Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 46 Dumbledore's Mood

Ginny was very happy. No matter what Rowena was sad about, at least she and Hermione were reconciled now. This was something to be happy about, and Rowena would feel better.

Hermione didn't let Rowena go so easily.

"So, now you can tell me and Ginny, what happened? Why did you cry suddenly? Did someone bully you, or something happened to you, so you were unhappy?"

Hermione seemed to think of the incident where she went to the toilet to cry secretly last semester, and blushed a little rarely.

"You can tell me if you are unhappy. We are friends. I want to help you when I see you sad."

Seeing the shy Hermione pluck up the courage to say these words to herself, and thinking of Helga's encouragement to her in the past, Rowena felt that she should be braver.

Rowena grabbed the clothes on her body with her fingers, and murmured softly: "That's right, she confessed to me suddenly, I wasn't ready, I didn't expect her to say that... I just felt guilty, and I can't say I'm afraid...and what's more, I don't know what to do in the future..."

Hermione froze for a moment, and then decisively grasped a word.

"She! Is it her?! Not him?!"

Rowena froze, yeah, her?if not?

But Hermione didn't know, a storm set off in her mind, who was she?what she?Why is she a girl?Hermione thought that if Rowena had someone she liked, she might choose between Dumbledore in Ravenclaw or Black in Hufflepuff!

Ginny said faintly from the other side: "Is that Malfoy from Slytherin?"

Rowena was taken aback by her words, threw the blanket off her body, and stammered, "You...you...how could...how could you know!"

Ginny narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly: "I'm not blind!"

Hermione's eyes widened in shock: "That Malfoy in Slytherin?! Why!? When did you fall in love with her?! No! She confessed to you? She also fell in love with you? She still followed Did you confess? You like her too? When did you fall in love with her? "

Rowena was dumbfounded by Hermione's series of questions, and looked at Hermione pitifully, as if she was too timid to speak.

Hermione was too surprised: "I only know that there may be a little subtlety between Ravenclaw's little Dumbledore and Hufflepuff's Black, but I don't see that you and Slytherin's Malfoy see eye to eye! I didn't see it! Is it dark under the lights? Because you are my friend, I subconsciously didn't think about it! Merlin! Merlin's socks! You didn't tell me anything!"

Rowena murmured, "I don't dare to say such things. I am Weasley, she is Malfoy, Yonggo... According to Phineas Black, she and I are Muggles." Romeo and Juliet in the story, there can't be too much between the two of us."

Rowena said aggrievedly: "In this situation, who do I dare to tell? I have always been the pride of my parents. They like me so much, knowing that I and the daughter of the Malfoy family are in love. How can I face them? !"

Ginny said bitterly on the side: "So you still know about this and you can't face your parents! Knowing this is the case, why are you tempted?"

Rowena retorted without thinking: "I can control my emotions? Can you guarantee that you don't like Harry?"

After being told by Rowena, Ginny screamed, and her face quickly turned red.

"Don't say his name!"

Ginny covered her ears and screamed, "Doris Malfoy! If you mention Harry Potter, I'll call her name!"

Hermione watched as the Weasley sisters began to confront each other over their crushes.

"Why can't I like her? She is so gentle and amiable, sincere and kind, generous and tolerant, and all the beautiful words in the world describe her!"

"Harry is the best! He's brave! He's kind! He's always understanding and eager to help! He's humble! Never thinks he's a savior!"

Hermione silently pulled the two of them to compare her sweetheart with each other, thinking that no matter how smart a girl is, she is stupid and has no IQ when it comes to love.

"Okay, now I know how wonderful the person you like is, so you all calm down, especially you, Vanessa!"

Hermione looked at Rowena very worriedly: "What will you do with that Malfoy after that? Apart from anything else, I believe, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, your parents will definitely not accept it. Ginny and Harry are still Possibly, but you and Malfoy? I don't see any hope."

Looking at the worry in Hermione's eyes, Rowena was just silent. Both she and Helga knew that the obstacles between the two were too difficult to resolve, but their families in this life were very good, and Rowena was reluctant to hurt Wei. The feelings of the Sly couple, Helga also loves her parents in this life.

On the premise of not hurting these parents, they will have no way to be together for a while.

"You guys help me keep it a secret first, don't tell anyone else, I don't know what to do in the future." Rowena said dejectedly.

Ginny sighed, hugged Rowena, and said distressedly: "Let's find a way together."

"Ginny?" Rowena looked surprised. "Don't you object? She's a girl, or Malfoy!"

"None of that matters!" Ginny said. "What Slytherin, what girl and boy, what Malfoy! In my eyes, it doesn't matter. I hope to see you live happily! I want my only sister to be happy, and I want her to be happy with the person she likes. Together!"

Hermione couldn't help but her eyes were red, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, held Rowena's hand, and said, "Me too, no matter who the other party is, I would also like to bless you, don't worry, I will find a solution with you. "

The three comforted each other, and Rowena was extremely happy.

It took the three of them a long time to think of the Weasley boys outside, and then Ginny waved her hand and said, "You must be tired too, go to bed early, and let me take care of those guys outside!"

The girls' side was happy and harmonious, but the atmosphere in the principal's office was not so good.

Clutching his frightened heart, Dumbledore escorted Godric out of his headmaster's office, and without waiting for Harry and Cedric to greet him politely, he closed the door of the headmaster's office. Opening the door, he drifted back to his seat, sat on the chair once occupied by Godric, lowered his head slightly, and saw the colorful sorting hat that hurt his eyes.

