Hogwarts’ White Lord

36: Hogwarts’ Library and The Mind Attribute

Many Thanks to Kyle.S406, Kris, cl, Blorgus Gaming, Troy Malloy, asdfgh, and Nick Allen for their Patronage!♥♥



The next day, Ivan woke up from his sleep and checked the time—it was 8 o'clock in the morning.

The class schedule for junior wizards at Hogwarts was from Monday to Friday, with lessons from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the morning and 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM in the afternoon.

After freshening up, Ivan took out his schedule while feeding Yumi.

Hermione had given him the schedule the previous night. The little witch was very diligent in her studies and was likely excited about the new knowledge she was about to gain.

"No classes on Monday morning. There's Herbology in the afternoon and History of Magic in the evening."

Seeing that Neville was still fast asleep, Ivan decided not to wake him and quietly left the dormitory.

"Good morning."

In the common room, Ivan encountered many seniors he hadn't met before, including the Weasley twins and Percy, who had just become a prefect that year.


Hermione, sitting on a sofa with a thick book about wizarding society, quickly stood up and greeted him when she saw him coming.

"Good morning, Hermione."

Ivan noticed Hermione eyeing Yuumi in his arms, so he smiled and exchanged pleasantries with her.

"A General History of Modern Wizards?" Ivan raised an eyebrow as he read the title of the book Hermione had been reading. Knowing her studious nature, he couldn't help but ask, "You don't have to memorize all of that, do you?"

"Of course!"

Hermione stroked Yuumi and said matter-of-factly, "We're living in the wizarding world now. We need to understand the culture and customs here, otherwise, what if we embarrass ourselves?"

"But memorizing it..."

Ivan's mouth twitched slightly. "Alright, as long as you enjoy it."

"Ivan, you should memorize it too."

Realizing where the conversation was heading, Ivan quickly changed the subject. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"No," Hermione replied, looking slightly surprised by the sudden change of topic.

"Let's go."

Not wanting to hear anything else that might shock him, Ivan took Hermione's hand and headed toward the Great Hall.

Along the way, they encountered one of the mischievous moving staircases. Thankfully, the Weasley twins were around to help, and the two of them reached the hall easily, enjoying a hearty breakfast.

"There are no classes this morning. What are you planning to do?"

"I want to go to the library."


Well, it seemed Miss Know-it-all was fully in action.

Fortunately, Ivan was also quite interested in Hogwarts' library collection.

The only issue was that, given his current magical strength, most of the books that could truly help him were stored in the restricted section.

The restricted section doesn't just contain dark magic; it also holds many works on white magic, advanced alchemy, and potion formulas, all classified as forbidden books.

The so-called forbidden books generally refer to magical knowledge that young wizards may not yet understand and could harm themselves with if mishandled.

Of course, Ivan still had Dumbledore.

Old Dumbledore had promised him that he could come to him at any time to inquire about magical knowledge after all!

"Damn.. It's truly deserving of being the oldest magical school in the world. The sheer volume of books is astounding."

Upon arriving at the library, Ivan was struck by the magnitude of Hogwarts' knowledge reserves.

Though Hogwarts might not be ranked highest among the world's 11 magical schools, it undoubtedly holds first place in terms of its foundations.

Additionally, Ivan realized he had been wrong about something.

The open books in the library were not as useless as he had initially thought.

In fact, they contained countless valuable magical theories.

While these books might not provide complete spells, the theories and insights they offered about magic were real treasures.

For example, the book Ivan was currently reading, The Basic Principles of Spells, used nearly 100 pages to describe the various changes the author experienced while casting 100 different spells.

"The essence of spells is psychological suggestion. All incantations and wand movements serve to reinforce this impression."

"Yup," Ivan thought to himself, "This aligns with what I had guessed."

The next step was refining the details of casting.

To cast each spell, you first need a clear goal: what you want to achieve and what effect you intend the spell to produce.

This step is fundamental, and Ivan's understanding of it can be summarized as "imagination."

To bring your intentions to life, you must first "think" and then engage your "heart."

The "heart," representing the soul, embodies your strong desire to achieve your goals.

Finally, you solidify everything with "firm will" to cast a complete spell.

This applies to spells like the Vanishing Spell and the Levitation Charm.

The "mind" doesn't necessarily enhance the power of these spells but ensures the realization of the wizard's intent.

The mind encompasses emotions and desires.

"A strong will stabilizes magic and makes spellcasting more seamless," Ivan thought. "And the power of a spell depends on the emotions the wizard channels while casting it."

Reading further, Ivan finally understood the relationship between three of the six attributes—mind, thinking, and will—and their connection to magic.

In simple terms, the mind relates to "magical power" and "efficiency."

The higher a wizard's mind attribute, the greater the potential of their magical power.

For example, in the case of a spell like the Blasting Curse, its power is related to the caster's magical strength and the emotional state at the time of casting.

If a wizard's mind attribute is only a 1, then even casting the Blasting Curse in a state of intense anger might result in nothing more than the destruction of a small house.

In the original story, Peter Pettigrew used the Blasting Curse to destroy an entire street.

Based on Ivan's assessment, Pettigrew's mind attribute was likely around a 3, with a maximum of 4 at best.

By extension, if a wizard with a mind attribute of 5 casts a powerful spell, Ivan believes the results would be beyond imagination.

"Perhaps a Blasting Curse could destroy an entire mountain?"

Consider the end of Fantastic Beasts 2, when Credence's suppressed explosion obliterated a cliff thousands of meters away with a single blast—this illustrates the terrifying potential of such straightforward destructive magic.

Of course, Credence's explosive magic was a result of pure magical release and had nothing to do with the mind attribute.

The influence of the mind attribute works more like a "multiplier," amplifying the original magic by geometric proportions.

"Like the 'love magic'(?) mentioned in the original series," Ivan mused, recalling the love magic Lily Potter released before her death—a form of passive resistance spell.

This rare and powerful spell was able to counter Voldemort's Killing Curse.

The magic required for a passive resistance spell isn't insignificant—it likely requires at least a mind attribute of 3 or higher.

Once that requirement is met, the spell relies heavily on the caster's deep, genuine love.

The power of love greatly enhances the passive resistance spell, resulting in a qualitative leap where 1+1 is greater than 2. Even Voldemort was unable to touch Harry because of it.

"In theory, any magic can be infused with the power of the mind," Ivan realized.

This was something he had felt while practicing spells, though the process was anything but smooth—it was, in fact, extremely challenging.

Ivan's mind attribute was only at 2 points.

He struggled to control even that level of mental power, let alone harness it fully in spellcasting.

"Fortunately, even without the enhancement of the mind, magic drawn purely from magical power is still immensely potent."

This highlights the importance of raw magical power and powerful spells. After all, no matter how much mind you pour into a simple Repulsion Spell, it will never surpass the power of a well-cast Blasting Curse.


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