Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 95 Sunny Day

The two struggled to squeeze into the Hufflepuff stand under the rain, although now due to some subtle influences, the disputes between the colleges have been diluted a lot, and some activities students are not so clear, that is, when eating , There are also many people moving around, but after all, some things are still deeply rooted.

For example, very few Slytherin students go to Gryffindor's territory, and Ravenclaw is also somewhat reserved, and Gryffindor will not just find trouble and go to a place where they are not so polite to themselves.

Therefore, Hufflepuff College, which has the best temper and has never been known, has become the most popular college. Some students feel that it may not be good to bring their new friends to each other’s colleges, so they go to Hufflepuff together. The range of activities, anyway, Hufflepuff students never care.

Godric stopped Salazar and suggested: "Let's go to the other stands with fewer people, there are too many people here!"

Only then did Salazar look up, and sure enough, the Hufflepuff stand was full of people, not only Hufflepuff students, but also students from the other three houses, and even some of Hufflepuff's own houses The students all looked at their stands blankly, unable to get in, and there were no seats...

"Okay, let me see, which college has more seats..."

Salazar watched, then his eyes fell on the Slytherin stands.


Following Salazar's finger, Godric frowned slightly, then he looked at the Gryffindor stands, which were also crowded with people, and then at the Ravenclaw stands, which were converted into affluence. After thinking for a few seconds, he made a decisive choice. Slytherin.

He even said to the Hufflepuff students who were standing blankly on the side: "There is no place here, everyone go to the Slytherin or Ravenclaw stands, don't crowd here."

As Salazar and Godric walked towards the Slytherin stands, the other bewildered Hufflepuffs followed them and swarmed into the Slytherin stands.

Blaise lowered his head to straighten his raincoat, then looked up, and saw the yellow Hufflepuffs surrounding him...


Pansy looked up impatiently: "What's wrong?"

"Are we sitting in the wrong seat? Are we sitting in the Hufflepuff stands?"

Pansy looked around and said angrily, "No! This is our Slytherin's permanent stand!"

"But why are there so many..."

Blaise pointed to a little Hufflepuff boy with an innocent face beside him, and said to him, "Why did they come here?"

The little boy opened his mouth, revealing the gum with one missing front tooth, and answered Blaise's question with a smile: "Because it was squeezed out there." He pointed to the stand that was originally dedicated to Hufflepuff.

Blaise looked over, and there were colorful people's heads moving around, which was very lively.

Pan Xi was very helpless: "Forget it, sitting is not sitting, everyone is like this now, haven't you adapted yet?"

Above Blaise's head, it happened to be Godric and Salazar.

Salazar complained, twisting his soaked school uniform: "It's raining! I hate this rainy day!"

"It's not just rain!" Sitting next to the two of them was Daphne, she complained loudly. "See that umbrella flying in front of us!"

Salazar followed her finger and said loudly, "I think that's your umbrella!"

"That's right!" Daphne was very angry and annoyed. "That's mine! Still my favorite umbrella!"

Blaise took out his wand, hoping to salvage it, maybe get Daphne's umbrella back, but a gust of wind blew past, blowing the umbrella even further away.

"Merlin, I tried my best, Daphne, maybe you can buy a new umbrella." Blaise shrugged and said.

Godric stopped when he was about to take out his wand. Looking at the umbrella flying so far away, he also felt that it would be more cost-effective to buy a new one.

Then Salazar suddenly saw something, pointed in one direction and said, "Look over there! Who is that?"

"Where?" Godric asked loudly, wiping the rain off his face. "Where are you referring?"

"No, I think I know who that is!"

Salazar held his hands like a telescope and looked in that direction, wondering what he could see clearly in such a heavy rain.

A dazzling golden light shot into the sky, piercing through the thick clouds.

"Merlin! Who's that?" Blaise yelled. "Is there a telescope! Who is it? What is he doing?"

Pansy took out the binoculars from his pocket and looked over: "I can't see clearly, it's raining too much! But...Merlin! I seem to see a little green! Is that a student of Slytherin?"

Sarah looked over to Godric.

Godric covered his face with his hands: "I know, I know, Merlin's socks! Next time you ask me for potions, I must ask you clearly what you are going to do!"

Salazar smiled and said: "It's good, at least we don't have to watch the game in the heavy rain!"

The clouds gradually thinned, turned into a light color, and then gradually dissipated. The sun leaked out, and a large swath of sunshine poured over Hogwarts. The wind stopped, and the rain stopped. Appear.

The students froze for a moment, then let out deafening cheers.

Blaise snatched the binoculars from Pansy and looked over, there was no one in that position.

"Are you sure you read it right?!" he asked Pansy loudly among the cheering crowd.

Pansy rolled her eyes and said to him, "Even if I was wrong! Such a spell to change the weather, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for a student to do it!"

Godric buried his head deeper behind them.

Salazar patted Godric on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Okay, okay, I get it, girls, it's okay to be naughty once in a while, isn't it?"

"What does she want to do?!" Godric raised his head, gritting his teeth in Salazar's ear. "Don't you think the professors don't pay enough attention to us?! Such a large-scale magic! Such a magic-consuming spell! It's not something a student can master! She will alert Dumbledore!"

Salazar shrugged.

"So? She has already done this, can we still travel through time to stop her?"

Godric looked frantic.

Salazar suppressed a smile and comforted him: "Okay, it's only this time, and I don't think anyone has seen her clearly."

At this time, Dumbledore announced the official start of the game, as if he didn't care who changed the weather with a spell.

Godric covered his heart and said, "Ah, I think I'm going to see Merlin soon."

Salazar laughed happily, and when the surrounding people cheered loudly, he said loudly to Godric: "Then, when you go to see Merlin, remember to take me with you!"

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