Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 38 Thanks Ron

House elves are really a group of hard workers, 360 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Even if Rowena took all the house-elves of Hogwarts to participate in her heir trials, they still ensured three meals for Hogwarts on time, as well as the basic care of the castle.

However, because of these house-elves, Rowena and Hermione had an unprecedented quarrel today.

Rowena likes a smart witch like Hermione very much, and Hermione must admit that her strong personality is actually not attractive. The girls in her dorm room, except for Rowena, are all just Friendship that can say hello every day.

Even among the boys, Hermione was not uncommonly discussed.

Probably because of this reason, the relationship between Hermione and Rowena is a little more cordial.

But the little girl has a different view from people in the wizarding world in some aspects, such as house elves.When Rowena accidentally praised the house elf and hoped that the Weasley family would have an elf to help Mrs. Weasley, Hermione became interested in this magical creature.After she learned about house-elves, she felt she should liberate the race.

She even makes her own badge, and pulls the bewildered Harry into her House-Elf Liberation Front.

Then she came to Rowena second.

"What is this?" Rowena frowned and took the brochure Hermione handed her. She didn't read those contents immediately, but frowned and observed Hermione.

Hermione's cheeks were as red as apples, and she was a little excited, and she danced and started to introduce her house-elf liberation front organization.

Harry was beside her, showing an embarrassed expression. He just agreed to Hermione to join her organization in a daze, and he didn't even understand what kind of organization it was. Now listen to Hermione's explanation again, haha Leigh felt that he should not have agreed to Hermione's request so easily.

Salazar, who was doing homework, pricked up his ears. After listening to Hermione's words, he couldn't help but look at Hermione with a strange and subtle feeling.

He put down the quill and tried to remind Hermione more tactfully: "I think there may be some problems with your idea, which is out of place."

Rowena sneered, and casually threw the brochure aside. This action made Hermione a little surprised and offended, she widened her eyes and looked at Rowena in disbelief.

Rowena's words were more ruthless than Salazar's.

"What are you thinking?! Hermione, are you such an innocent child? Freeing the house-elves? Are you kidding me? It's impossible, don't think about it, you have the energy, why not think about the final The exam, as well as the heir selection you are participating in now."

Rowena looked at Hermione who seemed to be very angry with her puffed cheeks, and she thought she was kind enough to continue teaching her: "Besides, you still showed me such a ridiculous thing? The little wizards who grew up on the wizarding side talked about this ridiculous thing, and they all thought you were a funny crazy person. Good girl, you have always been called a nerd, crazy Hermione of Gryffindor. Like this Stupid things will only make your already shaky reputation worse. Give up, and don’t think about it in the future, study hard and make progress every day, that’s what you should do.”

Sarah looked at the mist gathered in Hermione's eye sockets, and even though he didn't have a high EQ, he understood that what Rowena said was a bit serious.

He cautiously persuaded: "Vanessa, forget it, Hermione just doesn't understand, she doesn't know what the house elves are like."

It was only then that Rowena noticed Hermione's almost crying expression under Salazar's prompt. She was a little confused and felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said, but out of her usual love for Hermione, she still kept her tone Trying to relax a little, intending to appease Hermione a few words.

Hermione stood up abruptly, and her tears were pattering down, making Harry a little frightened.

"Funny? Ridiculous? Crazy?" Hermione almost screamed. "So that's how you see me! Yes, I am such a girl! I'm not your good girl! I'm just a ridiculous, crazy, funny clown!"

Seeing Hermione shed tears, Rowena blinked her eyes, a little confused, she hesitated, stumbling and trying to explain: "I didn't mean that, I didn't miss you that much, I know you are a smart people."

"You think I'm pitiful, so you pretend not to care? It's like you treat Neville! You must think Neville is so stupid, even stupid, but you still help him for your ridiculous so-called justice. I can see how impatient you are! You are a hypocrite, a person who is trying to catch fame!"

As soon as Hermione said these words, Harry stood up as innocently as he could, trying to stop Hermione from continuing.

"Come on, Hermione, it's not like that."

Rowena's face became ugly.

Salazar grabbed Rowena's arm with both hands to prevent her from standing up, and said words of comfort: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, she is still young, she is still a child! We can't be angry, talk well, don't fight .”

Salazar really hoped that Helga or Godric would be there at this time, but those two were a year ahead of them, and the courses were different, and they were still in class, so it was impossible to show up. Sarah checked Rowena's redness With his wide face and wide eyes, he felt that at this moment, he and Harry were facing an unwarranted disaster.

Harry watched Hermione wiping his tears, glared at Rowena, and looked at Salazar begging for help, but Salazar couldn't solve the problem before him, so he also looked at Harry begging for help.

Harry could only tremble and said: "Don't quarrel, I know Hermione and Vanessa are very good friends, aren't you? Good friends can't quarrel like this."

Rowena pointed at Hermione's nose, and said almost sharply: "Hypocrisy? Very good. Grabbing fame? Very good. If there is anything you don't like, just keep talking!"

Salazar yelled: "Vanessa! Calm down! You need to be sensible!"

Hermione stuck her neck, and actually followed Rowena's intentions and said, "Isn't it? You meddle in your own business! You are such a domineering temper for your own brother! Ron is not your follower, he He is also a free person! But you restrict him everywhere, control him! He is a person! A living person, but you tell him not to do this, not to do that, not to speak casually, not to make mistakes! Don’t you think Luo Is En your child? Even if it is your child, you restrict him like that! He is just a terrible warlord! A dictator!"

