He even began to think, if not... If Helga didn't have the relationship with Godric, if the Malfoy family was isolated and helpless, if Lucius was punished by Voldemort because of the failed mission, the Malfoy family was in danger, Voldemort really If he were to kill Dumbledore in exchange for the safety of the Malfoy family...

Draco didn't know if he could do it, kill Dumbledore in exchange for the safety of his family.

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