Hokage: In Konoha, Izanagi Is Infinite

Chapter 42 Go And Invite The Third Hokage~

"Master Zhizhi, what should we do now?" A root ninja turned his attention to this Aburame tribesman who was highly valued by Master Danzo!

"Alas~ Master Danzo is determined to die now. We can stop him once, but we can't stop him for the rest of his life. There's nothing I can do about this situation. Go and invite the Third Hokage!"

"Yes, Master Zhixiang!" Before the voice could finish, the person had already disappeared in a swish!

Turn to Xiaoyuan, what on earth did he do to Lord Danzo? Aburame Zhizhi looked at the arrogant slogans left by Xiao Yuan on the wall and didn't know what to do!

Sarutobi tribe~

"What? You said someone invaded the roots?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked confused. Konoha had just experienced the Nine Tails rebellion not long ago. How long had it been? Are there any invading roots that are not afraid of death? What an eventful year!

"Yes, Mr. Third Generation! Mr. Aburame, please let me inform you to take charge of the overall situation!" the Gennin soldier said hurriedly!

"Me? In charge of the overall situation? What about Danzo? How about Danzo? Could it be...!!!" With Danzo's urine, touching his roots is more harmful than touching the roots of his descendants. In this matter, he is not a relative. Don’t give face to anyone, including myself, the Third Hokage!

But now the root ninja actually allows himself to take charge of the overall situation? Could it be? Danzo him…………

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a twinge in his heart when he thought that his old friend of many years would leave him like this! I took two puffs of dry cigarettes to barely stabilize my mood!

"Danzo-sama is fine, but his mood is a bit unstable at the moment and he keeps thinking about suicide!" Gen Ninja said truthfully!

"??? Did I hear it wrong! What did you just say?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked suspicious when he heard this! Could this root ninja be an enemy agent?

"You heard it right, Lord Danzo, he really wanted to commit suicide! After some rescue efforts by our Root Medical Ninjas, he could barely save his life. Now it is all thanks to the combined efforts of the Root Ninjas to barely cure Lord Danzo. Otherwise, Danzo would have been... already Go to the underworld to meet the First Generation and the Second Generation! Lord Third Hokage, go and see, Lord Aburame may not be able to maintain the situation!" said the Genninja sadly!

"Hahahahaha! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Danzo? Suicide? Just him? I have worked with Danzo for decades! No one knows what kind of person he is better than me! You can say that I commit suicide than that of Danzo. Believe it! You clowns! You actually deceived me, Sarutobi Hiruzen! Tell me! Who was instructing you!" Sarutobi Hiruzen, sensing that something was wrong, immediately switched to a fighting stance and shouted!

"Nani? Who ordered it? Me? Master Zhixiang asked me to come!" Gen Ninja was also confused!

"So that's it! Aburame's ambition? I didn't expect his ambition to be so big! Danzo, Danzo! You are really frightened by the geese pecking you all day long! Huh! In the end, I have to clean up the mess! Aburame's ambition! Eagle Vision It's hard for people like Wolf Gu to reach the realm of elegance! Come here!" Sarutobi Hiruzen thought to himself! At the same time, he casually gave instructions!

"Here, Lord Third Generation!" A ninja in Anbu uniform walked out of the darkness!

"Go and inform Mr. Fourth Generation that there is a special situation. Gather immediately!" To be on the safe side, Sarutobi Hiruzen had someone call Namikaze Minato first! Since Aburame's ambition is to trick himself into going to the root, it means that he must be extremely confident in keeping himself at the root! Be on the safe side and call Minato so he can take care of you when the time comes!

After a stick of incense!

"Master Third Generation, what do you want me to do?" He came before anyone else arrived! A flash of yellow light suddenly caught Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes!

"Minato, something happened at the root! Aburame aspires to rebel, and Danzo's life or death is uncertain now! Come with me!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a solemn expression!

ha? Is there such a good thing? Danzo's life or death is uncertain? If I had known earlier I wouldn’t have come!

"Aburame's ambition? Rebellion? I have long felt that forces like the Roots that are independent of the Hokage are unreliable. Now something has finally happened. Lord Third Generation, I think it is necessary to disband organizations like the Roots!" Minato took the opportunity to suggest!

"Huh? I will consider this matter. The top priority is to capture Aburame and rescue Elder Danzo first!" Sarutobi Hiruzen pretended to think deeply! Are you kidding? The root is nominally Danzo's force, but it is actually my power. If we really want to dismantle the root, the voice of our elders will be directly weakened by more than half, and we will dismantle the root? It’s impossible even to think about!

"Yes, Third Generation! Let's wait until Elder Danzo is rescued!" Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's perfunctory attitude, Namikaze Minato nodded helplessly!


Since the intelligence between the two sides is completely unequal, Nebu believes that Sarutobi Hiruzen is here to take charge of the overall situation, so he has no intention of blocking it at all!

Sarutobi Hiruzen and his party also thought that the root was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and many traps had been laid waiting for them to escape! Although he looked calm along the way, his heart was extremely tense!

In the Nebe general affairs room, Aburame Shizhi was pressing Danzo down nervously to prevent him from committing suicide!

Sarutobi Hiruzen and his party happened to see this scene when they came in!

"Aburame ambition! You are so brave! Let go of Elder Danzo!" Sarutobi immediately stopped! At the same time, he secretly winked at Namikaze Minato beside him, allowing him to take the opportunity to sneak attack, so as to quickly cure Aburame's ambition!

Namikaze Minato understands it perfectly! Always pay attention to Aburame's ambitions and be ready to look for opportunities at the right time! After all, Aburame's ambition is to be a powerful Jōnin, and since he is still holding Danzo hostage, Sarutobi and others have no choice but to take action!

"Third Generation-sama, you are finally here! Please advise Danzo-sama, he wants to..." Aburame's ambition was to think that Third Hokage was asking him to let go of Danzo first, and he will take care of everything! Hearing this, he was unprepared and ready to let go of Danzo!

Boom~ At the moment when Aburame's hands were separated from Danzo's body, Namikaze Minato used a teleportation Technique, plus a Rasengan that was already prepared behind him! In an instant, Aburame's entire ambition was smashed into a painting and hung on the wall!

"Na~~Nani???" The surrounding Gen ninjas were all confused! There were so many bizarre and outrageous things happening today that their little minds couldn't handle it anymore! In this situation, I don’t know where to help. . . . . .

At the same time, Shimura Danzō, who was out of control, slammed forward with a Body Flicker Technique!

"Bang~" This sound hurts! Unfortunately, due to the mental blow and being restrained for a long time, Danzo's physical abilities have seriously declined in all aspects, so this collision with the wall did not produce a brain-exploding effect!

"Quickly, go get the medical ninja!" Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered after seeing this situation!

At this time, Aburame's ambition on the wall also trembled and relied on his own willpower to pull himself down from the wall with his hands and feet!

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