Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 97 Salazar's grave needs to be dug

It's rare for four people to have a small meeting~~

Relatively silent.

Godric coughed a few times and said, "This meeting was proposed by Helga, so do you have anything to do?"

Helga cleared her throat and said, "I need your help."

"It's rare, I thought you didn't need any help at all? After all, you didn't tell me anything about what you did behind your back?" Salazar crossed his arms and looked at Helga with a sneer.

Helga coughed twice, then looked at Godric.

Rowena whispered on the side: "I don't know either. If Salazar hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that you secretly cultivated another basilisk, and oh! Those guys in the Forbidden Forest are making trouble, you alone People just go? Call me! Why don't you call me?!"

Godric evaded and looked over his head. Seeing that Godric was silent, Helga had no choice but to say to herself, "Godric knows all about these things! Why don't you get angry with him? I have a lot of actions, and I don't have Godric's support." , I can't do it, I'm not alone, and I can solve those small problems by myself, and if I can't solve them, I will ask you for help, right?"

Salazar snorted coldly, lowered his head and kicked the stones at his feet.

Rowena said in a resentful tone: "It's because Salazar and I are not that reliable, right? Do you dislike us for making trouble and making it more difficult for you to solve the problem?!"

Salazar reminded her in a low voice: "You say it like this, it seems that we are disgusted because we always make trouble."

Godric sighed and said, "Helga, tell me what help you need first? Since you are asked to ask for help, there must be something serious, right?"

Helga nodded slightly to Godric, and then said: "I have thought of a feasible solution to the problem of Salazar's current body."

Salazar frowned and looked over: "What way? Why is it my problem? I thought it was the problem of the Forbidden Forest that I needed to take action?"

Godric patted him on the shoulder and said: "The problem of the Forbidden Forest can be suppressed a little bit. Your physical problem is very important, and it can be solved as soon as possible."

Rowena looked at Salazar, looked up and down, and thought of what Helga meant afterward.

"Are you referring to the body reshaping that you thought of two days ago? Although the bones of Salazar's parents disturbed the two elders, it is still possible to borrow their bones to reshape Salazar's body, that is. I don’t know if their cemetery has been destroyed after such a long time.”

Salazar frowned, then thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "So, what should I do with my current status? Die suddenly? Wouldn't that be a bit... a little too much?"

He thought of Albus and Gellert. Although he and Grindelwald probably only had a cooperative relationship, for Albus Dumbledore, they really had some feelings.

"Of course I know that you don't want to give up the identity of your current body, so I thought of another way." Helga said. "That's your corpse!"

Rowena slapped her hands vigorously, and said, "I understand, integrate Salazar's previous bones into his current body! This way Salazar's soul will not be rejected by this body!"

Then she shook her head again: "But, Helga, do you know where Salazar was buried after his death?"

Helga nodded.

"Okay! Then let's set off immediately and dig Salazar's tomb!" Rowena jumped up cheering.

Godric frowned, resting his chin with one hand, thinking about it, and then said, "You asked us to help, just to find Salazar's cemetery?"

Looking at Helga's calm expression, Godric felt that things were not that simple.

After Rowena jumped for joy, she also realized the problem and calmed down.

Sarah looked at Helga, then at the others, and said, "I remember my will. After I die, I will send my body back to Hogwarts to be buried with you, so Cecil didn't do that." Do? He didn't obey my will?"

Rowena sneered at the side: "How is it possible, I know that guy will not obey your will, and he will not want you to return to Hogwarts again!"

Helga sighed and said that, as Rowena said, after Salazar died, his body was not sent back to Hogwarts.

Salazar frowned and said inexplicably, "I don't understand. I told him about this before I died."

Godric just remained silent.

"If that's the case, that child won't tell you where Salazar was buried, right? Isn't he worried that you will snatch the body?" Rowena said this sentence in doubt, and then suddenly realized. "I see, you just found out where Salazar's tomb is now, right? In some records left by the Slytherin family?"

Helga shook her head and said, "No."

As the three others watched, Helga said: "I always knew, Cecil wrote to me."

"If that's the case, you should move Salazar's body to Hogwarts, right?" Rowena frowned. "Do you care what that little kid thinks?"

Helga shook her head and said, "No."

"So, is Salazar's tomb now at Hogwarts with us or somewhere else?"

Rowena stared at Helga, and Helga was silent for a long time before taking a deep breath and answering the question: "In the place Cecil prepared for him."

"Why?" Salazar and Rowena looked at Helga suspiciously.

Helga explained with a sigh: "He knows the agreement between us, but even if it is against Salazar's wishes, he is not willing to send you back to Hogwarts. Even if I write to ask, or send students He refused to go over in person.”

The corners of her mouth curled up in a wry smile.

"Perhaps because he was bothered by me for a long time, he felt that he had had enough, so he told me the address of your cemetery."

"If so, you should have brought Salazar's coffin."

"I can't do it," said Helga.

Under the gaze of the three people, she said slowly: "At that time, I was faced with a choice. I could go and bring back Salazar's body and bury it with everyone, but..."

Helga looked up and looked at the three of them. She looked at them seriously, and then smiled brightly.

"However, for me, I don't regret it. I chose a more precious opportunity."

Then she briefly explained what Cecil was doing.

"He did tell me the address, but that place also set up a special trap for me. If I go, I have to solve the trap he left, which may kill me."

Salazar's eyes widened.

Rowena sneered and said, "Good job, really good job!"

Only at this time did Godric speak: "Very dangerous?"

Helga nodded.

"Let's go together!"

Helga smiled and shook her head.

"The only one who can enter that place is me!" She replied with a smile. "If there is a ticket to go to that place, there is only one ticket left in my hand in this world, and I can only go."


Looking at Rowena's worried eyes, Helga smiled and said, "It can only be me, and it can only be me."

"If so, how do you want us to help?" Godric said.

Helga's smile became amused.

"Of course, I would like to ask you to help me pretend. I need a week, at least a week, but I am just an underage wizard now, so missing for a week suddenly will attract attention, and my parents will not would agree."

The three of them gradually understood what Helga meant.

Helga frowned and smiled brightly.

"So, can you pretend to be me for a week?"


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