Hokage: I rely on fusion to become a boss

Chapter 134 Falling in Love with Kakuto who Reads Novels

The next day.

The Daimyo of Taki no Kuni, who was sitting in a double ox palanquin, set off from the capital of the Taki no King himself with his servants
At the same time, with the official letter of appointment of the village chief and congratulatory gifts, a grand canonization ceremony was held in front of the temple of Longyin Village at noon
Xu Songyang didn't care much about these complicated etiquettes, he went through the etiquette this trip with a cosplay mentality.

While immersed in these complicated and various rituals, Xu Songyang can understand why in this world, the worship of power, family, and blood is different from the norm.

Without the support of these rituals, the handover of power is too casual, and the authority that was originally high in the hearts of ordinary people will immediately return to its original form.

The self who wanted to break this pattern actually became a member of this pattern. 'Xu Songyang laughed at himself secretly in his heart.

Self-deprecating is self-deprecating.

He still followed the steps of this ceremony and carried out a formal power transfer with the old village chief.

The village chief, who had been fighting in his heart for two or three days, reappeared in front of Xu Songyang, as if he was ten years older.

When he handed the [Water of Heroes] [Tortoise Shell], which symbolizes the power of Longyin Village, and the formation eye of the barrier at the entrance of Longyin Village to Xu Songyang, he puffed up his chest and said loudly to Xu Songyang: "In the future, Longyin Village, please leave to Mr. Xu Songyang!"

Xu Songyang took the wooden plate handed over by the village chief with both hands, glanced at the three treasures of Longyin Village, then firmly looked at the old village chief, and replied: "With the old village chief, our Longyin Village can only have the glory it is today , I, Xu Songyang, can take over the heavy burden handed down by the village head of Gujing, it is my honor, and it is also my pressure... Carry forward the past and open up the future, and live up to the heavy responsibility!"

After Xu Songyang finished speaking the official language, he exchanged another glance with the old village chief Gujingshu, and stepped up the steps of the temple step by step.

That night, the village festival began.

The fireworks reflected the sky dozens of miles away, flashing red light.

Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong dressed up early and happily participated in today's village festival.

The next day, Longyin Village was as calm as usual, another day of peace.

The members of the Xiao organization that Xu Songyang was waiting for did not come to him in the past few days as he expected.

As for the matter of the research institute, Tian Zhi, who has Feng as the research object under his command, has already started to build the research institute.

The commercial area on the south side of Longyin Village.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, where is his mother's "Xu Songyang's Journey to the West"!"

Jiaodu's eyes were red, and he was sitting in the small bookstore in Longyin Village, surrounded by piles of different books, roaring endlessly.

The books in Longyin Village are mainly about romance, and the books with the most inventory are "Intimate Paradise", which has sold best in recent years, and the same type of romance novels as "Intimate Paradise".

As for what Jiaodu said about "Xu Songyang's Journey to the West", the bookstore owner has never heard of it, and it is impossible to have heard of it.

The horns are all in Xu Songyang's "Kaleidoscope-Bie Tianshen", reincarnated for hundreds of lives.

In every life, he will become the finance minister of "father" Xu Songyang, and in every life he will inevitably become a fat house with five hearts.

In every life, he will be obsessed with a novel called "Xu Songyang's Journey to the West". In every life, this novel that he can't stop will stop changing the eunuch at the moment when the protagonist makes a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace.

In the small bookstore, Jiaodu flipped through the books like a mad tiger, his eyes were red, and the four hearts behind him were beating wildly. The customers had already fled the bookstore, lurking tens of meters away to watch the show.

The owner of the bookstore hid behind the counter tremblingly, and secretly rang the alarm that went directly to the security department.

Hiduan squatted beside Jiaodu as if coaxing his son, and said to Jiaodu earnestly, "What is Xu Songyang's Journey to the West, that thing should have appeared in your dream, right? How could it be in a bookstore?" Appeared? Your brother, although I haven’t read the book, but the title of your book sounds wrong.”


Jiaodu's palm slapped the bookshelf, and the bookshelf, which was about three people tall, collapsed, and all kinds of books scattered on the ground like raindrops.

He said with red eyes: "Impossible! I can recite the story of Journey to the West before it made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace!"

"Hmph!" Fei Duan crossed his arms and sneered, "Recite it? All right, you can recite it for me."

Jiaodu turned his deep green eyes, pondered for a moment, and his hoarse voice sounded like metal rubbing, and began to recite the Journey to the West in his memory, word for word, in cadence.

"For the first time, the source of the spiritual roots flowed out, and the cultivation of the mind and nature gave birth to the Dao..."

"Chaos does not divide the world into chaos, and it is vast and unseen.

Ever since Pangu broke through Hongmeng, he has opened up a clear and turbid debate.

Overwhelm all living beings to look up to benevolence, discovering that all animal husbandry becomes good..."

As soon as he read this poem, Hiduan, who was leaning against the bookshelf and wanted to see Kakudu's jokes, immediately became serious.

Even though he was reincarnated for a hundred generations in Xu Songyang's illusion of other gods, Fei Duan still has a great interest in cults and various ideas with religious colors deep in his heart.

After all, this is the root of his ability to become immortal.

"Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong? What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Fei Duan murmured involuntarily as he listened engrossed.

And Jiaodu first read the content of Journey to the West, and immediately immersed himself in it physically and mentally.

After reading the content of the novel, his original hoarse voice became full of charm during the rhythmic reading.

Not only Fei Duan, but the owner of the small bookstore who was shivering and hiding behind the counter could not help but straighten up when he heard it.

Immediately, I was attracted by the beginning like an explanation of the secret technique.

Outside the small bookstore, when the staff of the security department got into the bookstore, the owner of the small bookstore put his finger in front of his mouth, telling them not to speak.

At the same time, Zhuren of Longyin Village, who was lurking in the periphery of tens of meters to watch the play, also began to walk into the bookstore in twos and threes.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a few meters away from Jiaodu, the villagers of Longyin Village were surrounded by three floors inside and outside three floors, listening attentively to Jiaodu's story.

"On the top of that mountain, there is a fairy stone. The stone is three feet six feet five inches high, according to the 360 ​​degrees of the sky; Nine palaces and eight trigrams. There are no trees on all sides for shade, and there are orchids on the left and right. Since the opening of Gai, every time he is innocently beautiful, the sun is fine and the moon is shining, and he has felt it for a long time, so he has the meaning of psychic power."

"The immortal cells within the body burst open in a day, producing a stone egg as big as a ball. Seeing the wind, it turned into a stone monkey. It has all five senses and all four skills..."

After reading this point, all the villagers in the small bookstore held their breaths.

Several low exclamations sounded: "Ah, this is the birth of a fairy!"

Fei Duan was so relieved when he heard it, no wonder Jiaodu woke up on the cargo ship five days ago, crying that he was going to die if he couldn't see "Xu Songyang's Journey to the West". So this story is so awesome!
Exclamations came from the small bookstore from time to time.

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