Hokage: I rely on fusion to become a boss

Chapter 72

Xu Songyang looked at the information in the transmission group of Longyin Village and nodded secretly.

Everyone is already in place.

He sent out a message: "This is a training mission, everyone can't take it lightly."

After sending the message, it appeared in the Takimura transmission group: Xu Songyang transmitted [Sensitive Sense of Smell] to Yoshino Ling.

Xu Songyang transmitted [Sensitive Sense of Smell] to Tanaka Shou.

Xu Songyang transmitted [Sensitive Sense of Smell] to Yajima Otoha.

After some transmission, all eleven ninjas in the group received this ninjutsu.

Zhu Ren was very happy.

The ninjas in the group immediately used this reconnaissance ninjutsu that can enhance the sense of smell by more than ten thousand times.

When everyone has used this ninjutsu that can be used immediately even if it does not match their chakra attributes.

Everyone's wonder and admiration for Xu Songyang has increased.

Yoshikawa Shou said passionately in the group: "Even if he is the god of ninjutsu, he is not as big as the boss! In the future, if the boss is around, don't we want to learn some ninjutsu? We just need to let the boss transfer it to us in the group." ?”

Yajima Otoha: "Songyang-kun, please accept my knee."

Yoshino Ling: "Mr. Songyang, please accept my knee."

Xu Songyang replied indifferently: "Don't get too excited, keep stealthy, first of all, you must use this ninjutsu skill flexibly, and then more than one ninjutsu will be transmitted to you."

After receiving Xu Songyang's words, the group fried again.

This kind of ninjutsu transmission really subverted every ninja in Longyin Village's cognition of ninjutsu practice.

It really shocked them beyond measure.

The moment Xu Songyang transferred the ninjutsu to their brains, it was as if they had practiced the ninjutsu for many years. From the formation of the seal to the execution of the technique, there was no sense of jerky at all.

Xu Songyang smiled secretly in his heart, like the group of ninjas in Longyin Village who had bowed to him, he deliberately improved everyone's abilities in a short period of time.

After all, half of the people in Longyin Village have passed the preliminary selection. This news will cause a sensation in other countries in the near future.

If it is in the Chunin finals, everyone is still at the same level as in the preliminaries, and if they can't come up with something that really convinces the crowd, then they will lose face and lose a lot of money.

At the same time, the most important point is that even the current dangerous mission of hunting the secret base of Orochimaru, if the danger level is really set, it is probably only between the B-level mission and the A-level mission.

Orochimaru's real base is in Otonin Village, and Orochimaru, who has devoted all his energy to the "Konoha Collapse Plan", even pulled out the Chunin from Otonin Village to get involved in the Chunin exam. The country of the sea Strange Island was originally a secret base suspended overseas, and nothing happened for many years.

That's why Xu Songyang thinks that the joint raid of Moro-nin of Takigakure Village and Mitarai Anko has a high chance of taking over the base of Orochimaru.

Even if he saw the wrong situation, Xu Songyang didn't have much psychological pressure to run away and run away.

After all, he just promised Mitarai Anko to come and take a look.

Xu Songyang clicked on Mitarai Anko's profile picture in his mind, and sent her a message: "I'm already at the beach."

Mitarai Anko replied respectfully: "Xu Songyang Immortal, I'm preparing a gift for my teacher Oshemaru, if you go to the beach, I've already booked a hotel for you in the small town, you can check in with the counter. "

Xu Songyang was slightly taken aback, what did this girl do.

Mitarai Anko regained her memory. The reason why she entrusted herself to come with her is that Orochimaru is in the strange secret base of human experimentation. Xu Songyang is clear about her thoughts. She just wanted revenge for Orochimaru's planting the [Heaven's Curse Seal] ], and wiped out that extremely important memory of myself.

The reason why Xu Songyang is willing to come here is that he is very curious about the human experiment base of Dashewan.

The second is to use the guise of protecting Mitarai Anko, and absorb more different sea monster skills during their battles. After all, [Yangyi-Unlimited Teleportation] can only be used twice a day.

Of course, the most important thing is that the entrusted money of Mitarai Red Bean has reached 1000 taels. For Xu Songyang whose system balance has been empty, even if it is a little dangerous, he can't refuse it in his heart.

You can't become stronger without money!
Yutarai Hongdou replied again: "Immortal Xu Songyang, thank you for being willing to come with me."

Xu Songyang's heart faintly moved, there was something wrong with this girl's tone.

Then I recalled her demeanor when she regained her memory last night, and the entrustment of 1000 to [-] million yuan.

Xu Songyang called up the number of missions of Mitarai Red Bean from his memory.

After a rough calculation, 1000 two million taels was already her entire net worth.

Does this guy want me to collect her body?
After Xu Songyang finished the calculation, he was startled in his heart.

Although there is only one applause between Mitarai Hongdou and Xu Songyang, it is really impossible for Xu Songyang to see this beautiful girl with great mood swings to die in vain after taking other people's money.

Xu Songyang replied: "I have already made arrangements for the matter of the kingdom of the sea, so you can obediently stand in the hotel room and don't move."

He located the location of Mitarai Red Bean in his mind,

A deep resonance sounded from Xu Songyang's brain cavity.

In the hotel, a large earth-brown snake protruded from Mitarai Anko's hand.

The snake's mouth opened and swallowed thousands of blasting symbols placed on the table.

The reason why Mitarai Anko was unwilling to mention to Konoha that she had recovered her memory was because when her memory resurfaced, she remembered why she left Konoha with Orochimaru.

She is voluntary.

At that time, Konoha Village persecuted Orochimaru politically, which caused Mitarai Anko, who originally belonged to the genius elite, to be looked down upon.

However, the three years that Orochimaru spent on this strange island in the sea were the most terrifying and disruptive experiences of her life.

"Let my sinful body sink into the bottom of the sea together with that sinful island, would it be considered a good end?" Mitarai Anko thought to herself.

"Hiss..." The earth-brown serpent swallowed thousands of explosion symbols and retracted them into the sleeve of Mitarai Red Bean.

The crazy scene between myself and Xu Songyang last night floated in my mind
Immortal Xu Songyang, if it weren't for the [Heaven's Curse Seal] on my body, I might not have this experience with you.

Since you did not shirk your responsibility and accepted my entrustment, it proves that I have weight in your heart.

Mitarai Hongdou retracted the big snake, and said goodbye to Xu Songyang vaguely in his mind before going out.

Before he could say a few words, Mitarai Anko was crying again.

Why, I'm already ready to die, but I'm still so entangled in my heart!

After a while, a low whimper resonated from her brain cavity!

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