Hogwarts’ White Lord

59: Ivan Vs Snape

"Are you kidding?"

Ron didn't even notice that his favorite beef pie slipped off his fork when he heard that Harry became a Seeker.

"Harry, you must be the youngest Seeker in all these years!"

Ron was very envious, but when he thought of Harry's excellent performance when he saved Malfoy, he could only hide that little bit of jealousy in his heart.

"Congratulations, Harry."

Ivan congratulated Harry from the bottom of his heart, and the boy said a little stiffly: "Ivan, your flying skills are also very good, I think you should also join..."


Ivan interrupted Harry with a smile, and said: "I'm not very interested in Quidditch."

"Uh, don't look at me like that."

At this point, the little wizards around looked sideways, thinking that it was too unbelievable that Ivan didn't like Quidditch.

That's Quidditch!

There are people in this world who don't like Quidditch?!

"To be honest, I prefer studying flying spells to Quidditch."


Seamus questioned beside him: "There is no spell in the wizarding world that can make people fly. I mean, to make yourself fly without relying on any props."


Ivan did not refute this point. He said: "That's why it's worth studying, isn't it?"

Well, everyone had become accustomed to Ivan's erudition and fantastic ideas.

"I believe you will succeed."

Although Harry liked Quidditch, he also admired Ivan.

After a month of getting along, Harry and Hermione had already become used to it.

-Ivan is omnipotent.

-Why not ask the smart Ivan?

-I have Ivan, what do you have?

-Well, since Ivan said so, it must not be aimless.

In the days that followed, Ivan and Hermione immersed themselves in learning magic.

During this period, the buzz about Harry becoming a Seeker lasted for several days.

Malfoy provoked Harry over this.

However, it seemed that Ivan intervened, and the midnight duel that was supposed to take place did not happen, which meant Harry didn't mistakenly enter the restricted corridor on the fourth floor.

Unconsciously, Ivan had changed the original plot.

The game of breaking through the trap of the Philosopher's Stone was, without anyone realizing it, moving farther and farther away from Harry.

Time passed quickly, and Halloween was approaching.

"Are you kidding me?"

Hermione looked at Ivan blankly, unable to believe her ears. "You're going to duel Professor Snape?"

The two walked along the Black Lake, not far from where a giant squid lazily lay on the grass, basking in the sun.

The giant squid was a well-known sight in the Black Lake at Hogwarts. Legend had it that it was Gryffindor's Animagus, the largest Animagus in the world.

Ivan didn't know how to respond to that.

Under his magical eye and spiritual vision, this giant squid was certainly magical, but there was no indication it had transformed from Gryffindor.

Besides, the giant squid had a good temper.

Though it looked a bit like something out of a Cthulhu myth, it often rescued young wizards who fell into the lake and was known to interact with couples who hung out by the lake—hence its popularity with Hogwarts students.

"Well," Ivan replied as he walked alongside Hermione. He nodded. "Do you want to come and watch?"

"Yes, can I?" Hermione asked, a little excited.

She had thought that this private duel would be kept secret, but since Ivan had invited her, how could she refuse?

Snape was a professor at the school, the head of the Slytherin house!

She knew Ivan was incredibly talented and strong.

But just two months after starting school, for him to duel with a professor? It completely shattered Hermione's understanding of what was possible.

In Hermione's opinion, this was no different than a primary school student competing with a professor at a famous university.

"It's just a duel; it has nothing to do with magical knowledge," Ivan explained calmly.

Whether they won or lost, it would only prove the fighting abilities of both Ivan and Snape. Magical knowledge wasn't necessarily the same as fighting ability.

"This is very dangerous," Hermione said worriedly. "What if you get hurt?"

"Don't worry. Headmaster Dumbledore will be there," Ivan reassured her.

"The Headmaster will be there too?" Hermione's eyes widened. She wanted to complain a little—how could their lives as first-year students be so different?

She had worked so hard to create the image of a perfect student in front of Professor McGonagall. And Ivan? He was casually chatting and laughing with the Headmaster and all the professors.

"Actually, this whole thing was arranged by Headmaster Dumbledore,"

Ivan explained further.

"He wants to test my practical level, and also because I was asked to step in for Harry's situation."

