Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 72 Salazar's Childhood

After Godric bought what he needed, he met Hagrid.

"Do you still need to boil the potion now?" Hagrid asked hesitantly.

In fact, the professors all knew that Godric secretly occupied a classroom to renovate and brew potions, partly to subsidize the family, and partly to feed his grandmother.

But Godric doesn't seem to need to be so busy now.

Seeing Hagrid's concerned eyes, Godric smiled and said, "It's all Thrall wants to eat."

"Sarl?" Hagrid thought back, then puzzled. "He looks okay? A very healthy boy."

One more thing to add to the child, Hagrid really likes Principal Dumbledore, so even taking Salazar is good in his heart.

Godric didn't want to casually tell other people about Salazar's physical condition, but considering that Salazar would be often studied by himself and Rowena, there must be an explanation.

"Didn't you see that? Thrall's height..." Godric gave Hagrid a mischievous wink.

Hagrid showed a puzzled look, it seemed that he really didn't notice this.

Godric explained with a smile: "Thal doesn't know what's going on. It seems that his body hasn't developed in the past two years. Compared with when he entered the first grade, he hasn't grown much taller, so he is in a hurry."

Then Godric patted his schoolbag and said: "I think he is really anxious and unhappy, so I just want to help him, boy's self-esteem~~Hagrid, you should pay attention to it, you can't be here now. He brought it up to his face."

Godric smiled crookedly.

"He's going to blow up." Then make a kitten-like gesture of raising its paws and opening its mouth.

Hagrid laughed at Godric's action.

"I really didn't notice," said Hagrid, laughing. "I think I'll be more careful, the kid does have a temper."

Hagrid recalled, and then talked to Godric about Salazar's childhood.

"It's really not easy for that child. When he was picked up by Principal Dumbledore, he was a small lump. He said he was nine years old, but I didn't think he was that big. Now that I think about it, it might be because he grew up slowly. "

"Some temper? What kind of temper can that guy have?" Godric frowned slightly.

Hagrid thought for a while and said seriously, "He's naughtier than kids his age! But that's not a big problem."

"Principal Dumbledore would take him to live with him at Hogwarts. After all, Professor McGonagall also works at Hogwarts. Both of them are very busy." Hagrid said gesturing. "Sometimes I will help, but a child is very curious, and he likes to go to the Forbidden Forest very much. Fortunately, Yaya helps, otherwise it would be difficult for me to find him."

"Forbidden Forest~~" Godric thought it didn't seem so bad.

Hagrid went on: "He cut off a baby unicorn's tail, and the grown unicorn took that poor little unicorn to Dumbledore, but it wasn't that serious, the kid just I happened to hear that the hair on the tail of a unicorn can be sold for money."

Then Hagrid said helplessly: "He also used those tail hairs to ask the students to go to Hogsmeade Village to exchange candy and ice cream for him, but Professor McGonagall found out."

"It doesn't sound like a big deal..." Godric said somewhat against his will.

"But it can be seen that Thrall is very smart, so I completely understand that he can go to Ravenclaw." Hagrid continued. "Later, for some reason, he provoked the centaur in the Forbidden Forest, so Principal Dumbledore did not allow him to go to the Forbidden Forest."

Hagrid still had a regretful expression on his face: "That kid is very adventurous. I think if Headmaster Dumbledore hadn't strictly demanded him, maybe his adventurous spirit would be enough for him to come to Gryffindor."

Hagrid was a bit brooding about this, and he firmly believed that it was Salazar who was suppressed by Principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall when he was a child to suppress his interest in adventure and exploration, which made Salazar regretfully miss Gryffindor College.

Godric: "..."

"Maybe little Sal was too naughty, so Principal Dumbledore sent him to the Weasleys' house later, thinking that there would also be two children of the same age, Vanessa and Ron, so they could play together."

Hagrid was sorry.

Because at Hogwarts, Salazar's playmate was probably Hagrid. After all, the other students were older than Salazar. Nine year old kid playing.

But a simple-minded person like Hagrid had an unexpected affinity with Salazar.

Hagrid wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said: "Thal is a good boy, he is very considerate, he often helped me when I was at Hogwarts, even though he was such a small child, he would help me feed Hogg The animals in Watts, the food bucket is taller than him."

Godric blinked, perhaps Salazar's original intention was not to help Hagrid feed those large magical animals at Hogwarts?I always feel that it is better not to break Hagrid's filter on Salazar.

Hagrid compared Salazar's height at that time, and then said: "Thal likes a kid named Buckbeak the most, he likes to climb on Buckbeak's back, let Buckbeak take him around Hogwarts flew around and around."

Tears glistened in Hagrid's eyes: "After Thrall left, poor Buckbeak, he had a bad appetite for a long time. I know that he, like other animals, hated Thrall."

Godric: "Really? Ha~ha~ha~" He smiled awkwardly.

Salazar really likes magical animals, especially some huge creatures with strong attacks, which probably represent power and strength.

Hagrid also likes magical animals. The only difference between him and Salazar is that Hagrid doesn't like meat and vegetables, while Salazar's preferences are rougher.

"What's Buckbeak?" Godric asked.

"It's a hippogriff, and a very handsome big fellow."

Godric: [Well, I knew it was!As it should be!In that guy's eyes, as long as it is a beast, it is his favorite! 】

Hagrid said excitedly: "I still have a piece of good news that I haven't told you. I will be your new professor of protection of magical animals next semester. You said that I took Sal Harry and the others to see it in the first class." How about a hippogriff? Thrall would love it!"

Godric blinked, then his mouth twitched.

"Hey Hagrid, I think you need a cooler appearance!"

Hagrid looked at Godric suspiciously.

"Unicorns! They must have never seen a unicorn! But you are different! If you bring a unicorn to class, they will be fascinated by this beautiful creature and will worship you!"

Godric said firmly to Hagrid: "No one can refuse the charm of a unicorn! Then they will think you are also full of charm!"

Hagrid looked at Godric's sincere eyes, and his heart was shaken~~

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