Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 54 Lupin

The first time I saw Lupine was in the principal's office.

The two remained silent for each other, and Dumbledore thoughtfully left them alone.

It was the first time Lupine met his godson, he was hesitant, and some words were difficult to say.

Godric lowered his eyes and said, "You never told me that you are still my godfather."

Lupine breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Godric first brought up two topics, and explained: "I don't know if that counts. Back then, Sirius hoped that I could be your godfather, but after thinking about it for a long time, I felt that Maybe I'm not suitable, I also know, probably among Pettigrew and me, he was the first to ask me because I have a more stable temper."

Lupine's tone became heavy when he talked about his friends who had passed away.

"He said that he has a violent temper. If he is expected to bring up a child, there is a high probability that he will bring out a Sirius Black, but if it is me, it will probably be different." Lupine expressed dryly. "At least, as a father, he has plans for you."

"I know." Godric's simple answer brought the conversation to an end.

Then, Godric asked: "If you didn't have time to refuse, now is the time."

Only then did Lupine look up at Godric, and he smiled wryly: "Why refuse? Can anyone find out where Sirius is now?"

Godric said bluntly: "Why can't I find it? Just think about it, there are not many places he can hide."

Lupine was silent, and after a long time he asked tentatively, "Have you met him?"

Godric raised his eyebrows: "That depends on when you asked? I was still in my infancy, and my mother hugged me to ask him to explain. Or, I am a little older, and Narcissa led me to Azkaban visited him. Or... recently? After he escaped from prison, did he come to see me?"

Godric studied Lupine with inquiring eyes.

"Which one do you want to ask?"

Lupine also noticed Godric's wary eyes. He had a cardiac arrest and thought of something.

"That unreliable guy Sirius, did he come to you after he escaped from prison?" Lupine felt a little suffocated when he thought of this. Does that Sirius still remember his current situation? He is an escaped prisoner. A thorn in the side of the Ministry of Magic, if he appeared next to Godric or Harry, he would only cause trouble for the two children.

Godric didn't answer, he just stroked a slightly worn wand in his hand, looked at Lupine, and observed his position and thoughts.

"Son, if that guy Sirius really showed up, you should say it, not hide it."

Lupine looked worried.

"And then? The Ministry of Magic said that after finding him, he will be judged. Sir, do you mean that I, a son, betrayed my own father and watched him die?"

Lupine blushed as if a big hand had gripped his neck.

"It turns out that you also think he's a heinous sinner." Godric sneered a bit, feeling noncommittal about this fragile friendship.

He stood up and said to Lupine, "I still have class to attend, so I'm leaving first."

Lupine suddenly raised his head and called him: "You think Sirius is innocent? But do you know what he did? He blew up a whole street and killed many people, including his friend, Pettigrew Peter, and Harry's parents, James, and Lily, their secret keeper is Sirius. If Sirius hadn't betrayed their husband and wife, how could the mysterious man find James and them?"

Godric turned his head and only slightly curled the corner of his mouth.

"Sir, are these questions something I should have known as a baby at that time? You think highly of me."

"You are hostile to me." Lupine smiled wryly. "I don't even know where I offended you. After all, when we communicated before, it seemed that your attitude towards me was okay."

Godric looked at Lupine with clear eyes, and met his.

"I just understand that if Sirius is replaced by my friend Sachs, or even Vanessa Doris, I will firmly believe in them." Godric said. "When you're suspicious of him, when you're hostile to him with everyone else, he's not your friend."

"But." Godric sneered. "When you communicate with me, you always communicate with me as my father's friend."

"Sir, it was you who deceived a child like me first!"

"But..." Without waiting for Lupine to explain, Godric strode out of the principal's office, leaving Lupine alone with a gradually bitter expression on his face.

"Sirius..." Lupine clenched his fists. "I really want to know why, why you betrayed James and Lily! I don't understand..."

All the headmasters of Hogwarts, who had been pretending to be asleep, all looked at Lupine with pity.

Sirius is Lupine's friend, so are James Potter and Peter Pettigrew!

Lupine, as the man in the middle, is the one who suffers the most.

"Perhaps, as Phineas said, Sirius was really love-hate?"

The principal who thought he was chubby guessed.

"Oh, my friend, forget it, that Phineas guy is just pure nonsense, how is that possible?"

"Then I'll ask directly, Phineas, my old friend, is it true or false that you said that your great-grandson likes James Potter?"

In the portrait, the old Mr. Phineas, who closed his eyes, seemed to have heard nothing, and remained motionless, as if he had really fallen asleep.

The whispers of the portraits caught Lupine's attention, and he couldn't help leaning over to hear a sentence or two, and then Lupine showed a surprised expression.

Until Dumbledore walked in, saw that he looked wrong, and asked with concern: "My dear Remus, what's the matter? What happened? I just saw that little Blake left very unhappy, you guys Was it a fight?"

Remus Lupine hesitated and spoke with difficulty: "Mr. Dumbledore."

"What's the matter? Child."

"That Sirius, does he think that way about James?"

The principals on the wall immediately went to sleep, shut up and kept quiet.

Dumbledore blinked, seemingly not understanding what Remus meant.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"No! They're not that relationship! No, I mean, Sirius just treats James like a brother, as close as a brother! That's all they are."

Dumbledore looked at the former headmasters of Hogwarts who had been very quiet, and had to finish their gossip and reassure Lupine that they were just joking.

Before leaving, Lupine still reminded Dumbledore.

"Sir, I think Sirius may have met Phineas, I mean after he escaped, maybe he had the kid's help, but..."

Lupine thought of Godric's sarcasm, and still said: "I hope you can ask that child kindly, he has a protective attitude towards Sirius, but he can't blame him, Sirius is his father after all. "

"It's understandable for a child to want to protect his father," said Dumbledore.

"If, if you find him, can you allow me to see him." Lupine said. "I want to ask why. He and James are both my friends."

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