'Must be about Harry's mother, right?' Hermione hesitatingly thought. She didn't want to bother Ivan with her questions but was clearly curious.

Hermione's sense of inferiority made her feel like a little wizard like her wasn't worthy of watching a duel between Ivan and Professor Snape.

"But.. Won't it be a bit abrupt if I come?" she asked hesitantly.

"It's fine," Ivan reassured her with a smile. "I've already mentioned it to Headmaster Dumbledore, and he agreed to let you come."

"Really?" Hermione's eyes lit up at the mention of Dumbledore's approval.

The chance to watch a professor's duel wasn't something an ordinary first-year student could experience. Hermione couldn't deny how excited she felt.

"Of course," Ivan said. "And when the time comes, I'll tell you a secret."

"A secret?" Hermione tilted her head in curiosity, her bushy hair swirling slightly in the breeze.

"You'll find out soon enough," Ivan replied with a mischievous smile.

Ivan planned to tell Hermione about his identity as an obscurulist, something he had been preparing for. Hermione was the person he trusted the most in this world, and he felt it was time.

Over time, Hermione had grown under Ivan's influence. She wasn't as rigid and rule-abiding as she once was. While she still respected school rules, when it came to choosing between Ivan and the rules, she wouldn't hesitate to side with him.

For instance, when Ivan broke school rules, Hermione would cover for him without hesitation.

Even if Ivan were to get into trouble and face expulsion, Hermione wished she could share the blame with him. In her mind, they were in it together—through thick and thin.

"I'll cheer for you," Hermione said, a bit more boldly than usual. She subconsciously grabbed Ivan's hand but quickly let go, her cheeks flushing pink.

"Hmm?" Ivan asked, pretending not to notice. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Hermione mumbled, feeling her face grow hotter.

She wasn't sure why she felt so shy all of a sudden, so she quickly changed the subject. "When's the duel?"

"Eight o'clock tonight, at the edge of the Forbidden Forest."


After that, they didn't say much more, simply sitting quietly by the Black Lake, admiring the serene water and the view around them.

Not far away, the giant squid noticed the pair. It lazily waved a tentacle, causing ripples to dance across the lake's surface. It seemed to sense the purity of the feelings shared between the young wizards, reminding it of times long past.

Decades ago, there had been another pair of young wizards sitting by the Black Lake, just like them. Sadly, those two hadn't ended up together.

That night, Ivan brought Hermione to the headmaster's office.

"Ah, our genius Ambrosius, and look—he brings his girlfriend everywhere he goes," Snape sneered.

He had been waiting there for a while, and when he saw Ivan with Hermione trailing behind him, his irritation flared up. "What? Do you want her to cheer you on during the duel?"

With a smirk, Snape added, "Since when did Miss Know-It-All also start moonlighting as someone's personal cheerleader?"

Hermione's fists clenched, her temper rising.

She wanted to snap back, but after two months of enduring Snape's sharp tongue and prejudice, she was getting used to it.

"Professor, it was my idea to bring Hermione along," Ivan said calmly. "I thought witnessing a high-level magical duel would help broaden our understanding."

"High level?!" Snape scoffed, eyes narrowing in disbelief. "From a young wizard who's barely been enrolled for two months?"

"That," Ivan replied, not backing down, "depends entirely on you, Professor. I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing us what real high-level spellcasting looks like."

"Very arrogant today, are we, Mr. Ambrosius?!" Snape hissed, feeling as though his authority had been challenged.

He didn't believe for a second that Ivan had the skills to truly compete with him. He was certain that Dumbledore must've lost his mind to suggest something so ridiculous.

"Ahh~ Young Ivan. You are here!"

"It seems you're ready,"

Dumbledore said as he entered the room, Fawkes perched elegantly on his shoulder. "Severus, don't underestimate Ivan, or you might regret it."

"Humph!" Snape huffed.

He knew Ivan was talented, but he had no intention of going easy on him. Not tonight.

Snape was determined to teach Ivan a lesson, to remind him of the difference between their levels. He wanted the young wizard to understand what it meant to respect the hierarchy of skill and experience.

"And Miss Granger, the brightest little witch in first grade~" Dumbledore said, giving Hermione a playful wink. "I've heard nothing but praise from your professors."