"Did Thrall really like that child from the beginning?" Dumbledore continued without answering the Sorting Hat. "Actually, maybe it's the same, just like what I did to Gellert back then."

Can love at first sight still be passed down?Dumbledore felt that his heart could not bear the stimulation.

The Sorting Hat thought about his poor master's secret love thousands of years ago, and his entanglements after a thousand years, and hoped that he could help resolve some obstacles.

"Albus," said the Sorting Hat. "They both love each other deeply."

【That's right, the two are in love with each other!It's each other! 】

"But how old are they?!" said Dumbledore.

Age is an issue.

The Sorting Hat thought that the two of them might still be lingering for a while, and said decisively: "If you don't believe it, and you don't want to accept it, then it's okay to wait for a while and observe it yourself. They must have recognized each other. It won't change."

The Sorting Hat strongly believes in this.

"Are you sure?" Dumbledore lowered his eyes, his tone languishing.

The sorting hat didn't know that the old man thought about himself and Grindelwald again.

"Actually, you and your Grindelwald, if you want, you can spend your old age together."

Dumbledore was silent for a long time before saying, "Impossible."

The Sorting Hat sighed and said, "Is it because you can't let go, or because of those vain insistences? Dumbledore, cheating your own heart is not something to boast about. Although I respect your insistence on justice, but in this insistence Besides, can't you really find a way to have both?"

Then it persuaded somewhat against its will: "Think about your son, he is the child of you and that Grindelwald, it is impossible for a child not to want to have a complete family."

The sorting hat felt very guilty: "He also always wanted you to reconcile with Grindelwald, right? He has been trying to ease the relationship between you and Grindelwald, hasn't he?"

Then the Sorting Hat said in a brisk tone: "I remember the letter you intercepted from him to Grindelwald, which was full of books about knitting woolen clothes. The kid gave Grindelwald an idea and asked him to give it to him personally You knit a wool sock? And collected a bunch of red and gold wool thread, what a good boy."

Dumbledore's mouth twitched twice.

"I ~have no shortage~ of woolen socks!" Dumbledore said with a pause.

"Red wool is relatively easy to find. When I was analyzing Phineas Black's thoughts just now, I happened to see that your little Sal wanted to get golden wool, probably because he didn't buy it, so I snatched it up." I bought Phineas Black's cauldron and dyed it myself. Oh, he was hunted down by the owner of the cauldron and killed half of the corridor."

"It seems that Vanessa of the Weasley family managed to get a part from her mother Molly."

The Sorting Hat tentatively said, "That child worked so hard to collect things? Did you give away the things that were withheld? Is it his intention?"

Dumbledore just said in a low voice: "He got another bunch of things and sent them to Nurmengard. This Christmas...Gellert sent me a package of ~wool~ socks!"

The last sentence, Dumbledore said through gritted teeth, the most abominable thing is that after realizing that he had restricted the communication between him and Gellert, Dumbledore discovered that the kid had a lot of ways to secretly contact people, even at the expense of those who Allegiance to Gellert's old man!

It's almost a ballet on Dumbledore's nerves!

Dumbledore sternly warned Grindelwald about this, not allowed, and not allowed to hand over his former power to Salazar!If he leads his son on a wrong path, then don't blame Dumbledore for being rude, he will be happy to activate the Order of the Phoenix, and send all Grindelwald's former subordinates who escaped trial to accompany Grindelwald to squat prison!

In this regard, Gellert said that he knew.

That's right, just that four words.He didn't say whether he should give his little power to Salazar, or anything else.

Dumbledore was angry during that time.

He would not agree with Salazar to inherit his old father's career and Grindelwald's philosophy. Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not so unacceptable for the youngest son to be with the child of the Black family.

"I will also tell Gellert about the two of them, after all..." Dumbledore lowered his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment. "He's Thrall's father, after all."

Dumbledore rubbed his temple, looking distressed.

Salazar was an accident to him and Gellert, very unexpected, and most importantly, the two checked back and forth, and found that strictly speaking, the child was not an independent person.

His name was not on the Hogwarts freshman list, and Dumbledore used his headmaster's power to add Salazar.

Can that child really be considered a complete person?

Dumbledore couldn't be sure, but Dumbledore didn't hate seeing him bouncing up and down Hogwarts, even if he caused trouble, caused trouble, and caused all kinds of trouble for himself.

Such a lively appearance at least made Dumbledore feel that he was alive and that he was alone.

Then there is the heart of a loving father.

Dumbledore attached great importance to his family. After he let go of the secret worries about Salazar in his heart, he looked at this fresh life and thought that he had half his blood and was his child. Start thinking about his future.

The secret of Salazar's body, as well as his future life, Dumbledore has been making plans.

He is very old. At this age, he has already been ready to welcome death at any time, but in the last stage of your life, if you are suddenly given a little guy, how could Dumbledore not be in agitated mood.

[Hey, what about this child? 】

This was Dumbledore's first concern after accepting Salazar's existence.

[What if everyone discovers the secret of his body and refuses to accept this child? 】

When you start to worry about a person's future and his future life, it has to be said that you have fallen.

Dumbledore is now a stupid old father who is worried about how his only son will live in the future.

He is a first time dad.

Especially when this child is still the child of his first love who parted ways.

[When I couldn't think of how to deal with my old lover, my damn old lover made me another doll? !These two were sent by Merlin to torture me, right? ! 】

This was Dumbledore's most brooding thought right now.

Moreover, Dumbledore knew very well that there was another Voldemort watching in the dark.

old lover.

younger son.

There is one more pending student...

Dumbledore is so tired...

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