Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 35 Duel Club

Lockhart's dueling club, few people present.

Many people themselves are not interested in this club, but what's more, after fighting for half a night, they no longer have the energy to join any dueling club.

Lockhart looked a bit lonely. Snape, who was invited by him, frowned and looked at the students who came to the club—most of them were girls. His eyes fell on those students in Slytherin uniforms. His complexion also became unsightly.

Harry stood with a Ravenclaw girl. Neither Hermione nor Ron could take their tired steps. They didn't take a step out of the Gryffindor lounge. Harry wasn't beaten by Rowena yesterday. I don't know if it's lucky or not.

Luna took out a large piece of candy and asked Harry, "Honeydukes' new product, do you want to try it?"

"Looks good," Harry said.

So Luna broke open the large piece of candy and gave Harry a piece.

Astoria stretched out a hand from behind them: "And mine."

Luna had no choice but to grit her teeth and break off the remaining half and distribute it to the girl who appeared suddenly.

"The aroma of peanuts." Astoria's eyes brightened. "I like peanuts."

Harry gritted his teeth and didn't bite off a piece, only then did he understand why Luna was struggling so hard just now.

Then he looked at his new friend, never expecting that the little girl is still a strong one.

"Oh, Merlin, this candy is too hard." Harry said, clutching his cheek.

Luna smiled and raised the candy in her hand, pointing to some faintly visible patterns on it.

"So, along their patterns, they can be broken apart. Although they are hard, they taste very good."

Luna said, put the remaining candy into her mouth, and cut the pieces with her teeth.

The three of them began to discuss which of Honeydukes' new products tasted better, and which ones were so hard to describe.

Sarah checked the situation on Harry's side, swallowed a little eagerly, and began to think whether Dumbledore would be at school today.Usually he always has a drawer full of new products from Honeydukes. After all, Dumbledore is a loyal customer of Honeydukes, and every time Honeydukes releases a new product, he can't wait to send a copy to Dumbledore.

The shopkeeper respected Dumbledore very much.

Salazar felt his sleeve being pulled, and turned his head to look suspiciously.

It's Godric.

"Open your mouth," Godric whispered.

"Huh?" Although Salazar was puzzled, he still opened his mouth obediently.

A smooth toffee was quickly thrown into Salazar's mouth by Godric.

Salazar's face immediately became extremely bright, he chewed the toffee, and thanked Godric vaguely.

"If you want to eat, take it from my pocket." Godric unfolded his pocket, and there were more than a dozen pieces of various candies in it. He always stayed up late, so he took some candy with him to replenish energy.

Salazar lowered his head and rummaged through Godric's pockets, trying to find some that he thought were delicious.

"I want it too!" Helga came over at some point, tugging at the hem of Salazar's clothes, and said.

Rowena didn't come, she thought that instead of joining any dueling club, it would be better to practice the newly learned spells and train Neville by the way, because the child was not selected as one of the founder's heirs recently, he fell into a conflict with Harry was as confused as he was.

However, even Helga didn't dare to put Neville in. Similar to Goyle in Slytherin, these students are very clumsy children.

Rowena was the only one who could comfort him. The other three people didn't know him very well. Even Godric, whose surname was Black, would make the child more nervous.

Therefore, only three people came to watch the fun today.

Helga and Salazar rummaged through Godric's pocket for candy, and their actions were more extreme than Harry's, which attracted the attention of the two professors.

Snape squinted at Godric, and Godric met his gaze suspiciously, not understanding why Snape was flirting with him again.

Snape thought to himself, he should write a letter to warn Mr. Malfoy, he should pay attention to his daughter's relationship status!If the Malfoys were not going to marry their only daughter into the failing Black family, then he should limit the social distance between his daughter and that boy Black.

Then, he glanced at Salazar, and finally just raised his head and snorted coldly, not intending to interfere with how Dumbledore taught his children.

Godric looked blankly at his two friends who ate all his candy with puffed cheeks: "Have I provoked Snape recently? Did he just give me a glare?"

Salazar shook his head, and said vaguely, "Wayeah."

"Anyway, Snape has been displeased with me, forget it." Godric stopped thinking about Snape's affairs, but listened to Lockhart's embarrassing chat seriously.

After Lockhart was dealt with by Snape, the scene was eerily quiet.

More than half of the students here are girls who like Lockhart. Basically, except for the very few existences like Helga who are idle and idle, most of them are fans of Lockhart.

The girls looked confused, and they all looked at Snape with a little bit of weirdness in their eyes.

Due to Snape's usual reputation, the girls were afraid to speak.

I don't know who couldn't help laughing, and the students who had seen Lockhart uncomfortable earlier also laughed.

After Godric heard Lockhart calmly say to let the students come up to demonstrate, he admired his character, it's stable enough!The skin is also thick enough.

Then he heard Snape say in a very pleasant tone: "Then let's see Mr. Black."

His eyes full of malice fell on Godric, and he said in a tactful tone: "You know, the former Mr. Black was very good at this kind of thing, so Mr. Black must have inherited his father's talent in this area, right?" How about it, Mr. Black?"

Godric lowered his eyes and walked up silently.

"So, who shall we choose as Little Black's opponent?" Lockhart looked at the other students, seemingly hesitant.

Salazar's eyes became extremely bright in an instant. He raised his right hand high, waved it vigorously, and shouted: "Me! Look at me! I am willing! Professor! Professor Lockhart! Choose me!"