"H-Headmaster, good evening," Hermione greeted politely, trying to keep her composure.

"Good evening," Dumbledore responded warmly, his smile as gentle as ever. "I'm pleased to have you here to witness tonight's magical exchange. Seeing you reminds me so much of Minerva when she was your age."

"Oh, y-you're too kind," Hermione blushed, feeling honored but slightly overwhelmed. She couldn't possibly compare herself to Professor McGonagall.

In this world, the older Dumbledore was more like the calm and kind-hearted figure from the first two films, giving off a steady, comforting presence.

Suddenly, Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, fluttered off his shoulder and flew around gracefully.

"Hold on tight."

Dumbledore gestured for the three to grab hold of his arm. Just as they did, a burst of flame erupted from Fawkes, enveloping them all in a brilliant flash.

Before Hermione could fully process what was happening, the world around them shifted.

"Where are we...?" Hermione asked in awe, glancing around at their new surroundings. "The Forbidden Forest? We're in the Forbidden Forest!"

This ability, like teleportation, was something Hermione, being well-read, could easily recognize.

"Fireplace Floo Network, Apparition... But Hogwarts shouldn't allow Apparition, right?"

"A little trick for an old man," Dumbledore said kindly as he stood with Hermione. "You'll keep my secret, won't you?"

"Of course!" Hermione quickly understood what this meant—the ability to Apparate within Hogwarts was no small feat.

As the two stood quietly watching, Ivan and Snape moved to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, preparing for their duel.

Dumbledore drew his old, powerful wand—the Elder Wand—and began to cast layer upon layer of protective spells around the area.

Even though they were deep in the Forbidden Forest, far from the main grounds of Hogwarts, Dumbledore took no chances.

He meticulously placed protective barriers to ensure that whatever transpired would not affect the other students back at the castle.

Considering the magnitude of the magic Dumbledore cast, along with the power of the Elder Wand, the strength of the barriers was extraordinary. Even if Voldemort himself appeared, it would take considerable effort to break through.

'Surely, Dumbledore has lost his mind, setting up so much protection for a simple duel,' Snape thought to himself, clearly annoyed.

Snape glared at Dumbledore with irritation, not fully grasping why the headmaster was making such a big deal out of this duel.

'Just a little first-year, what could possibly happen?'

Snape thought, but Dumbledore's playful wink only fueled his annoyance further.

"Alright, you two," Dumbledore finally said, his tone more serious. "According to dueling etiquette, you must first salute your opponent."

Ivan and Snape followed the instructions, raising their wands respectfully.

But rather than turning back to back and stepping away like in formal duels, they remained facing each other directly, tension thick in the air.

Ivan appeared focused, his expression composed. Snape, on the other hand, had a more casual, almost dismissive air about him.

"Professor..." Hermione whispered nervously, standing next to Dumbledore. "Who do you think will win?"

Technically, it wasn't a question Hermione should have asked.

After all, Snape was a seasoned professor, an expert in potions and the Dark Arts. Ivan, despite his brilliance, had only been at Hogwarts for two months.

Yet Hermione couldn't help but hope.

Ivan was capable of so much, she thought, maybe—just maybe—he could surprise them all once again.

"It's hard to say."

Dumbledore guessed the purpose of Ivan asking Hermione to come here. Ivan was going to get serious.

"What?" Hermione was surprised. "You mean Ivan has a chance of winning?"


Dumbledore didn't dodge the question and said directly, "Little Ivan's strength, at least in terms of dueling, is quite impressive."

"Let's begin."

Snape started with a Disarming Charm.

The red light cut through the darkness, heading straight for Ivan's chest. The speed was so fast that even Hermione, watching from the side, didn't have time to react.

"Such a fast spell."

But Ivan simply sidestepped the spell with a smooth motion. Then, he countered with his own Disarming Charm while casually waving his empty left hand.


To Snape, Ivan's Disarming Charm seemed clumsy.

The speed and angle looked like that of a beginner.

But just as Snape was about to block it with a Shield Charm, a strange sense of foreboding suddenly welled up inside him.


Without any hesitation, Snape chose to follow his instinct.

He also dodged this disarming spell.

At the same time, a huge rock beside him seemed to be pulled and rolled towards him.


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