Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 82 Front Page Headlines

Godric lives in the Pig's Head, which is actually kind of boring.

But the good news is that Lupine sent Pettigrew Peter to Azkaban.

The people from the Ministry of Magic were procrastinating on the things that Sirius hadn't found, and they were a bit long-winded.

But various newspapers have portrayed Sirius as a lonely tragic hero.

"He paid trust, suffered betrayal, and bore guilt, and because of hatred, he ignited the will to live."

"Sirius, the most rebellious member of the Black family, but the most loyal friend you can't imagine."


Godric flipped through the thick newspaper in his hand, a warm smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

Public opinion can also become a weapon.

Best of all, you can buy this weapon for real money.

Even if the Ministry of Magic saw that Pettigrew Peter was still alive, they would not admit that it was their fault for sending Sirius into Azkaban without a trial, and they were even unwilling to admit that Sirius was innocent.

At this time, it is the best way to use public opinion to force them to admit. When everyone knows that there is such a tragic hero, and then vaguely mention how the old Mrs. Black died, people's sympathy for the Black family will be overwhelming. The voice of the Ministry of Magic.

Death is the weight most worthy of sympathy.

Sirius is innocent, and his mother was forced to death by those who wronged him, why?Are you going to continue to persecute him now?

Public opinion was ignited.

The Ministry of Magic couldn't take care of themselves. All they could do was to praise Sirius and use his heroic image and tragic story to divert people's focus, at least not to associate them with the old Mrs. Black who was forced to death innocently.

Godric sneered and tossed the newspaper aside, feeling nothing wrong with having pushed the Ministry into such an awkward situation.

An owl flew into the bar, it was Hedwig.

Godric opened the note.

Harry briefly explained how he had blown up a woman named Aunt Marge, and then told Godric that he was now living in Diagon Alley.

"Don't worry about me, I've got my new friend Blake with me, the dog I told you about earlier, he's all black, I've decided to name him Blake. We're all in Diagon Alley, there shouldn't be anything else going on .”

I wonder what Harry will do when he sees the newspaper?

Godric tossed the note aside, suddenly a little curious about what the stupid dog would look like when he saw the overwhelming number of newspapers promoting his story.

or?Go to Diagon Alley?

Godric's eyes fell on Aberforth. Salazar said that the boss never cared about his whereabouts. Unfortunately, it was for Salazar. As long as Lupine told Godric to stay in the Pig's Head, Aberforth would Godric would not be allowed to leave.

It sounds sad.

Perhaps, Harry could be invited to live here.

Godric unfolded a note, trying to persuade Harry to come to Hogsmeade, he released Hedwig, and ran to Arianna.

"Hey, beautiful lady, please tell Headmaster Dumbledore that Harry left his aunt's house and went to Diagon Alley. I hope he will allow Harry to live here in Hogsmeade."

Aberforth groaned loudly when he heard this, and said, "You think I'm a hotel here! I keep a bar! A bar! Don't send anyone to me!"

Godric pretended not to hear, thinking Dumbledore would agree.

Dumbledore didn't really care where Harry lived at the moment, after all, Sirius had been proven safe, and Voldemort, well, that guy hadn't heard much lately, but Harry was willing to live here, so he didn't have to object, did he?

By the way, Dumbledore also brought Salazar, who had recently lived very freely in Grindelwald, to Hogsmeade.

"Here you go, kid."

It was a note with the address of Black's old house written on it.

Godric was slightly surprised.

"I'll admit, a pub isn't the right place, especially for you kids, so a proper residence, isn't it?"

Godric looked at the old man, wondering: "So, you mean that I, Sal, Harry, and the three children will live back in the old house?"

"And Lupine, after all, all three of you are underage."

Dumbledore glanced meaningfully at the black dog at Harry's feet.

"Perhaps there will be another suitable adult afterward."

Godric looked down at the black dog who was looking around curiously for a moment, and the black dog lowered its head.

"Okay, Sal, are you coming too?"

Salazar curled his lips, glanced at Dumbledore, and said, "He worried that I would learn to be bad if I stayed with my father for a long time."

Dumbledore didn't say much, just told them that Lupine would take the three of them back to Black's old house, and he would be back soon.

After Dumbledore left, Harry relaxed a lot: "I was scared to death, I received a warning from the Ministry of Magic! When I saw Principal Dumbledore, I thought he was here to expel me!"

Salazar went on to say: "Dumbledore got two warnings from the Ministry of Magic for my use of magic outside of school! Twice!"

"Then, are you okay?" Harry immediately put aside his own business, worried about Salazar.

"Nothing else, just being asked to write a letter of repentance." Salazar added weakly. "You don't know how much I wrote, and you don't want to know how long the parchment he fined me to write!"

Harry shivered: "Principal Dumbledore won't ask me to write too?"

"No!" Salazar reassured Harry. "He is my guardian, but not yours."

Speaking of guardians, Harry lowered his head and said unhappily: "My aunts and they don't agree with me going to Hogsmeade, they don't want to sign."

"If only I could bear it any longer."

"You can ask Sirius for it," Godric said.

"Who? Sirius? Sirius Black?" Harry looked at Godric in astonishment.

Salazar raised his eyebrows: "What? Didn't you read the newspaper?"

Godric smiled brightly, and pulled out a thick stack of newspapers from behind him.

He handed one to Harry, and the others bent down in front of the dazed big black dog.

"Do you need my help flipping through?"

Both Harry and the dog were staring at the front pages of these papers, showing the same masked face.

Harry: "Huh? Sirius Black is innocent?"

Dog: "Wow!?"

Godric knelt down empathetically and flipped through the newspapers one by one, making sure the dog could see the front pages of the different papers.

Harry asked Salazar suspiciously: "Is Finny overjoyed? Show the dog the newspaper and share the joy?"

Salazar: "..."

How do you answer this?

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