Lockhart looked at Salazar, confused by Salazar's expectant eyes, but he had no reason to refuse Salazar, after all, it seemed that Salazar was willing to come up to do this demonstration, so he raised He raised his hand, pointed at Salazar, and was about to say, "Then Xiao Deng..."

Snape took the first step and said, "I think Graham Montague is very suitable, don't you?"

Lockhart glanced at Salazar in embarrassment, Salazar was stunned, what about the agreed volunteering?Is he not raising one hand high enough?Or is his voice not so loud?

"Professor! I can do it!" Salazar shouted to Snape unwillingly. He and Godric hadn't competed for a long time. Had some conversation.

Lockhart looked at Salazar who showed a trace of grievance in his eyes, and tentatively discussed with Snape: "I think Mr. Dumbledore is also very good, and he really wants to come up, why don't we let him come up? "

Snape's eyes full of threats turned across, Lockhart immediately laughed twice, then turned to comfort Salazar: "It's okay, I'll let you come up to the next team?"

Salazar didn't want to at all: "I don't want to! I just want to fight Phineas!"

Helga tapped Salazar's head helplessly, telling him not to argue.

Graham Montague was a strong-looking student. He was tall and tall. He stood in front of Godric like a hill. He grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled at Godric. It's a little malicious.

Lockhart looked at Godric, then at Graham, swallowed, and said, "I think you all know the Disarming Curse, right? It's just the Disarming Curse! You know what I mean, ok?"

Godric was noncommittal, imitating Lockhart's previous actions, saluted, turned around, and opened a sufficient distance.

Before Godric could turn around, he heard Salazar's reminder: "Get out of the way!"

Godric reacted very quickly. He tilted his head and dodged Graham's attack. The red spell fell on the wall, tearing it apart.

The despicable Graham actually took two steps less than Godric, and attacked Godric first.

Lockhart screamed, "I said it! It's just a Disarming Charm!"

But it was clear that neither of them was going to listen to him.

Graham continued to attack Godric ferociously, and Godric looked for the right moment as he dispelled his spell.

Disarm spell?That's too light, and Godric doesn't like this kind of people who don't respect the rules.

Although he himself is not the kind of person who follows the rules, but many times, he can take over the shackles of the rules. After all, he is not a lone wolf and wants to live in society.

Finding the right opportunity, Godric gave him a blow. Graham was hit, but he didn't feel any pain. He looked at Godric contemptuously, and then found that the other party was actually smiling.

He looked down, but he didn't find anything wrong. He was about to speak when he realized that his voice was wrong.

It was the roar of a lion.

The students stared at Graham dumbfounded, and then the Gryffindor students cheered.

Godric turned Graham's head into a lion's head.

This is the worst punishment for a Slytherin.

After all, the image of a lion mostly refers to Gryffindor.

Godric squinted his eyes and looked at it, and then said: "Just one head is really ugly, it's better to have the whole one."

So, everyone watched as Graham tore his clothes and turned into a huge lion.

Some timid students yelled in horror, and Godric realized that Graham in this appearance might be really scary. He sighed, and thoughtfully shrunk the lion into a lion cub.

Snape's face was dark, and he looked at Godric with absolutely unfriendly eyes: "Perhaps I should praise Mr. Black's superb transformation skills?"

Godric watched him quietly, trying to convey his innocence with his eyes.

"Turn your classmates into this." Snape smiled coldly. "Little Mr. Black, maybe Professor McGonagall will be proud of your excellent magic? But, Hufflepuff will deduct ten points!"

Snape's face was extremely ugly.

He turned around and strode away without saying a word.

"Bring this stupid guy back! You are an uncomfortable existence just like your father."

Godric looked blankly at the audience.

He didn't understand, what was wrong with him, brought back Snape's bad memories, and then became the target of his anger again.

Professor McGonagall who hurried over finally gave Godric an answer.

"Oh, Merlin, you made this? This is really...Sirius...Hey...His transformation magic is also very good...very, very good."

Professor McGonagall looked at Godric, showing nostalgia, regret, etc., eyes full of various complex emotions.

Then Professor McGonagall made a move and helped Graham return to normal.

After Professor McGonagall restored the normal order, he still pulled Godric to warn him not to treat his classmates like this. This is very dangerous. Once there is a problem with Transfiguration, the consequences will be beyond Godric's burden.

Godric had no choice but to complain to his companions secretly: "Well, I will remember to turn the Slytherin student into a snake next time, maybe he will be more comfortable this way."

Helga suppressed a smile and said, "I don't think it has anything to do with what kind of animal you become."

Salazar hooked Godric's neck and said, "Where are you going this weekend?"

"I'm going to Hogsmeade," Godric said.

"Okay, let me sneak out too." Salazar said.

Helga said unceremoniously: "And if someone finds out, deduct Ravenclaw's points?"

"I'll be careful not to be discovered!" Salazar said stubbornly.

"Okay, you can go out next year, bear with it." Godric comforted him.

"Then you don't want to go, stay, find a place, let's communicate." Salazar stared at Godric with burning eyes.

"I refuse!" Godric decisively rejected the duel invitation.

"Why?!" Salazar yelled, waving his hands, and asked again. "You wouldn't say no before!"

Helga watched the two of them running away noisily, amusedly. For a moment, it seemed as if they saw a scene thousands of years ago.

"Perhaps, this is the meaning of rebirth? Thank you... I am really happy."

Helga whispered, her eyes became gentle and lingering.

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