Salazar closed his eyes, knowing that everything was over, the topic of the child was a deathbed for Rowena!It's Nilin!She already felt that her education was a failure, which is why Helena's tragedy was caused. Those who know Rowena have already seen that Rowena has changed. For Ron, Neville, and others Anyone, Rowena's attitude is much gentler than that of a thousand years ago, and her management is also much more relaxed. She is also slowly pondering and groping to change her cognition.

"Dictatorship?" Rowena's eyes were slightly red.

Salazar showed a distressed expression. He opened his mouth wide, trying to find the right words to comfort his friend, but at this moment, he couldn't think of what to say, so he could only look at Hermione pleadingly.

"Stop it, Hermione."

Harry also couldn't figure out why it had developed into what it was now, when it was just a so-called House-Elf Liberation Front that looked confusing at first.

Like Salazar, Harry was at a loss. If the two girls continued to quarrel, it would be irreparable. At this time, both of them couldn't help but expect a miracle.

Then, Ron broke in with cheerful steps. He didn't even see the tense atmosphere in the room, and spoke the news he had just heard with a very relaxed tone with a smile.

"I have good news, do you want to hear it?"

Ron looked at everyone with a big smile.

Salazar, Harry almost looked at Ron with tears in his eyes, dear!Merlin!Ron you came at a very high time!Thanks Merlin!Thanks Ron!

Rowena lowered her head and wiped away the tears from her eyes. Hermione also closed her mouth and turned away from looking at Rowena.

At this moment, Ron finally realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

He looked at Rowena, looked at her reddish eyes, realized that Rowena might have cried, and then looked at Harry holding Hermione's hand. When Ron's eyes shifted, Harry As if being scalded, he let go of his hand and smiled awkwardly at Ron.

Ron walked up to Hermione suspiciously, and as expected, he saw her red eyes, and then Ron was confused, looked at Harry, looked at Salazar, and both of them avoided Ron's eyes, not realizing that Ron desperately needed their hints at this time.

Ron had no choice but to swallow his saliva, and said cautiously: "Did you know the news? So you don't want to? I thought you were so smart that you wouldn't like that kind of guy anymore."

Hermione said hoarsely, "What the hell happened?"

Rowena said nothing, lowered her head, and played with Salazar's quill with both hands, pulling the feathers from his quill to pieces.

Salazar couldn't care less about what he loved, and blinked wildly at Ron, trying to convey some news. He finally realized that Ron didn't know anything, and now he and Harry are numb claws. I hope Ron Can ease the atmosphere.

Ron scratched the back of his head, and continued dryly: "I don't know who reported Lockhart, his works are all fake, he attacked the real adventurer, and then attributed all those honors to himself , in fact, he is a complete liar."

Ron also said Lockhart's final ending: "Dumbledore was very angry. He fired people and said that Hogwarts does not welcome such deceivers."

Ron murmured, and said nervously and flustered: "I don't know, who will be in the next class? Hahaha, after all, there are less than two months before we can finish this semester. Right?"

He called out cautiously, "Vanessa? And Hermione, what do you think?"

Hermione, who had once crazily admired Lockhart, just gave Ron a nasty look, then shook off Harry's hand that was trying to hold her back, paced back and forth, stomping loudly on the wooden floor, and then slammed the door again.

Ron asked Harry in a panic: "Lockhart is a liar! He really is a liar! Why is Hermione still so angry? I didn't lie to her!"

Harry wanted to tell Ron that Hermione's anger had nothing to do with the news he said, and then he saw Ron, who didn't know why, picked up the brochure that Rowena had thrown away.

"What is this?" Ron looked puzzled. "House-elf Liberation Front? Weird name, what was it about?"

Rowena sneered, "A stupid funny ridiculous thing."

Well, Rowena is still mad, still mad!Salazar looked up at the ceiling, feeling tired.

When Ron heard Rowena say this, he threw the brochure further away in a stressful reaction, then he looked at Rowena and said, "Since Vanessa said that, then I won't read it." La."

Ron showed a simple and honest smile, such a clumsy smile, it seemed that Rowena's feverish head had finally cooled down, she made a low voice, then returned to her senses, let go of Salazar's quill, and lowered her head , looks less excited.

Salazar looked at Ron as if looking at the savior, and he couldn't help boasting to Ron: "Ron, I found out that sometimes you are really a treasure boy."

Ron didn't know why, looking at Salazar, confused, he asked directly: "What happened? What did I do?"

You just saved Rowena and Hermione's fraught friendship!Salazar almost suppressed his desire, so he didn't say it. He and Harry looked at each other and let out a long sigh of relief.

Ron looked at Rowena, who was silent, and at Salazar and Harry, who seemed to be full of secrets from each other, and felt that he might have missed something.

Harry seemed to realize that Lockhart was no longer at Hogwarts, he didn't like this professor at all, it was the kind of dislike that was only second to Professor Quirrell, although he didn't know what would happen in the next two months A replacement professor stepped in, but Lockhart left, which was a happy thing.

"I'm so happy to hear this news, Ron, you know, this semester, I have learned more about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the late-night heir activities than I have learned in class for half a year!"

Salazar also showed a happy look and echoed Harry's words.

They were in a happy mood until Dumbledore announced that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the next two months would be temporarily held part-time by Professor Snape, so everyone's schedule needed to be rearranged.

Salazar and Harry, both howled and missed Lockhart.

It's not as good as Lockhart's useless class!

ps: Happy New Year, add another chapter, I wish you all the best in the new year (/≧▽≦/)~~

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